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Everything posted by Anoesjka

  1. Overactive kundalini

    Crazyness is a river of chaotic creativity in which we all fish. Without it we would be mere automatons. I didn't mean to insult you, Captain Mar-vell. I just sometimes say things in a blunt way.
  2. UNDENIABLE truths

    But will that never change?
  3. Overactive kundalini

    Oh, I'm pretty sure it has to do with what you're going through. It's like trying to ride a wild horse without a saddle or reigns. But that makes information even more important, it seems. Yet I know of people who were put in the asylum, but who came out OK in the end.
  4. Overactive kundalini

    And I don't even want to be a wizard! It happens to people, yet they don't dare speak about it. We live in times where sex isn't a taboo anymore, orgasms are for men AND women, SM is mainstream, yet talking about kundalini is not done? If it's a natural step in our development, we should be able to talk about it, don't you think? People shouldn't be called crazy that undergo this transformation. There shouldn't be that much secrecy and myths about the whole thing, it makes the person undergoing the process feel insecure and scared. When I first read about it, I thought that perhaps it's a metaphor, or an old wifes tale, something in the same category as Santa Claus. Hm.
  5. Overactive kundalini

    Could you expand a little on that, please? Just curious.
  6. Overactive kundalini

    Ah CT! It was exactly what I was thinking about. I'd like to do something for others. Good advice, also about doing more earthly things.
  7. Once I got to really understand.....

    We learn from being open to each other's understanding and that is very very important.
  8. Once I got to really understand.....

    Ah, but how real is real understanding? You may never know if there isn't an understanding that's more real than that!
  9. Overactive kundalini

    Thanks everyone for your replies, it's heartwarming to read them. @Daeluin: I don't do any exercises to stimulate the kundalini and never have. I only meditated, quieted the mind, focused on breath or counting the breath. No, I must not lie, I also sometimes surrender myself to nothingness. Like jumping off a cliff, a way to overcome the thinking process. It seems that every spiritual thought or meditation, every relaxation amplifies the kundalini witin minutes. So I'm seriously thinking about going unspiritual for a while, maybe forever lay off the path, or at least until I come across a good teacher. @infinity: thanks very much for the link, the information looks very useful, no new age gibberish.
  10. Overactive kundalini

    Thanks, OldChi, I'll check it out.
  11. Overactive kundalini

    No one any advice?
  12. I don't use divination any more. I used to do muscle testing (and things like I Ching, pendulum, cards, when I was a youngster). The only things that happen now are the dreams that are still revealing important information. More often about the here and now, though.
  13. Saving the World & Solar Energy

    I think companies like Tesla represent a great hope for humankind. Also the new thorium reactors that are being built, give me hope. Some day we WILL learn, there's no other viable option and we're at the crossroads now. But a change needs to be effected in human consciousness first, I'm convinced of that. It's not going to happen with our current programming of children.
  14. Dalai Lama says no need for successor

    I would think we would need much more Dalai Lama's to help the people of the world. But, you don't have to be called that to be that.
  15. Opening the Jade Pillow/Upper Gate

    I do that too when my neck hurts. Even lying for one hour on your back without a pillow helps. It elongates your neck a bit, I think.
  16. Drugs and Alcohol

    Alcohol is definitely detrimental to my meditation practice, it unsettles my activated K energy. Drugs I don't dare to take anymore, often my hallucinations are dopey enough without them. I did do a lot of pot in my teens and some shrooms too, but I can't say they have anything to offer me now. I considered the use of ayahuasca though, but my hubbie won't let me. When you're activated, you become much more sensitive to all kinds of influences. The weather, food, music, moods of other people, stress, caffeine, full moon, you name it. (Doing drugs would be like literally hitting a raw nerve for me)
  17. There are other theories about the chosen one: It's really a Rosicrucian initiative.
  18. Buddhist Giveaway

    It's a string, not a number!
  19. Buddhist Giveaway

  20. Letting go of desiring success/fame

    Me too! Semantics problem?
  21. Letting go of desiring success/fame

    With time comes the ability to let go of all that. Even when you think you have let go, sporadically it rears it's head again. I always have to laugh a bit at my ego at times like that. And vanity? Time itself helps you get rid of that problem easily! Hooray for all the belly fat and wrinkles! I wish you much success in beating that ugly monster (and I know you will succeed)!
  22. Deep tests of faith, trust and initiation

    I feel I've already had them as a very young kid because I almost died several times. After that, I wondered if I was really me, or if my soul had passed and another soul had come to inhabit my body. After that, I was really scared of going mental at the age of 6. (probably not a normal fear for a young child) In hindsight, I almost have the feeling the universe was trying to kill me.
  23. If "God" exists, has he always created?

    In a vacuum matter is constantly created in the form of particles and anti particles. Those are called virtual particles. They exist for a very short amount of time, before they collide and annihilate each other. This is main stream science. Nothing gets lost and nothing is gained, except when near a black hole. Then it causes what is known as Hawking radiation. (one of the particles gets sucked in to the black hole and the other one escapes)
  24. If "God" exists, has he always created?

    Just like Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.
  25. If "God" exists, has he always created?

    What is your definition of god? Maybe it's a good idea to define that first. When you research matter, you come up with nothing tangible. It can only described as a certain state of energy. Or it can be described in terms of interactions particles have with each other and electromagnetic energy. Matter (and thus energy) can be created out of a vacuum, leaving you with matter and anti matter. The reverse is also true. Matter, +1, antimatter,-1. (+1)+(-1)==0 and viceversa So, probably consciousness creates space/time and space/time creates consciousness. But in the end it's just nothing. And god doesn't care if he exists or not.