
Junior Bum
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About moodlover

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    Dao Bum

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  1. I hope you are right, it has only been a month free of my addiction after a decade of indulging so I will have to bank on time and prayer to heal me. Yes I am going cold turkey, what did you mean by "realistic practice goals"? I am confused about what I am practicing here and what work is to be done. Thank you! ...what?
  2. Who would've thought the internet would be our teacher...

    Got it, thank you!!!
  3. Hello friends, I really need your help. I have suffered from porn addiction for the past decade since I was a little boy and only just now at the age of 24 have I realized how the excessive porn-masturbation-orgasm cycle was killing my health, my spirit, my mind, my body, everything. Since giving it up 30 days ago, my moods have never been better and I've become so much more proactive with meditation, cooking, exercising, learning how to paint, become healthy and desire to develop relations and help people. I feel like a new man, I will never go back to my old ways and have no desire to. However... In those 30 days alone, I have experienced 7 wet dreams, about 1-2 per week (usually happens when I accidentally wake up in the morning then go right back to sleep). It leaves me feeling drained and depressed, and I know this is my body reacting to an abrupt halt of excessive masturbation. I am not here to find "balance" of when to masturbate and when not to, I want to give it up for good so I can do better things with my time - I realize now that so much of my illness is from spilling all my energy out. My body never really had a chance to be heal since ive been indulging in my addiction since as long as I remember. I could really use some advice, tips, techniques and anything else on how I may overcome wet dreams. I realized eating spicy foods (which I have given up) makes me more lustful and likely to have one at night. So does eating at night, or waking up in the morning and going back to sleep. Thank you for your help.
  4. Who would've thought the internet would be our teacher...

    Okay thanks, so I have read your rules but am still a bit confused. How may I start my own thread in the general discussion?
  5. Hello all, I'm new here and have found many useful threads on this forums through google searches. What an amazing time we live in, where all the information is at our fingertips, hopefully helping to advance the spirituality of the planet as a whole. Just 20-30 years ago none of this was possible, and everyone needed a physical teacher to learn about the universe. So for this, and all of you, I am truly grateful. Thank you!