Michael Sternbach

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About Michael Sternbach

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  1. The original one, yes. The newer one, set up on Slack, should still function. (But I haven't checked in a while.)
  2. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    Expanding on my previous reply... Of course, you could always do the old "lower-your-centre-of-gravity" trick for starters. Stand and breathe as you normally do. Have a sufficiently strong person lift you a few inches off the ground with ease. Next, breathe into your lower abdomen (while physiologically incorrect, that's how it will feel, anyway). Relax your body while keeping it upright. "Make yourself heavy" by visualizing your centre of gravity well below your navel. Once you feel this (and take your time, initially, it may take a minute or so to get there), ask your mate again to "give you lift." Chances are, this time, you will observe their face turning red, their breath coming in gasps, as they will give it their best effort, to no avail. 🥵 That's when you should have learnt a thing or two about your LDT. 🙂
  3. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    LOL! Everyone has all three Dantians, though they may not be active or perceptible to the same degree in different individuals. The only way to actually know you have an LDT is to directly experience it. A common sensation being the sense of an energy ball in your lower abdomen. Mental and physical focus on it, appropriate breathing, practices like zazen and MCO should help you feel your LDT.
  4. Quoting Takuan Soho: The Unfettered Mind--Writings from a Zen Master to a Master Swordsman:
  5. In my view, the Book of Revelation, like some other Apocalyptic literature, should be metaphorically interpreted. It tells the story of a conflict between divine truth and satanic deception, and vividly illustrates the consequences of following either one or the other. This isn't to say that it may not at the same time reflect real events, but in doing so, it wouldn't necessarily be referring to the historical Jesus of Nazareth. That being said, regarding the role the character of Jesus does play in the narrative, it's interesting to note that this is actually quite open to interpretation and the subject of an ongoing debate. For a careful reading reveals that the author uses traditional symbols in an unexpected manner that subtly, but significantly changes their meaning. See for instance: https://reknew.org/2016/05/final-battle-revelation/
  6. What is Chi (炁 and 氣)?

    @ChiDragon Let me summarise: Chi (whether prenatal or postnatal) is a microscopic substance, therefore it should consist of some kind of minute particles--not unlike the particles studied by physicists, although not necessarily the same. It is a basic unit that makes up the human body. This, too, suggests some kind of particle. According to physics, matter is made of particles--but again, note that they may not be the same kind of particle, since physics talks about physical matter, whereas chi is a more subtle kind of matter which in turn becomes the foundation of physical substance in my understanding. It exists in the universe, so it is not bound to a (human) body. It is also found in the air we breathe and in the food we eat ("rice"), and then becomes postnatal chi as it is processed by our organism. Alright?
  7. "Spirit" in the DDJ

    What made me bring up the question was you saying that you believe in the existence of dragons. So in your view, what are, or were, dragons if not some kind of spirits?
  8. Khonsu mes

    You do have my attention.
  9. "Spirit" in the DDJ

    Well, I'm kind of notorious for doing that... It would definitely be interesting to discuss the concept of chi based on its Chinese characters! I am myself not too happy with equating it with 'energy.' At any rate, chi isn't energy in the way of light and other forms of energy understood in modern mainstream physics. So first you stated that you don't believe in spirits, and yet you believe in the existence of dragons as you said here. And now you are telling me that dragons are actually of a spiritual nature. I must say, I am a bit confused now. How do you reconcile those different views which seem to contradict each other? 🤔
  10. Everything is perfect?

    Agreed, as far as it goes. Shortcomings are of two kinds: commission and omission. And then there are those past things we did or didn't do, which we aren't exactly proud of. Although we may have had the best of intentions. In either case, admitting and learning from mistakes is key (as you said). Beating ourselves up over them is not! And to break free from destructive behaviour patterns sometimes requires taking baby steps. And this includes the guilt trap, which tends to paralyze us in our ability to be of servive to others and ourselves.
  11. "Spirit" in the DDJ

    Great. How would you define chi? And do you consider to be dragons physical or spiritual beings? I feel that it's important to try and clarify our views regarding these questions before we would delve deeper into our individual perspectives on Life, the Universe, and Everything. 🙂
  12. Use cannabis to build Chi

    The use of psychotropic herbs has a long tradition in shamanic cultures (in the broad sense), and this includes cannabis. The latter was particularly popular with Daoist cultivators, amongst others. I don't agree with the opinion that categorically denies their utility on a spiritual journey--well-intended as it may be. As you have found, cannabis can activate and intensify your chi flow. It can therefore serve as an agent in an internal alchemical process. However, it's important to remember that, in alchemy, every 'solve' should be balanced by a 'coagula.' Adequate phases of grounding, thereby integrating the increased energy flow, should not be neglected. The trouble with cannabis and other psychoactive substances is that they tend to be addictive. In many cases, their use becomes a habit with a life of its own--rather than a ritual done with awareness and a clear sense of purpose. In this case, you may find that the herb depletes your energy, while its initial positive effects are felt less. Over time, this can entail various undesirable effects, both physically and psychologically. The negative impact on your energy system can become chronic and difficult to fix--I have seen and felt it so many times in members of a particular subculture. And BTW, it's not just the herb that can potentially be hazardous, but also the tobacco that it is often mixed with for application. So to summarise: if you choose to use cannabis in one of its forms for cultivation purposes, do so with unwavering awareness! Make sure you stay in charge of that powerful spirit you summoned; don't let it gradually take you over and control your mind and actions. I will add that consciously working with your subtle energy system (as mentioned in your OP) is a good way to go. Although it can come with its specific challenges, especially when flow is intensified but yet impeded in certain areas. Try and work out the issues. Avoid both fear and haste. Use the power of visualization and emphasize mental clarity. Good luck on your way! 🙂 Michael
  13. Everything is perfect?

    Mine own sinc'rest apologies if 't be true mine own thoughtlessness offend'd thee! i shalt hencef'rth avoideth this mod'rn naughty w'rd altogeth'r in our furth'r exchanges! Bid me, what wouldst cutteth the mustard in thy esteem'd opinion? unf'rgiving (self-) accusations and harsh judgement p'rhaps?
  14. Khonsu mes

    I prefer to think of you as a cat gone wild.
  15. "Spirit" in the DDJ

    What do you mean by 'spirits'? Also, do you believe in chi? Do you believe in dragons?