Michael Sternbach

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Everything posted by Michael Sternbach

  1. I can no longer work on stolen Soviet patents

    Going by that philosophy, the Japanese would need to commit hara-kiri en bloc...
  2. Whatever happened to discussion in Chatroom?

    It happened a number of times that I was notified when somebody said 'hello', but by the time I had picked up my cell-phone and replied, they were gone. Sometimes, much later, I would read a message like, "oh, seems like I should have waited a moment". And BTW, a new chatter I had a couple of fun conversations with eventually asked me if I am a bot. Thinking that he was just being humorous, I jokingly confirmed that. He replied, "goodbye, Mr. Smith", left and wasn't heard of again ever since. Oh boy... Yes, absolutely. As I said, you can even receive notifications when people are posting either in general or in a continuous private chat. The discrepancy in number between all the members who signed up and the ones who are actually chatting strikes me as odd.
  3. Is it fair to say that you operating from two unreconcilable mind sets then?
  4. Nietzsche Quotes

    How about the German original? Actually, that would be my first preference.
  5. Of course not! I am just trying to help you reach a higher level of sophistication.
  6. So you don't try to personally reconcile those divergent views as a Hermetic Buddhist cat?
  7. Isn't it the epitome of Buddhism that there is no absolute sense?
  8. So that kind of info is being stored in more than one place? Or should we consider one of the two teachings wrong?
  9. Assuming just for now that there isn't, would you say that's because Buddhists regard the World Soul as of being of an illusory nature as well?
  10. And the World Soul is where stuff is being stored in the Hermetic view.
  11. Since you brought it up now, is there a conception if the World Soul in Buddhism? The closest approximation that comes to mind is ālayavijñāna.
  12. Well yeah, cats are notorious for being somewhat aloof.
  13. And isn't that - in a certain sense - the purpose of spiritual practice?
  14. Arguably he had to become one with the world, though.
  15. I am looking more at secular life as my practice.
  16. Rudolf Steiner........Anthroposophy

    Also the Waldorf schools and anthroposophic camcer clinics are among the best there are in their respective categories. As far as Steiner's teachings in general are concerned (of which I have made some deeper study), I would say that some are a bit dated, while other material is still eminently useful. At any rate, it's remarkable for any one individual to have such an impact in various fields, based on ancient esoteric wisdom. Posting this during a train ride... And I will be passing Arlesheim in a bit, where Steiner founded his 'Goetheanum'.
  17. In brief, Thoth (a.k.a. Hermes Trismegistos) was considered to be the bringer of civilization in ancient Egypt. More specifically in regards to our topic, there is a body of philosophical as well as astrological, magical and alchemical texts attributed to him extant from Hellenistic Egypt, which earned him the reputation of having been the founder of at least the 'Western' esoteric tradition. These writings became extremely influential on Renaissance philosophers like Marsilio Ficino and Giordano Bruno. While at some stage they were recognized as having been composed at a much later date than originally believed, there is little doubt they reflect much of ancient Egyptian spirituality. Who was Thoth really? Anybody investigating this question will be facing a thicket of fancy speculation, ancient myths and historic fact. I think the best place to start is what the ancient Egyptians themselves had to say about Thoth. In their own view, Thoth is intrinsically linked to a time they referred to as Zep Tepi, a Golden Age, when the gods ruled directly on earth. From chapter 44 of Graham Hancock's "Gods of the First Time": And:
  18. Can anyone guide me to access the Akashic Records?

    When I wanted to review your Akashic records, I was told that they have been ,mislaid'. I did consider this a pretext, though.
  19. Can anyone guide me to access the Akashic Records?

    I find the highlighted statement very confusing. As though Lightseeker wouldn't have an accessible Akashic record of his own, as it is "tied" to his parents. Kind of like a kid's passport may be contained in one of their parent's passports (at least it used to be like that in Europe). When in fact every pebble has its own Akashic record. Maybe you should make it clear that what you are talking about it is a self-imposed restriction specific to your lineage. With all due respect, I believe the Universe couldn't care less. Regarding the remainder of your post, I know some Akashic record readers (personally and otherwise) that I have a lot of respect for, As far as personal experience, I believe that especially my decades of experience with divinatory techniques may count as such. If you have any faith in your work, I don't see why a teenager or even kid should not be allowed access to their background as recorded in the Akashic chronicles. Some very young people (and I would think, especially those who would care about this in the first place) are remarkably mature when it comes to dealing with spiritual matters. Whereas others never reach that stage in their entire life. Age restrictions are generalizations in the best of cases. To apply them to something so individual like reading someone's Akashic records just doesn't make any sense to me. Then again, I have always been kind of a free spirit in this regard who never thought much of applying such generalizations, or having them applied to myself. While this may simply be a feature of your lineage, more generally I can't help frequently noticing a certain presumptuousness in the replies to Lightseeker due to his young age and respective demeanor. Granted, he did provoke such conduct on some occasions. But quite a few advanced spiritual seekers or even teachers seem all too prone to to give themselves airs as soon as this kind of opportunity arises. Which surprises me - or then again, maybe not.
  20. Any spiritual techniques to increase intelligence and IQ?

    Intelligence as a practical tool to solve problems and make life a more faithful expression of Spirit - I like that! Although "worldly" success and pleasure do have their place in my book. In fact, I regard the two as working hand in hand.
  21. Can anyone guide me to access the Akashic Records?

    I beg your pardon? He doesn't have an Akashic file of his own until his 18th birthday? So now the Akashic records are age restricted too?! OMG ROFLMAO!!!
  22. Middle Class Daoism : Bagua vs MMA

    I had to simplify a bit in order to contrast Feng Shui with Bagua Zhan. There is more than meets the eye at first glance in the latter too, but the two arts differ in their emphasis. It's fine to dream.
  23. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 42

    Think of One and Two as centre and periphery (as, from a certain perspective, suggested by the image of Earth and Heaven). In between these two poles, energy moves and the ten-thousand things are created (with Man being their epitome). You could call this the story of Creation in a nutshell.