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About MAlanLewis

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    Dao Bum

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  1. 5 Years Later

    I see that I signed up for this 5 years ago and lost track of it. I guess maybe it's because those who know do not say... or something like that. Anyway, I've been a student of Buddhism and Taoism since, oh, 1994 or so. Now that I'm retired I have time to conform the outer life to the inner life. I'll poke around here a bit and get acquainted before I post more.
  2. Glad to be... anywhere!

    Hello all: I'm pleased to discover this forum! It's hard to find someone who knows much of anythig about Taoism, let alone who wants to talk about it!
  3. Greetings!

    Hello all: I'm Michael A. Lewis, student of the Tao for 65 years... but who's counting? I look forward to learning from you all.