Michael Sternbach

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Everything posted by Michael Sternbach

  1. ....the plan, The Plan, and Tao

    Rara, in my experience, plans are sometimes useful as rough outlines. They shouldn't be too rigid and detailed, so that you can react to the unexpected and also allow creativity to go even beyond what was originally planned. But if that doesn't happen, you will still have your plan to hold on to. That is, as long as things don't go really south. Then, it's useful to have a plan B...
  2. "there is a God!"

    An important distinction, Bud. I believe, no, I know that there is something (or call it Nothing, with a capital "N") that can be called God. When I said before that people create their God - by which they are influenced in turn - I meant they create a thought form that represents God for them. Thus all those individual and cultural variations.
  3. "there is a God!"

    You are creating a no-god.
  4. "there is a God!"

    Yes, the gods and their believers are creating/reinforcing each other.
  5. "there is a God!"

    Rather, it means that different people are creating a different God for themselves.
  6. Nothingness

    The attached article on the electronic sun model is interesting. I am sure that Tesla would have liked this. He often spoke of the electric charge of the sun.
  7. Nothingness

    Yes, there are interesting theories that gravity is another form of electromagnetism (light). In which case, it may be possible to manipulate it electrically (anti-gravity devices are very common in science fiction - which often enough foretells real future developments). T. T. Brown seems to have done that.
  8. Nothingness

    Either that, or the anti-matter went somewhere else. One theory suggests that in the Big Bang, there were actually two universes created: Ours on the one hand, a "mirror universe" of anti-matter on the other.
  9. Nothingness

    Among other ideas, there is also some consideration that perhaps Newton's law of gravity needs to be modified on very large scales.
  10. Nothingness

    So let me elaborate a little. Nothingness or Zero is the base of the manifest world which it carries within as a potential. But as such, it is without change - as in it, there is no interaction. From Zero (or Wu chi), nothing can come forth but a positive and an equal negative (Tai chi: Yin and Yang). As an aside, there is a cosmological theory that all the electromagnetism and gravitation in the universe are exactly of the same magnitude, but since one is expansive and the other contractive, they cancel each other out. Which would help explain the creation of everything ex nihilo. But back to metaphysics... As the two forces start interacting, playing, dancing with each other - ever seeking a state equilibrum and unification as though following an ancient memory - change happens. In the big picture, they always do balance each other. Therein lies the eternal peace of the Dao in manifestation.
  11. Nothingness

    Right. We could as well call it the 'what matter'; or 'what's the matter'.
  12. Nothingness

    The explicit Dao is ever changing. The implicit Dao is ever without change.
  13. Nothingness

    The vacuum still contains space and time. However, true Nothingness supposedly existed before the Big Bang.
  14. Nothingness

    That's all you need to know about it.
  15. What is the Middle Way?

    The Middle Way will mean something different for each individual.
  16. What are you eating?

    Currently I am looking forward to those wonderful sushi you are making for dinner, darling.
  17. What are you eating?

    Are you talking about roasting people from Georgia or Arkansas?
  18. All I needed to have a lucid dream last night was reading this thread! It was one of my rare space dreams. Junko and I were in a passenger space ship with a warp drive. Arriving on another planet, we just materialized on the surface, seeing a somehow oriental looking city in front and below us. I would call it a lucid dream because all the time I felt that I was in a movie.
  19. I prefer Keep It Sweet and Simple. Because keeping things simple is not a sign of stupidity.
  20. Black holes are Gods

    I often imagine that in the far future, humanity will think of our mythologies movies as the religion of the 20th/21st centuries. And maybe they won't be so wrong. By the same token, I can't help thinking that the legends told and enacted in the ancient religions had a similar function like our imaginative movies nowadays. Aren't they all expressing the archetypes of the collective unconscious anyway?
  21. What is the Middle Way?

    It's not a matter of turning against the intellect. That would be the intellect turning against itself. How can peace result from that? But sometimes it's good to silence it for awhile. It is a sword that should not be overused but used in a wise and balanced fashion - guided and supported by the forces of the unconscious.
  22. What is the Middle Way?

    Brilliant exegesis of what I said. Thanks. And as you said, what is true today does not have to be true tomorrow. Every day has its own truth. (Alright, now I am exegeting.)
  23. Black holes are Gods

    There isn't much that can fight back to a black hole.
  24. What is the Middle Way?

    What you choose to believe doesn't need to be the truth, as long as it's your truth.
  25. What is the Middle Way?

    The only truth you must not forget is that the path is narrow. That's why the Buddha said: "Watch your feet."