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Everything posted by TaoMaster

  1. What exactly IS the law of duality ?

    some how I feel fortunate now . The one thing almost everyone is looking for truly is the one thing But I can . at least I gave it a shot . I ALWAYS come back S.O.
  2. yang starts yin ends all good things come to an end. Thanks for your comments. LOL Happy New year !!! From the 1 and only Tao master
  3. good idea, lets keep it on topic rather than drifting into another subject what can you tell me about whats yang and whats yin ?
  4. haha no . The happiness I offer you will add to your happiness. no , the choice must be theirs. You cant force this stuff. probably but I need to see what " their " way is . My way is not chiming into others threads and telling them they've got it all wrong , Then hit the like button when ever someone else disagrees with my posts. Have you EVER done that ? Its VERY VERY negative attribute and says alot about the person . No , never said I was entitled . totally impossible . Its like saying yang is yin and yin is yang . Its just totally imposable. All anyone does at the most is bring me down, for a moment and stronger than ever before......when they try to convince me otherwise Who is yang and who is yin in the video ? yes ABSOLUTELY. as long as the change is positive but absolutely not if the change is degrading and negative . There are negative people and positive people. I'm the Positive type and I have huge yang attributes. The negative people have the yin attributes. which attributes would you prefer ? go to my personal practice page and look at the small list of yang and yin attributes and then tell me which ones you want to live your life using. When im feeling very well , I can walk through a shopping mall without saying a word and attract most of the positive attention in the mall . My positive presence is so high , others cant help but be attracted . Some people will come and sit and stare at me in amazement and then when i look at them they look away . But I can still see them before they look away . I can tap a person on the shoulder or give them the impression that Ive lifted up their skirts from a distance and then watch them look back at me . 20 feet away . I never touched them , only the impression. These are some ability's and there are much more that anyone can have and I can show them the way . Now many will chime in and take what Ive said out of context and say oh hes a freak show or a pervert for lifting skirts. This is exactly the kind of negativity I get from others who oppose me . But Like I said Ill take a beating , give my last dollar , be bashed and trashed if I can help one person who wants to raise above the rat race called 2015. 1 PERSON . Im not here to tell you which way you must go , but its a way I know to be a positive upward spiral way and that is all . If you don't want it , no problem but do not chime in and bash what I have to offer. Just run along and do something positive in your life . You'll feel better. fair enough ?. If you have something positive to add , then chime in , the doorway is always open . But if its negative, it will be met with negative by me in the form of ignorance. I don't know what your way is but if I did and it was not my way the way of the TAO, I still would not enter your universe and tell you its NOT the way. A little negativity mixed in with positivity like MH is ok . I like him . But too much of it is not my thing. SO far most of your comments almost from the very start , like almost all of Brians , have been very negative but when you have something positive to say , I like it . I can tell the cut and paste comments are not from you and I like the positiveness they contain. If you or anyone do not like what I have to say , why are you even here ? IT INSANITY . insane. and you don't even see that . There are many who like what I have and im here to help them . THESE people are the ones I want to help . any other questions ?
  5. Karma IS real after all . ( or is it ? )

    in case anyone has ANY doubts about karma Yang is on the front and its positive + Yin is behind the front and its Negative - left+ right- top+ bottom - when two people are happy+ they are together face+ to face + when two people are not they turn on each other back- to back- and not happy- ( angry- ) They both produce sensations of yang and yin . Each different in their own right . ( EXACTLY like the magnet demonstrations. ) They may be happy for a few days then fight , then happy . etc etc. If you've even been in a hot relationship like I have many times you know what I mean . There are always greater or lesser degrees and like the 12 volt battery, sparks will fly to the same degree things between them are charged up . Many times the charge is so intense that one of the other tosses in the towel and the relationship is over. The relationships that are not so charged up tend to be face to face more often and happy because both people see eye to eye more often . Get a couple magnets and label them exactly the same and see how they work. As long as each face forwards there will be attraction and unity and when one or the other turns on the other, opposition occurs. You'll never see a man and woman walking down the street with one of them facing forward and the other backwards while holding hands. Would you ? there is sensation attraction called sex. When a man and woman have sex it can be said that they are as close as possible to one another and the yang yin of male and female generate another person . This typically applies to all life forms but there are exceptions. The sensations are electrical in nature and generate sexual sensations like two symbols coming together and generating sound or like the positive and negative to the 12 volt batter that generate sparks . When a man and woman have sex it can be said that they are exactly in the center the present time without past and with future . They are in fact , in the moment between the past and present and when they get to the exact null area , BANG . all over . back and forth ( forward ) in and out. all they need do to start is see and face eye to eye. even from a short distance electric sensation begins. The sperm and eggs never actually touch . NO two things ever touch . Its all electrical when you examine it closely . and there are no exceptions to that . yang relates to yang and yin relates to yin but anything an be compared to any other thing . Al things do not relitive to all other things like Albert E insists on, but hes very close. . You'll see what I mean when you get well into the exercises. You'll laugh your butt off when you see the how all yin relates to all other yins and all yangs to yang . But you'll never see a yang and yin in a relationship . IF you do you are only seeing an illusion . When you get to know karma, you can use what you know in life and know exactly when to hit the gas pedal or hit the brakes. The more you do the yang yin exercises , the bigger the WOOOOOOOOWs get too .
  6. cool ok lets see if I get get this across . The benefits are the so called " unspoken " You cant just tell someone about it like Ive been trying to do . Its way over their head . Ive already mentioned the benefits many times on a couple of my threads. Ill look for them and post the links. Basically, we are in a dualistic Matrix but we don't know it . Its degenerative in that all things start and then end and there no exceptions to that . Even the universe itself which is in itself a big yang yin and allt of smaller yang yin's within. EVERY THING has yang and yin . the only " thing " which is truly a NO thing is life the create of the yang yin universe. ITs within all of use and there is no exceptions to that . THE more you can "See" the universe the more you will separate your spiritual self " from it . I call it out of body awareness and that's exactly what it is . Nobody goes looking for spirituality in the physical universe. They look away towards spiritualistic values. Take a look at the Yang and Yin attributes on my PP page . Those are just a few but the list is endless . When you increase the yang , any yang attribute the others go up with it and the yins goes down to the same degree. when you increase understanding you increase knowledge, control, responsibility, happiness , smiles, laughter, intelligence, sanity, logic , warmth, love , compassion etc etc . All of these are from LIFE spiritual life who is operating their body . Spiritually you WILL become one with all life in the universe. Nirvana. Ive been there and I can get there with ease now . Then I come back to the center between future and the past . Let me tell you it hurt like hell coming back too when you consider and compared it to Nirvana. The difference is like heaven and hell . But you simple can not tell another about it or "take them " there . they need to make the journey on their own . It doesnt take long . Its like when you understand the logic of how a complicated video game runs . Then you can beat it but at first itl will whip you but every time. Once you understand the logic and apply that to your life , your life both physically and mentally will improve in ways that are literally OFF THE CHARTS. Its not a Theory. ITS total actual FACT . PERIOD. ok suit yourself , You have nothing to lose by using the exercises and becoming more logical . You can apply it to your other spiritual practices as well and do them both . I don't know who this Laz guy is and Ive never read his materials. But I know you have respect for him and thats why im in this forum and not the Christ or Scientology or Muslim forums. My exercise is as raw as raw can get . Its ancient wisdom and knowledge in present time without any distortion that happened when its carried forward from history . Just this morning I myself was WOOOOOOOOOW . IN FN Credible . Ive ben to the top like MLK saw his promised land and says hes been there. But I used the basic law of duality to get there and I know exactly how to get back . I actually went back to the top this morning . It was like I was walking in the Matrix from the movie. I was real but every thing and every one ...... ok, Im not gonna go there YET . It was cool . Once you " GET IT " the logic that is , your sanity will increase and your awareness and all the yang attributes. That's all I can tell you , the rest is unspoken . But you will not want to leave it once you "get it " You wouldnt even dream of doing anything else . BTW , when you get " there " let me know . I need your help in getting others there too . Ill be spending the rest of my life showing every one " the way " even Brian . Its a good cause and good causes attract other goodness from others too . Good luck , lets git this done !!!
  7. The basis for logic is not sanity my friend Please re read my statements The BASIS for SANITY is logic and logic is based upon the law of duality . yang and yin . You had it reversed. all things in the universe without any exceptions , not even a twinkle of exception............ is based on the law of duality . when you use this basis for logic all the universal mysteries will unravel , line up and make sense . So when you say you're " not sure ", your correct because it isn't............. as you put it . " sanity is basis for logic " logic is the basis for sanity, so by dualistic law , ILLOGIC must be basis for insanity . see it now ? when one lives ones life in a logical+ manor , it can be said he is sane+ to the same degree. when one lives ones life in an illogical- manor , it can be said he is insane- to the same degree. do you see the symmetry ? I can show you HOW you can use the dualistic law of the universe LOGIC and apply this symmetry to every single aspect of the universe from pouring sugar into a cup of coffee to the vast galaxies of the universe. I can show you the way of the TAO in its most basic form , unaltered by society though the years. ITS pure basic Knowledge. .....and I have it . I "got it " and you too my very very very good friend can "get it " too. FREE and with 1 on 1 help . Public, private face to face . Makes no difference. Lets do this and lets get er done !!! TAO definition
  8. Karma IS real after all . ( or is it ? )

    Ultimately speaking ? it was your doing. , you simply used the government as a tool so to speak .
  9. Karma IS real after all . ( or is it ? )

    excellent MH .Thx bro its simple logic . Here's the good part . As one become more aware , we can see more and more of how karma works. then use that to our advantage. . the harder one works the bigger the payoff and the less one works the less. Like a job that pays a commission. The lazy coffee sippers who text all day will be broke and homeless if they don't start pushin it , while the guys who push it , do real good.
  10. what do you guys think about the rice experiment ? anyone ? Brian , SC or CD ?
  11. So when were you planing on revealing your basis for logic fellas ? Brian and Chidragon, because you totally missed my point .
  12. Karma IS real after all . ( or is it ? )

    magic is simply an illusion, and no im not into Magic either . A magician will tell you the cause was the effect . It just "happened" on its own without a cause. But it was Illusion in reality . The illusion will vanish when you see the true cause and youll see both the cause and the effect . My point was that if I screw up , Im willing to accept the cause , ME. If I do well im willing to accept that too .
  13. Yes I know what you mean . How do you feel when you misunderstand what I say is true or not? What if you are trying to understand something that you really want to understand . You can easily say, oh the kitchen window was broken by a bird. Even though you see a rock on the kitchen floor. You dont truly understand how it got broke so you just make something up and call it a day . Then I walk in and say, dude , it was a rock not a bird , See the rock on the floor ? "carelessness", is not an excuse. . You can say oh it was anything you like and then accept that as being understood. One is not being honest with ones self. see what I mean . its a matter of importance. The more important something is that you want to understand , the worse it feels when you truly do not. The less important , the less of an issue it is to understand.
  14. Karma IS real after all . ( or is it ? )

    Cause is Yang and effect is yin . An effect by its self is without cause. Effect is the absence of cause . You know me MH . You also know I like you even though we do not agree and many issues. Karma is not just one sided like its portrayed in the karma police video . When you help another, you help yourself and when you harm , you harm yourself . Simple clean logic . Pure and fresh. Bright . I'M here to help but I also like to have fun while im doing it. The more fun the better and the less fun the worse. Once anyone gets this logic , I mean REALLY "gets it " UNDERSTANDS it, the whole universe and every thing in it can easily be understood. Its based on dualistic law. We all have good days and bad days or anything in between . If its a good day its your doing and if not its still your doing . Even if you try to put the blame on another person . Yore just fooling yourself . I don't lie to myself or others and it makes a big difference in ones life . Yang and yin is " the way " and Im a master of Yang and YIN logic. You can use the same logic too .
  15. more question . Can you answer some of mine too ? Im listening now and I was then too . there ...............no more barrier . Make your thoughts known . Talk to me, but lets have a balanced conversation .
  16. honestly ? use your own life experiences and then ask yourself how you feel when you do or don't understand something . You've got the spot light , lets see you shine
  17. when we understand a thing it feels good and when one misunderstand some thing , It does not . Using my personal practice exercise will help you understand more and more about life on earth and the universe as a whole . You do need not read any books nor follow another religious beliefs . But you must use the exercise. YOU my friend are your own best friend . You need be true to yourself to see the truth of life and all life forms in the universe. This is the purpose of the exercise and it will bring about total understanding of life and the universe that it contains and is absent of .
  18. Ideas have no limit and I can produce ideas in infinite ways . Money . Yes that has a limit . Im here to help YOU even if I spend my last days only helping you its worth doing . Would you say ? If you use the instructions I have on the personal practice page you can help yourself and by doing so help others . when you help another you help yourself and when you hut another you hurt yourself . Any feelings you have that feel bad or good are your own doing . When I have a good day I feel good about myself and when I feel bad I don't. But I know I am the only person who is responsible for how I feel . Its very logical and very simple .
  19. lets have a two way communication. First you asked me a question about logic and sanity and then I answered your question politely Then I ask you a similar question and it is now your turn to answer me politely . a balanced two way communication between two people is always the best and it is always the most logical and sane. So with that said . Please return to the formers post that asks for questions in return and we will continue our conversation form there. Pretty simple ? Sound good ? I do have answers for your above questions too . If there is nothing there , there is nothing to equate. You can only equate something that is there. Right now at this very moment a see no stars , moons, locations of where they may be and I am at peace and serenity. Its a very pleasurable feeling . I am very willing to have a conversation with you but lets keep it balanced and organized. Light and simple .
  20. Logic+ is the basis for sanity so by the law of duality illogic- MUST the basis for insanity do you see this logic in your own life? . If not, I can show you how to show yourself how. Its on my personal practice page link below and Im here to help you in any way I can . If I had one dollar and no other money in my pocket or bank and you had nothing . I would give you my last dollar or my love for life transcends all logic and all things in the universe. Ive done this before and I would do it every day of my life and be happy to do so . Even if it meant my life would not be as good as yours. Do we see logical people do insane acts ? Do we see insane people do logical actions? I hope this helps you as much as it helps me
  21. You've got it !!!!! thank you for the comments. They are welcome . Absence of importance is ALSO a good thing and I agree my friend. I mentioned this in an earlier post . Importance is another word for "Care " as in " I care " about that because its important to me . Or I'm concerned about how im going to pay the rent or buy my food . The absence of care is Carefree+, not careless- . Word definitions are necessary to understand the true meanings of each word. I have a house and a car and a motorcycle and a Monthly paycheck for the rest of my life . I also have pets and friends. My home is paid in full and I have money in my bank . My life is as carefree as its ever been before . I look good too . The importance of making ends meet are gone , My children are grown and doing well on their own . I listen to music and laugh my days away . I feel healthy and I have the best medical coverage available with some of the best Drs and hospitals at my disposal all that free of any monetary charge. I have small projects I do that keep me busy that I find interesting . In 2009 ? I was homeless with a 2000 astro van that needed a screwdriver and a pair of plyers to get it in gear and running each time . No keys. I had zero income and no money in the bank . I got a job and a place to stay and bought a foreclosed house here in Las Vegas Nevada in Feb of 2012 that has now tripled in price. It has a new kitchen, new floors , new bathrooms that I refurbished using materials I bought at Home Depot and Lowe's. . It was on Jan 11th 2011 that I made my way to a Dr appt at the VA Hospital in San Francisco . My appointment was at 1 pm . I didn't notice all these 1's until over a year latter when I was looking for my medical records. That was the date and time I was officially diagnosed with stage 3b Non Hodgkin lymphoma Cancer . It turns out that I had it since 2006 but it didn't show symptoms of it until 2009. I was dying fast and in pain . Many have died from this wicked Cancer. I don't care about what you own or not or how much money you have . These are not important to me in anyway . If you are a positive person with a positive attitude and attributes, carefree laughs smiles and enjoys life ? Then you would make a good friend of mine. This is what Im about. Positive and helpful in anyway that is reasonably possible . I love to laugh and have fun and create projects that give me satisfaction in life. THAT my friend is how I describe myself . Im open and honest and I do not lie. Please tell us a little about yourself ? If you'd like to know more about me just ask . I can and will gladly tell you my whole life story in brief. Im just some kid from Los Angeles, Ca. Now grown and living in Las Vegas. Nothing special but as carefree as a hog in a pig pen just having been "slopped with the days left over garbage. aaaaaaaaannnnnndddddd lovin it . you feel me ?
  22. Nice , I live in Las Vegas but you can always meet me here online and use PM or Public. If it helps you . it helps me .
  23. Im not an advocate of Sigmund Freud's work in any way . You'll need to read his materials to understand his point of view. I have never read his materials . Don't plan on it either. But go ahead if you like . I look forward to more questions. Why does ego mean to you ? Is ego a good thing or not ? if so , then how so and if not then how not ? can you show us some examples ? I consider myself as a positive person and I do not mind , telling anyone at any time. It doesn't mean you are not . It just means I am . How do you consider yourself to be in general and most of the time ? What does ego mean to you ?
  24. Karma IS real after all . ( or is it ? )

    it has in deed. You have no idea. NO idea. the PPF page is going to be set up soon and it will include the exercise instructions . Its basically a place to present it for others to use and comment or not if they choose. If not . Makes no difference. I can think of worse things , You know what I mean ? But if no one comments ? OMG its the end of the world as we know it . I can tell you feel threatened by it too . so sorry my friend. Im ready for any Karma good or bad.