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Posts posted by rldawson

  1. After completing the AMSW #1 meditation (50-20-10) my sleeping patterns are much more successful, but only when the meditation is completed in a minimum of forty-five minutes. For the best results sessions greater than fifty minutes seem to be required. When performing this meditation, the feeling of being drowsy is not present, but a very restful sense is within me.


    When any of the Flying Phoenix meditations are performed to quickly, in my experience, only minimum, if any, achievement is made. Slowing down all the meditations provides best results. Some of these results are:



    • weighted forearms

    • tingling hands/arms

    • mild, pleasant, tension in the center of the forehead

    • overall body warmth

    • weight and heat in the tan tien

    • the sense of moving through water


    Eyes closed:

    • blue orbs moving

    • over all view of blue within the black mental screen

    • occasional intense floods of emotion (not overruling)

    • sensations of suggestions regarding diet and life changes


    If any of these sensations have not been encountered within a meditation session, then I feel that connection has not been established. Likely causes are lack of focus, relaxation, and moving too fast. The deficiency in the latter leads to the others.

    A typical morning session, which includes completing a round of Yang Tai Chi Chuan, requires two to three hours to complete.


    Over the years I have found that it is very important to continue with all the meditations. Normally, in the morning, one of the basic five meditations is applied, then one of Wind Through the Tree Tops or Moonbeam splashes on the Water, and then the Long form. After, a round of Tai Chi is applied, using the shifting sand dune principle, and then completing the session with one of two seated meditations.

    • Like 1

  2. Some other possibilities which may, or may not, have been explored:


    Eliminating from diet:

    • caffeine
    • sugar (particularly sucrose and glucose)
    • saturated fats

    Ensuring in diet:

    • sufficient fibre
    • enough water
    • fruit/vegetable intake

    When meditating, how long is one breath cycle (in/out) for you? Slowing down the breath, without causing stress or strain, decreases the heart rate.


    Being over active, taking on too much, and living in a constant state of being rushed, also contributes to anxiety and insomnia.

    • Like 3

  3. of the last 5 days practiced "back-to-back" complete 4 days including today 35 - 45 min practice


    I have experienced an intensity of flow during and after each session ... even the half session which occurred yesterday. Very nice ...


    I continue to do the long form daily, early morning, it is still the most efficient and intense form esespecially if i do it twice during a day that's about 45 min of FP practice by itself.


    I am now up to a 1-1/2 hour daily FPCH


    ( also do Ba Duan Jin and TCC Yang long form almost daily )


    Thanks so much to Terry Dunn for FPCH I keep hoping the last disk will appear soon!!




    Ba Duan Jin is an excellent start to my sessions as well. Charlie, have you tried applying "Wind Through the Treetops" and/or "Moonbeam Splashes on the Water" prior to the Long form?

  4. ... two of the "Monk Serves Wine" mediations in Volume 7 when done back-to-back as they are presented in the DVD will sooner or later effect brain activation and will almost immediately cause a revitalization of one's hair. They are the ones with breathing sequences;


    80 70 50 30 and 70 50 20 10


    Both meditations have beautiful and powerful movements.


    Since I will be moving into the second AMSW meditation this week, this was a most rewarding tip. More brain activation is always a bonus. ;)

    • Like 1

  5. actually I do several 'reverse direction' cloud hands to correct position. This is reverse step commonly done by Chen stylists eg. George Xu. And in fact since we do the Cheng man ching style repulse monkey the step back is much shorter than the side step in cloud hands in my practice.


    I do make a practice of doing multiple repulse monkey as an exercise. Helps me keep my stepping with a nice 'channel' as well as the shorter step.

    This is an excellent idea and will put this into practise to mix things up. Cheng Man Ch'ing was an amazing person. Thanks for the tip. :D


    Today I did a review of all the Advanced seated meditations from volume seven. Checking breath sequence as well as the movements.


    in the course of reviewing of necessity I had to have my eyes open and watching carefully.


    I was surprized at how much qi developed in each abbreviated performance. I had both internal flow and external energy sensations in each posture. I am not recommending this necessarily, just reporting what I experienced.


    It was significantly more powerful than I expected

    The Advanced Monk Serves Wine series is new in my practise and normally about three months is spent on each meditation before moving onto the next. The first meditation was very pleasing, taking about an hour to perform, and some of my best achievements were noticed. Looking forward to the next meditation. :)

    • Like 1

  6. One thing that really boosted my TCC was increasing the number of repetitions of 'cloud hands, wave hands in clouds' . Those extra few movements were quite productive.


    I get a good deal of energy out of just doing cloud hands for 5 min & or the 'cradling move' from FPCH.

    When "Cloud Hands" is increased in number then "Step Back Dispatch Monkey" should be matched; this ends the form at the original position.

    • Like 1

  7. Hello Robb,

    Depending on one's speed of practice, one can take anywhere from 8 minutes to 20 minutes to perform the Long Form Standing meditation taught on Volume 4. You might also want to ask "ridingthrox" on PM how long he takes because Charlie gravitated towards Vol.4 practice immediately because he had extensive Tai Chi background (20 yrs) and has been doing it for years.


    Enjoy the practice!


    Sifu Terry





    Would it be appropriate to extend this form to forty-five minutes, or is this meditation tailored specifically to the above time?


    Thank-you for the suggested contact with ridingthrox, he was very helpful. :)

    • Like 1

  8. The advanced long form of the Flying Phoenix qi gong (vol. 4) is a new meditation in my routine. Having practised it for the about two months now, most often daily and sometimes twice a day, the overall movements are absolutely wonderful and very enjoyable.


    Sometimes it is nice to stop, and step away from my day, and perform this meditation. :)

    • Like 2

  9. Sifu Terry,


    How long does a round of the Long Form standing meditation from Vol. 4 take? This is a fairly new meditation for me and it usually takes me about twenty to thirty minutes.


    Also, what are the goal times for both Moombeam Splashes on the Water and Wind Through the Treetops? These typically fall into the twenty minute bracket in my practise.



    Best regards,




  10. Hi rldawson,



    I used to practice MSW at a much lower speed too, 30-40 min as well, and the first time Sifu Terry told us we should do this meditations in 10 min it surprised me a little bit, but I guess once you set your intention on respecting this timing it's feasible maybe not the first time but you get used to it. I only practice at this speed when i do the group session, but now when I do it just for myself I go a little faster that I used to, and it takes me 20 min to complete 7 reps. But yes I guess the benefits are felt in the cumulative effects of all the meditations, because we do a lot of them in a very short time. But I think as well that you need to have some practice under your belt to be able to practice at this speed and get the same results, but because of the group effect, even beginner are welcome =).


    By the way there is session today, I hope you willl join us. I'm gonna post straight away the sequence and the time for everybody to know even if it's always at the same time =).





    The group experience would be interesting, however around here there are no classes for Flying Phoenix Chi Kung.


    Several years ago my training started with shorter training times, much the speeds that are show on this thread, but as my experience compiled, the inward feel is to progressively move slower. That being mentioned, it may be something to move through one of these routines that are listed here, so that the overall experience can be met and analysed.


    This is not to say, one way or the other, about what is correct or incorrect, but to try and establish some knowledge with other experienced practitioners.

  11. Ashida Kim. Is this the same person who wrote ninja books published by Citadel Press?


    In the world today, everything is up for exploitation and profit; very unfortunate. With the current monetary marketing system in place, things will unlikely become stable again.

  12. If you wish to see charlatan chi kung just do a search engine for SRC4U and download the free software trial that will send chi to any condition. But do this experiment. Put in the info and it will give you the hours you need for a session. Cancel that session and put in same info and it will give you a different amount of time for that session for the same person and the same condition. To me, this means it is just a random thing, in other words, fake!

    The creator who proclaims himself as "Supreme Grandmaster" replied to my objections about this randomness stating that the software measures over a million variables by reading your energy field. Sure!


    Wow. It is plain naive to believe that a piece of software can read energy. If a person walks through the forest and sees a bear trap, does that person willingly step into it? Apparently so. :(


    Thank-you for sharing this information, it was very amusing, but the experiment will not happen here. :D