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Everything posted by Anoesjka

  1. Cultivating when in pain

    I just googled Tonglen, having never heard of that. Very interesting, I would like to know more about that. I'm an omnivore in practices, keeping what works and throwing out that which doesn't. In my experience, the simpler and purer, the better.
  2. Cultivating when in pain

    I didn't mean that, but in a way you're right. Very intuitive!
  3. Robin Williams dead at 63

    Me too. He seems to have switched roles with his movie wife. A sad ending for someone with such a gift to make people laugh and cry.
  4. Robin Williams dead at 63

    .... and the Fisher King.
  5. Cultivating when in pain

    Or maybe that is a side effect? Life is never without pain.
  6. Cultivating when in pain

    Thanks very much, CT, that is something useful and wise you have said. I will take your point of view as a personal advice if you don't mind, and use pain as an opportunity and an invitation to surrender (to divinity). I take a bow to your wisdom. silent thunder, were you under the impression that it was necessary to have pain? Thanks in advance.
  7. Nungali Mountain

    I'm interested in geology. Too bad I live in the Netherlands, the soil is pretty new, this county basically is an estuary of the Rhine, so a lot of clay and some soils from the ice age with rocks from Scandinavia brought here by the glaciers. Only in the southern most parts of Holland are some limestone rocks. I'm interested in a lot of things, geology, paleontology, archeology, quantummechanics, astronomy. The universe is so enticing!
  8. Nungali Mountain

    It looks a bit like a skull also.
  9. On being a little Strange

    Oh manitou, I feel your hurt. We all get out scars from the ones closest to us, alas it is like that. Maybe there are families which all get along just fine, but I think they are sparse. I just spent 12 years trying to keep my own family together, it almost killed me. I prevented total war, it cost me a lot. But it also made me wiser and gave the other family members an opportunity to grow also, and I must say they did. It really amazed me how people could change (to the positive). Growing is a hurtful process and brings you to the brink of what is bearable.
  10. What the hell is the abyss anyways?

    A thread on a forum is just like unchecked thought processes, they keep getting out of hand and expanding into all directions. Breathe in, breathe out.
  11. What the hell is the abyss anyways?

    Sure. Go ahead. My thoughts are open source anyway.
  12. What the hell is the abyss anyways?

    I think. I can't guarantee the authenticity of what I wrote in my former post.
  13. What the hell is the abyss anyways?

    I'm just making this up as we go along really, but there is some truth to it, though I'm not even a little knowledgeable in the field of sacred geometry. But the earth travels around the sun in 365 day (which was once 360 days) This is called arcane knowledge.
  14. What the hell is the abyss anyways?

    They don't even know that they worship Venus, they don't like the feminine aspects of divinity. Yet they touch the vulva of the Kaaba. Sacred geometry must have been very important in the Islamic world, although now mostly forgotten. Did you ever wonder why a circle has 360 degrees?
  15. I recognize this, but my kundalini is active too. The only thing that helps me is doing hard manual labor outside. Not just gardening, but real sweaty work.
  16. naive realism and reality tunnels

    RAW wasn't the only one to touch upon those things, Timothy Leary did so to. Expansion of our limited awareness at different ages are initiations and can be linked to certain chakras.
  17. ...

    If you have PMS the tears will come naturally.
  18. What the hell is the abyss anyways?

    Those are degrees, Muslims worship Isis, whose star is five pointed, 5 * 72 = 360
  19. What the hell is the abyss anyways?

    Though some houris may have boobs like very dry raisins.
  20. My new Buddha statue

    Billions! (Probably not what you meant, though)
  21. Sex

    Today we have them too. To combine those two is the sacred marriage. The love we seek in the opposite gender, is in actuality the longing for inner completeness. We need to bridge the two sides of ourselves. But that's just an opinion I have.
  22. What are you watching on Youtube?

    I like things that are a bit childish, sorry...
  23. Morning: Half a liter of green tea, two brown sandwiches, with goat cheese and bio jam. Sometimes muesli with yogurt instead of that. A banana and a cup of coffee some time later. Lunch; Two brown sandwiches again, with eggs and tomatoes with salt and pepper and a little bit of mayonnaise. A peach and buttermilk, all organic. Green tea again. Chocolate usually with tea. Dinner: Quiche with onions and cheese, lettuce freshly picked from the garden. Or risotto with zuchini or spinach with garlic and onions. Yogurt with homemade red berry sauce. Or some tiramisu, nom nom. In the evening some green tea or some caffeine free coffee and a biscuit.