Michael Sternbach

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Everything posted by Michael Sternbach

  1. Differences between dualism and non-dualism

    "Every misfortune and crime, whatever kind it may be, usually happens out of a lack of knowledge and out of ignorance, but it serves a higher purpose as a link in the chain of fate." Elsbeth Ebertin (1880-1944), German astrologer
  2. Differences between dualism and non-dualism

    Isn't wearing underwear terribly dualistic? ๐Ÿค”
  3. The Hermetic Tradition or Lineage

    They weren't really lost, though. In many cases, the Greek and/or Arabic versions of those texts are still extant. Others were written in Latin to begin with, although based on the knowledge that reached Europe mostly via the translation schools in Toledo and Sicily. It seems likely that the Crusades played a role in its transmission as well. Here we must differentiate between the influx of Graeco-Arabic science in the Middle Ages on the one hand, and the beginning of the Renaissance on the other. The latter was boosted by Marsilio Ficino's translation of the Corpus Hermeticum in 1463, after a monk had brought the Greek original from Byzantine to Florence on behalf of Cosimo de' Medici. I would agree that Divine Providence played a role nonetheless - it was meant to happen.
  4. The Hermetic Tradition or Lineage

    Thoth/Hermes being "the thrice greatest" has been read in various ways over time. In one interpretation, the title was given him on account of being the greatest king, philosopher, and priest. In another (of a later date, but viable in its own right), it alludes to his supreme mastery of the three major occult sciences: astrology, alchemy, and magic.
  5. The Power of Chi movie

    I found this impressive too...
  6. Differences between dualism and non-dualism

    The journey by itself is a meditation. ๐Ÿง˜๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ
  7. Differences between dualism and non-dualism

    I do think you underestimate the complexity of a duelist's relationship with his dad.
  8. Yes, red and orange are the colours of the first and second chakra, respectively, while purple is the colour of the crown chakra. This is from the Hindu system - interesting, that you are making this kind of connection.
  9. Differences between dualism and non-dualism

    Nice! We don't have too many bluejays around here in Europe, but I'm getting the picture.
  10. ch 3 - a totalitarian dark place?

    My convictions are a loving attitude, intuitive insight, and practical reason. Handed down claims by 'authorities' take a back seat in my mind.
  11. Differences between dualism and non-dualism

    I think I know what you are talking about! Especially where your non-dualist perspective touches on common notions of right and wrong, or fairness, continuing a tranquil conversation can become impossible with some. ๐Ÿ˜…
  12. ch 3 - a totalitarian dark place?

    I am also interested in the original versions of the texts I study. But only to see if they contain something valuable that was lost in transition. If a later version or interpretation happens to appeal to me more, I am all happy with it! ๐Ÿ˜Š
  13. ch 3 - a totalitarian dark place?

    This version reads quite differently. More like the Sage is supposed to lead by example. Sounds more Daoist in spirit to me. Perhaps it's a viable translation of the original text's ancient Chinese.
  14. ch 3 - a totalitarian dark place?

    I could and I do. Much of what the old Daoists left for posterity is practically useful (in my view), but when we come across a piece that presents a difficulty, why not modify it a bit? As long as we don't pretend that it's the original version, necessarily! With the words of Bruce Lee: Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless, add what is uniquely your own. Now that's applied Daoism for you! ๐Ÿ˜Š
  15. Differences between dualism and non-dualism

    Please try to avoid the 'T' word.
  16. Differences between dualism and non-dualism

    I did my homework: The sounds that things make sound like they come from where those things that make those sounds are located. How does this prove that my senses are empty, now? (Apart from the obvious conclusion that, if my ears were clogged, I wouldn't be hearing anything. ) How so? Please enlighten me! This may well be the case. On the other hand, the conscious mind filters out MOST of the data the senses receive, as its processing capabilities are rather limited. Temporarily lifting the veil comes with an unforgettable shock, IME. Again, if you have any useful suggestions to make how I could experience my the 'emptiness' of my senses - I'm all ear. Mind you, I did not claim that I am living in a continuous state of non-dual perception in the first place. In other words, it requires that I would become a Buddhist. Hey, guess what? Been there, done that! (Well, at least I gave it a fair try.) Science indeed creates models and theories for explaining reality. And yes, the 'problem' with that is that a theory can never be rigorously proven right (though it may be possible to prove it wrong). You just never know what you don't know! I fully agree that when scientists, in order to support a theory, must introduce too many additional assumptions, they end up with nothing but a fruitless act of mental masturbation. Ironically, most of the arguments that non-dualists (especially of the Buddhist variety) make strike me as little more than that. More ironically yet, they tend to go to great lengths defending their concepts as evident, even when it's quite clear that they are simply regurgitating what they learned from some teacher. But they never see themselves (perhaps because they have 'no self' in the first place )! This was a general rant, not aimed at anyone in particular - just talking from my personal experience. And I find Buddhist studies quite worthwhile in some respects nevertheless. The experience I made was neither a scientific nor a religious one. For modern science, stars are hardly more than dumb gas balls with thermonuclear processes happening inside them. You seemed to consent, that's what incited me to tell you about my experience. Since that's what it was, when I fortunately got a glimpse at the higher-dimensional 'mental' activity of the Sun: A perceptual experience taking place in an altered state of consciousness. It totally took me by surprise and was not conceptually based in any way. Well, I didn't suggest that things exist independently - only that they can correctly be perceived as having boundaries. And I already agreed that looking at them as parts of a continuum of interconnecting forces is possible too. As I said, it's a matter of what aspect you would focus on. Both perspectives are viable in my view. Believe it or not, the things I am sharing on this board are not mere speculations, but based on my deep-felt personal experiences (unless I would expressly state otherwise, of course).
  17. Differences between dualism and non-dualism

    The human being is a microcosm. As above, so below. As within, so without. It's All One. Truth can be found everywhere... Not least in mythology (modern and ancient). Thanks, I love anime.
  18. Differences between dualism and non-dualism

    Agreed. Shrinking people and putting them in a box is indeed not a nice thing to do.
  19. Differences between dualism and non-dualism

    One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. That's three-in-One. However, that's not where the story ends... But that's still not where it ends! For it's a Neverending Story...
  20. Cargo cult

    And who is to say that the past is set in stone? That we can't be creative with it the same way we can with regards to the future?
  21. ch 3 - a totalitarian dark place?

    I would say treebuffalo reinterpreted the chapter with regards to the needs of our time. Sinologically inaccurate maybe, but the advantage is that it becomes more practically useful this way. Then again, who is to say that this isn't exactly what Laotzu had in mind.
  22. Cargo cult

    Brilliant! I love that one!
  23. Differences between dualism and non-dualism

    Obviously a Freudian slip! Alright then, have another one... I'm a soft touch. Salted caramel okay? Sure, you guys are all welcome to my TDB ice cream stand! (Vouchers valid till the end of this week.)
  24. Differences between dualism and non-dualism

    There is only so much anyone can take (with exception of a few most extraordinary yoga masters and the like perhaps). Nice. Even nicer yet. Yes, to keep going without food that long can be done. But without water? Nah. (Let's not forget, you are still in the desert and have neither.) Oh my. Alright, if you are not beyond that kind of carnal desire, here you go: