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Everything posted by beingnature

  1. Can Tai Chi Be Practiced In a Wheelchair?

    I would recommend way of healing or way of energy.What blue eyed snake said is right.The good thing about the lam kam chuen books is that he works a lot with pictures...not many words.But The little details also can do every posture in a chair or lying down...Have a good journey with that!
  2. Can Tai Chi Be Practiced In a Wheelchair?

    Maybe also look into standing meditation which is done with different hand postures.It can also ve done sitting (in a chair) or lying down.It has an amazing healing capacity.There is a video on youtube of the progress of an old lady who isnt nearly able to walk... I will look if i can find it again.I can recommend the books by lam kam chuen (way of energy, way of healing....
  3. Raw food inspiration

    Here is a link to my instagram site where i share raw food recipes: maybe it can be be a benefit to some of you...
  4. Exercise and Lifestyle Discussion

    That doesnt really happen often haha....
  5. Exercise and Lifestyle Discussion

    Just do normal belly breathing...dont force anything.I also started with 20 minutes but i did read somewhere that in older times you had to be able to stand for 1 hour before you could take the next posture abd because i was a perfectionist at this time i did so.Some times it can be like 15 minutes is hard then after half an hour its great...I had the book way of power and there you build up to 1 hour.When i stood for 4 hours it wasnt one was more like 1 hour wuji and than the next posture and so on.i think focus should be on inner awareness and awareness itself and relaxation not on breathing etc.
  6. Exercise and Lifestyle Discussion

    I would say do it by the net for raw food diet, paleo food ,and the text yoked to earth its about bigu diet and grain free living...did zhang zhuang for 7 years the morning i did sitting mediation.Did stand up to 4-6 hours haha.After that time spontaneous movement happened...switched into new positions..started spontaneous circle walking...tai chi and xinyi like movements happened by itsself...when i now go into standing position it directly starts by i cant really say that a i still stand...It will definetly help with posture...the details and relaxation are the key.On youtube you can find videos by lam kam chuen, they are called stand still be fit.For a better posture i also recommend a hard bed or a chinese or japanese one... Have a great time!
  7. Exercise and Lifestyle Discussion

    I dont know the book you i cant tell...can only say that the lam kam chuen books are really special...not many words but pictures that transport the meaning...I am also for the no grain diet but for me it happened naturally over the years...recommend pseudo grains...buckwheat, quinoa and so on for the start...and later fruits nuts and lots of greens but i think you shouldnt force it to much...Have a great journey!!!
  8. Exercise and Lifestyle Discussion

    Hallo! Lam kam chuen - way of energy is a great book to start.Running is great especially barefoot.And eat nuts, seeds and dried fruit.
  9. working on hun yuan while walking

    I think its helpfull to focus on your reactions you have on sense phenomena and let them go step by step...
  10. weight chi trapped in legs

    It rises when sinking reaches its maximum
  11. What is bigu ?

    I would also say that it should come naturally...dont confuse the technique with the outcome...i experienced it but always only for a few days..eating was disgusting...had amazing energy...but it was so intence that it forced myself to eat again.I dont know if it is compatible with livin in society.
  12. Potent Systems

    Doing less and less until everything gets done
  13. I have the experience that when you let go of the feeling of being above your head it naturally settles in the ldt.
  14. Kundalini Syndrome please help me.

    Cold showers
  15. I think there exist different kinds of spontaneous movements, the more spasmic ones and those which look more like normal qigong.For me spontanoeus movement started after a few years of sitting and standing practice from lam kam chuens books with an emphasis on awareness.First it started with new stances , later walking circles and forms that look like xinyi, bagua , taiji mixed and interlinked.When i sit my hands get in different positions, mudras etc.I think i wouldnt look for a method that triggers it but when it happens, let it happen.Now while i write it i think about an interview by mark johnson on youtube where he talks about an calligraphy master who had to paint the horizontal and vertical strokes for several years before he could paint freestyle ...
  16. Protection from leeches

    Hallo Kubba, can you tell me more about the mystics that died because of immunologic and digestive problems? I cant really give a good advice on the energy sucking.I only noticed that it can help to be really aware in such moments and dissolve the blocades that are manifesting in the moment somebody is interfering with you wich is not possible during sleep...I also experienced that when you are more in a state of emptiness than high energy the people dont affect you.I think the point is seeing through this phenomena.But i did fall back and by the time am also affected.The right diet is a big deal for me.It could have to do something with the immunolic thing.Intense meditation made me going grain free and then on a raw food diet.I think it could be helpfull to you to go into nature as often as possible to refresh yourself.In your house it could help to burn incense before you sleep, maybe sage.Sorry for my bad english! Hope i this things can help you a little and i would be happy if you can tell me more of the ill mystics
  17. Spontaneous Cultivation Wu Wei Gong

    Great post! I always waited for a post like this.Doing less and less until everything gets done...What you describe is very similar to my experiences.After a few years of standing and sitting meditation with a focus on awareness, spontanity unfolded.My practice now looks like bagua,tai chi, xinyi mixed and linked and is by my opinion so complex that you couldn learn it.I have also some experiences with spontaneously healing others but i think i tried it to early...good non doing to you!
  18. Grounding?

    I know spotless did mention it already but cold showers are the thing.Switching between hot and cold and relaxing instead of resisting the cold are a great practice.Swimming in lakes or rivers is even better.Also laying on a hard surface or the earth.No practices bit doing natural things that require you to relax.
  19. Colors blind the eye / Sounds deafen the ear

    I think its a hint on hearing without hearing, seeing without seeing, and tasting without out tasting...but i also think it can be understood on many levels.Pay attention on how things affect you but dont let them affect you.
  20. Kundalini help, please?

    I think its a very individual process so i can not say what you need at this point in time.My intensest breakthrough came when i "decided" to let everything go i even thought about to stop meditating in order to be able to stay in touch with my social life.Prior to that i did let go all my connections...friends, familiy, eating habits, i could say everything that was still important to me.And then it came, i did feel very strange but it felt right started spontaneously to life alone on hempseedmilk and after 3 days i had the strangest but most beautiful experience of my life.I think the key lies in trust and the amount of letting go.Besides of that i think cold showers are a good help and an easy but nourishing diet.The month before i often went swimming in a very cold river and always found it very grounding and refreshing.I also burnt lots of sage at that time and started to wear only white clothes and headscarfs haha you could say i went crazy with it.What a great time.Wish you all the best on your way.The force is with you.
  21. Life after Awakening

    Hallo Orion! I think, thinking about this phase will not get you further. As long as you can keep up with your daily life everything is fine.If you realize that nothing is permanent you see that your state of mind is also not and so you dont have to panic.I went through similar experiences and i am also not through everything.I think one "danger" of new mindstates is that they seem so profound that we dont realise that we also have to let them go.I think realising emptiness is just a new beginning.Let go of emtiness until emptiness is full :)PM me if you want.
  22. Ghost immortality

    Aithrobates post made sense to me.I always wondered how and why you could become a ghost immortal. Could it be that forced breathing practices out of lower desires can lead in that direction?Is it that simple?I am thinking of using meditation out of desire instead of letting desires go and allowing your real self to live.
  23. Suggestions for toddler who keeps falling?

    yes i meant outside.I think the important thing is that the ground is not flat so that the toes have to do their job .maybe you can put something under the carpet until spring comes.Im still thinking about how you could emulate a natural ground in your house .Best wishes to you and your daughter!
  24. Suggestions for toddler who keeps falling?

    Maybe it could help if you let her walk barefoot on uneven ground.
  25. Perfect Health Diet

    The diet synchronic describes also does a great job for me.I would only ad lots of greens especially wild herbs like dandelion, stinging nettle etc.I never planed to eat like this it was all by intuition.After ten years of daily meditation cooked grains started to smell and gave me a bad feeling.I was literally forced into raw food.I think eating fish or meat once a month is ok.I also heared that the 3 cultures in the world that live longest have all a diet that is high in protein and fat.But i think no one should force themself into a diet which doesnt feel good.Have a nice meal