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About Miffymog

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  1. Current Events Discussion

    Hi there, I was wondering if my access to the Current Events section could be removed. Many thanks, Miffymog.
  2. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Oh god, I'm totally out of my depth on this one now. When I first started fpck, I already had a mildly energetic practice, and as soon as I had converted my energy to Flying Phoenix chi after the first meditation, it felt very pleasant and benevolent. This is a very different experience to your self. I can only suggest that the level of achievement in your other practices is actually pretty high, and is benefiting you well. It might just be that to get to the same level of benefit at fpck will, I'm afraid, take a bit of time. But for some reason this does not feel to be the right answer, so I am out of solutions 😔
  3. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Oh no, that is a shame, and is perhaps an indication you should stick with PanGu for the time being. How long have you been doing that form of qi gong for? A sign of a good practice is that you get ill less often, so PanGu was clearly working for you. It might be that your body is just currently adapting to a new practice and that has weakened your immune system, but I don't think that's right, as my transition to fpck was very smooth and easy. In fact, it had an immediate positive impact after the first session. I've injured myself recently so am currently just doing Monk Holds Pearl, lying down and sitting, maybe try that? The fever will pass, then you can take it from there. Good luck 🤞
  4. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    From my own experience, it doesn't really matter which foot is on top, as long as the legs are relaxed. As for full lotus, absolutely you can use that, but just be careful about over extending the joints. It's quite possible to do the standing ones before going to bed, and I've done that myself a few times. It's just that the standing ones tend to require more energy to perform than the seated ones, and you normally have more energy first thing in the morning than last thing at night. And the standing ones tend to generate more energy, which is good at the start of the day. Where as the seated ones are normally more relaxing, which is more appropriate before going to sleep. But feel free to try different things out and see what works for you
  5. Bak Fu Sunn Yee Gong - Complete Level 2

    The White Tiger Kung Fu website that sold a load of archive Doo Wai dvds closed sometime before Christmas. I'm really pleased that there's now another way to get hold of this material 🙂
  6. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I don't think you need to worry too much about the flu. I get one whenever I start relaxing on a holiday. I think this is because it remains slightly suppressed while I'm more tense while working, and then the virus then takes the opportunity to spread round my body when I relax. For me, FPCK definitely has a relaxing nature, so it could be that your body just relaxed a bit after commencing your new practice, and the dormant virus took its chance to come out. If this is the case, then it's definitely been a good thing to go through. The energy you feel in FPCK is slightly unique because because of the way it is ignited by the percentage breath pattern at the beginning. You can get a sense of it by doing the meditations either with or without the breath pattern and feeling the difference. This is particularly noticeable when performing Monk Holds Pearl, as without the breath percentage, it is just a normal seated meditation. When you perform normal qi gong, the hands move the energy in the body. But with FPCK, the breathing pattern ignites the qi uniformly throughout the whole body right at the start. The hand movements then aid it to move in a particular manner. This does mean that I have felt slightly stronger flows of energy through a particular part of my body doing other types of practice. However, everything that @-ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ- (god that was a nightmare trying '@' ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ, as his name technically starts with a hyphen!) says about the level of energy you feel increasing and then reducing as you acclimatise to it is something I have felt too. You never move against an imaginary force, such as pretending you're performing the movement in water or oli, so you don't generate the level of energy flows you feel in an internal martial art. But this partly because FPCK is a healing and balancing practice, rather than a martial one. However, every-now-and-then, you can sometimes experience very strong energy flows, accompanied with very high levels of body mind integration.
  7. What are you readying for the holidays?

    I'm currently on book three of 'The Liveship Traders' by Robbin Hobb. It's about talking ships, where old fashioned sailing ship's figure head's come to life with full personalities. Really enjoyable!
  8. Dopamine detox

    A couple of weeks ago I gave up television and radio. For the first week I actually got quite ill and suffered from migraines. But now into my third week and things have settled down. This is a kind of dopamine detox, and currently I have no plans on turning the television or radio back on.
  9. Help with Zi Fa Gong

    No worries about my liver I do allow myself one beer a week, but the hang overs are no longer worth having more now-a-days. As for what I mean about the energy that I could sense, I've not really been very clear on that. So, here are some links to Sifu Terry Dunn refereing to the 'energy field' that can be picked up by a video which surrounds someone if they have a strong reserve of Flying Pheonix energy in them. This is something that anyone can see, and somewhere in the FPCK thread, I'm sure another person said they could see surrouding Terry, but I could not find that particular post. It comes across as a mild fuzzy blur that surrounds his hands and arms and extends about 1 cm form the body. It could actually just be a problem with the camera equipement, but maybe it's his energy. This type of energy I can't sense when I'm reading the energy body of someone, and I'll tie this into Pak Satrio's comment later. The type of energy I can sense is that which you would feel if you were performing, say, a Tai Chi form. You feel the energy moving through the body, and if you are a powerful master who has a LOT of energy flowing through you, then after half a bottle of whiskey, if I watched you, I'd feel a tiny proprotion the same type and flow as well. So, in answer to why I could only sense any energy in GM Doo Wai while he was mediating, but not while he was talking to camera, unlike other spritual masters, I don't know. But one idea I've had is that it might have something to do with only igniting/activating the energy in FPCK, and I think most of the other Bak Fu Pai arts, after you've performed the breath sequence? Whether that also ties in with not being able to feel then energy surrounding Sifu Terry Dunn or not, again I don't really know.
  10. Help with Zi Fa Gong

    I can only read the energy body of someone who has a lot of energy flowing through them. These are the spiritual masters who I tested, and the results were repeatable. Master Sheng-yen -whose energy body was bright and round Thich Nhat Hanh – again, a bright round energy body Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche – very grounding Bishop Kallistos Ware – very grounding. But it seems as though the Bak Fu Pai arts fall into a slightly different category. I could never read the energy body of Terry Dunn, despite his field being pretty much visible around his body during some of his FPCK videos. I also had the same thing with Doo Wai in a number of videos where he was talking to camera, how could I not sense it if he’s such a powerful master? I then took out one of his Golden Lotus Flying Phoenix videos and tested that, and while he was in mid meditation, I found that he did indeed have an awful lot of energy flowing through him The nature of his energy field during the meditation was also different to others I’d sensed. During the meditation, his energy was more evenly spread out and fuzzy. But he did come across as having the level of energy of someone who had been trained in these arts from a very young age. So the video you suggested, I would almost certainly have looked at, but I probably didn’t detect anything in that particular one Also, as it took half a bottle of whiskey for me to get into a state where I could do it, I only did it for a few months and then gave up. I’d learnt all I needed to and haven’t done it for some time now.
  11. Help with Zi Fa Gong

    I have the ability to do this from a video when I'm very drunk This is the easiest one I found to do it on, I think it's because he's in a relatively confined area. Rather than being bright and round, or very grounding, externally, his is more like a firework display, and I'm afraid not in a good way. A possible explanation is over practicing too many different systems, but I don't know this. He does carry a lot of energy, but rather than having one strong energetic flow, internally, his is more like a janggled up mess of pipes, which are sprouting leaks everywhere. Normally, when my body adopts a superficial representation of the energy body of the person I'm watching, it is a smooth, fast and pleasant transition. This is not the case with Damo. Initially, my own energy body went into mild convulsions as it tried to simulate his, so I gave up. But on one occasion I decided to 'sit through it'. After a couple of minutes of convulsions, my energy body settled into a meta-stable state that was representative of his. I knew it was, because I had previously signed up to his school and watched a load of his instructional videos and learnt the specific 'flavour' of his energy. I want to add that his energy is friendly, healing and sexually very well balanced. However, the internal flow of his energy is very, very, very higgledy piggledy, prolonged practice from him could risk the practioner developing the same energy body. It might not be a problem, as you have to put a massive commitment in to change your energy body, and he has practiced a number of different systems, so if you just do what he teaches, you may avoid this. However, just be aware of the fact that the state of his energy body is really, really something you would not want to have. (sorry to talk negatively about you Damo in this way)
  12. Help with Zi Fa Gong

    There are a lot of positive things about Damo's teaching, but I'm afraid his energy body is really messed up, so be careful when learning from him or receiving energy transmissions.
  13. Hot Shower X Cold Shower

    I had the flu a few months ago and the enforced bed rest meant I ended up not drinking coffee for a week. I felt quite a bit better for it and stayed off it for some time. It has now crept back in to my life where I have one coffee a day again. But I do now know that actually I do feel a little better overall not having it, but as a vice goes, it is a pretty tame one.
  14. The Downvote Feature!

    Goddammit! I've now lost some of the joy of that little notification symbol when I log in!
  15. The Downvote Feature!

    I was thinking, could we possibly change the colour for the down vote from red to blue, so it looks a little less harsh?