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Posts posted by rldawson

  1. MSW+breath control sequence = 10min ?


    The times listed must be performed a little quicker that what is shown on the DVD's. Including breath sequence, the MSW meditations normally take thirty to forty minutes for me to complete the seven repetitions. Are you finding positive results at these speeds?

  2. When using the "likes" option, I am receiving and error message:


    Title: An error occurred

    Body: You have reached your quota for positive votes for the day


    Since this happens on new days, when no "likes" have been applied, it leads me to believe there is a bug in the wood pile. :blink:

    • Like 1

  3. Dear Shen-Joy,


    Thank you for your question. My meaning of that post was to remind all that Flying PHoenix Celestial Healng Qigong is a complete Qigong and Meditative system that besides ensuring health and longevity will facilitate one's spiritual evolution towards At-One-Ment with the Universal Power or Godhead, if that is one's predilection and karma. Whereas new age calisthenics--what I call "downstream hokum©" made up by hacks calling themselves "masters" and "modern Chi experts" are not only useless, but their bologna-combined-with-Cheez Whiz belief systems and philosophical sewage promising enlightenment and immortality attached to the useless exercises will set earnest seekers and students of the Tao backwards, waste their time and resources, delay and prevent the realization of their genetic talent and their spiritual potential, and perhaps even shorten their lives as opposed to prolong them.


    Attaining "immortality" in the Taoist sense of the word or Complete Liberation and and becoming a Buddha is not a matter of doing this yoga or that Qigong exercise. As my first spiritual teacher and occasionally visiting ally, the late John Davidson, former senior student of Share K. Lew, stated (posted earlier on this thread):


    "The wrong person with the right exercise will still come to no good end (--nor will he be able to manifest the full potential of the exercise). But the right person even with the wrong (or incomplete) exercise, will still (be guided to) make it work and become empowered."


    Attaining Immortality--or sainthood--in the eyes of God is determined and attained by one's Works and sacrifices made to perform those Works during one's lifetimes--the latter being absolutely essential because it is the only way that one attains spiritual help from the other side during one's lifetime from one's ancestors, allies, and karmic guides. In the Chinese martial tradition, those spiritual allies are the past generations of masters/"lineage holders".


    For there are many high-level masters, and I have come across more than a couple in the past 40 years (-and all in southern California, as a matter fo fact) who with truly awesome and formidable metaphysical powers, chose the dark path--to do evil-- and utilized their highly cultivated powers to serve their own selfish and pathetically mundane goals dictated by their glandular systems.


    It's taken me 2/3 of my life to understand from had-won experience that anyone can make a deal with the Devil, even high-level masters. And when high-level masters succumb to the Dark Side, their spiritual failure is all the more grievous and grave. As the standard was so clearly and colorfully spelled out in the precepts of the Tibetan Gurus centuries ago:


    Performing meritorious actions in order merely toattain fame and praise in this world is like bartering themystic wish-granting gem* for a pellet of goat's dung; andthis is a grievous failure. [1]*The wish-granting gem of oriental myth, known in Sanskrit as the Cintamani, like Aladdin's magic lamp, grants any desire which its possessor formulates.

    --translated by W.Y. Evans-Wentz, "Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines"


    If such Do-Gooders working short-sightedly only towards worldly fame and reward are considered grievous failures, just think what special Hells the charlatans and phonies working towards the same are in for. And then go an intuitive step further and imagine the karmic retribution coming for those black magicians who use their powers to deprive others of their spiritual blessings, fruits of their labors, and life force.


    Again, as I had posted in Year One, this is why the great philsopher Mencius advised:


    "Do not seek in your vitality (i.e., one's health exercises) what you do not find in your heart."



    A reminder to the wise--that I'm beginning to feel needs to be posted here at least once a year.

    Thanks again for your post.


    Sifu Terence Dunn





    This is most wonderfully written. Those who practise "New Age" material are building a house on a foundation of sand.


    "If one desires to become someone, they will miss out on the opportunity of becoming no one."


    Thank-you so much for posting this.

    • Like 1



    Practice the first seated "warm-up" meditation on Volume 2 of the Chi Kung For Health series for 30 minutes (with breathing sequence 5 60 80 40 30.


    • Hold the "Monk Gazing At Moon" upper body posture for 5 minutes.

    •Then begun the slow--very slow--"tweaking" of the forearms so that the palms turn 45 degrees away from you and then 45 degrees towards your face.

    • Continue this for 25 minutes.

    • Remember to end the mediation with 3 deep breathes.


    I recently taught this meditation in this manner to my Tai Chi class and will do it again tomorrow. I can thus predict with confidence that if you do this meditation in this manner on a regular basis, you will make profound and healthful breakthroughs in your practice.


    Sifu Terry Dunn


    When applying this meditation, it normally takes me forty minutes to complete from breathing sequence to the finishing of thirty repetitions. Is it true to assume that these meditations are to be completed as slow as possible, even slower than seen on the video? My general inward feeling is to perform them so very slow, almost to the point of being visually difficult to see any movement.

    • Like 1

  5. I would like to share a typical routine which I practise daily. In the fall, this routine will incorporate the Tai Chi Ruler, which will be a wonderful addition.


    Standing 1 min
    Shoulder with stance 1 min
    Wu Chi 5 min

    Each session alternating warm-ups from disc one or disc three of Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    [standing Chi Kung]
    One shoulder width standing meditation : [10-15min]
    Monk Gazes at the Moon
    Monk Holds the Pearl

    One wide horse stance basic meditation:
    Bending the Bows
    Monk Holds Peach [10-15min]
    Wind Above the Clouds x3

    One Intermediate standing meditation:
    Wind Through the Treetops x2
    Moonbeam Splashes on the Water

    Advanced Flying Phoenix meditation (What is the name of this form?)

    One round of Tai Chi Chuan (Yang Style):
    Short Form (Left/Right)
    Long Form (Left/Right)

    [seated Chi Kung]
    One seated meditation warm-up (5 min):
    earth posture
    monk begs for rice
    holding the ball left
    holding the ball right
    willow leaf palm left
    willow leaf palm right
    palms towards heaven
    taoist prayer

    One to two seated meditations (from Flying Phoenix Disc 2):
    Meditation 1-3 (traversing per session)
    Monk Serves Wine 1-3 (traversing per session)


    [seated Chi Kung]
    One seated meditation warm-up (5 min)

    Advanced Monk Serves Wine 1

    When time is pressing in the morning, a shorter routine is performed as follows:

    Warm-ups (as listed above)

    Advanced Flying Phoenix Meditation

    One round of Tai Chi Chuan (as listed above)

    One seated meditation warm-up (5 min)
    One seated Flying Phoenix meditation from disc 2

    • Like 1

  6. Sifu Terry, Thanks for the answers, they really help a lot. Unfortunately I have to stop most of the exercises for some time because and old back problem has come to the surface due to too much strain on my back. I'm quite sad about that but don't have another choice than taking proper rest. I hope to pick up FP as soon as possible again and keep going. Thanks again for all the insightful answers and your time spend here on the forums. Enjoy your day, Ben


    Hi Ben,


    I too have back issues and empathise with your struggle. Practising the third meditation on disc two (50-10-50) of the FP series (seated meditations) and also applying the earth posture and monk begs for rice postures to your routine my help as well. These steps have greatly helped my back issues while still maintaining the half-lotus posture. Since these are postures that hold the hands low, the pressure is off of the upper/middle back and can allow a person to keep focus on correct back form and being centered.




    Best regards,




    • Like 1

  7. Since my account gets randomly closed, trying once again seems to be the best option.


    "Hello everyone. Having practiced Tai Chi Chuan Yang forms and Flying Phoenix Chi Kung for several years, I would like to join this form and share experiences with other members. I am looking forward to building relationships with others of like interests."

