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About mostly_empty

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  1. Time (and the horse it rode in on)

    Not an expert, and haven't read the book.... But 1) I would take (consistent with his other writings and other sources) that he is very much thinking about local in the sense of close to and from a particular vantage point. I would say close to "you", but "you" are not unified in that sense if you are talking to this flavour of buddhist. If you think of yourself as being a particular point of focus of a greater possibility (or the entire universe), not as a self-existing being, then local really refers to what is perceived by the focal point that is you. 2) Great time is the "space" in which all local, or local-ish, temporal orderings of perceptions can unfold. Again, if you were an orthodox buddhist you wouldn't want to assert that it is a clock-time of a physical universe. That is not what we experience, although we can certainly engineer things that work on that basis. What is experienced, the locality of our experience", is arising and falling. But experiences which transcend time - happy samadhi everyone! - still take place within a potential temporal space. Overcoming Great Time would be, according to theory, part of enlightenment. I wouldn't know, myself! I hope this helps, not really my cup of tea, but I did spend a little time thinking about the buddhist points of view during my mis-spent youth. Cheers
  2. I would be happy for whichever hints about chi gong/nei gong as you would provide. Frustrated by reading forums in which you actually offered to help... and people seemed too busy to ask politely.

  3. Opening the Dragon Gate of the Antarctic

    but also consider I am happy this winter. The snow under my feet crunches in the morning and is quiet by afternoon. Other years, at this time, it squeaks!
  4. Blue Light

    Dear Sulo, Some perception of blue light occurred for me the very first times I did the FP exercise. More practice tended to facilitate this. No such phenomena occurred in the periods (like now) when I do not practice. So ... a) abnormal as in low frequency ... felt entirely natural and hasn't worried me at all. b ) definitely a mystery, although there some theories one could consider. c). I would say it was more an epiphenomenal signpost. If you are worried about this then definitely don't do FP. Because the light is a fairly obvious but inoffensive change; it is reflecting what are much less obvious but probably more important changes - so if this one worries you you probably are going to be more worried about the other ones! I would also say that you should probably avoid any energy work at all if you are worried about standing differently from the general human population. The cultivation practices that are effective will all make you rather nervous in this regard. Good luck,
  5. Right indeed. It is just that the dividing line between superstitions and taoist science is cultivation. For an idiot such as myself, my own beliefs are of little consequence in the haze of confusion in which I generally live. But observe carefully and lots of interesting surprises emerge.
  6. Absolutely. Most of Daoist (or other) beliefs falling into the same category. However, watch carefully and see if something cannot be learned. About beliefs, and patterns in time. Myself I will superstitiously continue to walk in circles getting nowhere, and see if the year's cynic tally justifies Mr Lo at the end. Cheers
  7. What happened to the Matriarchal Cultures

    Wandering back towards the OP, if possible... One suspicion is that some people don't entertain the idea of matriarchal cultures because they imagine that it is it a flipped patriarchal culture; simply with women on top. Not that this doesn't have some advantages, but as a culturally well conditioned male the attraction of being reduced in the social order is limited. I think that the actual archaic cultures had dimensions of status and respect that are simply absent (or ignored) nowadays. To return one doesn't just put women in charge (our premier is lovely, but she can only do so much....) - one has to value actions by more than aggression and dominance. One would think that the non-martial Daoists would at least entertain the idea - but maybe not
  8. Vipassana: What Kind of Insight Do I Get?

    Dear Rocco, Mindfulness of breath helps you stabilize consciousness. It has many other effects as well. As you subdue the tendencies of the monkey mind you can use this as a platform to consider the cycle - arising, falling - of thoughts. So while having some clarity of thought and separation from the daily world helps generate insight into how one's life functions, the main insight is into the nature of mind. The many "flavours" of insight noted by "awaken" refer to experiences which, if you practice and stabilize, tell you quite a bit about mind and consciousness.
  9. Damo Mitchell - Internal Arts Academy

    Read slowly, read again..... In fact I put them back on my "to read" shelf after reading them. I am letting them ferment and digest bit by bit the second go round.
  10. Limited space for taiji form

    Taoway, In addition to the modified forms suggested, you may consider that some of the moves have a lot to teach on their own. So just trying to perfect the opening, for example, can take as many hours practice as you might throw at it. In a way I would be more worried about the low quality air than the lack of space. Cheers.
  11. ChosunNinja mocks Masters of Kali / Escrima .

    A long time ago a roommate of mine introduced me to eskrima. In less than 20 seconds (not kidding) he bruised more than my ego. It is fortunate indeed that my philippino colleagues and friends are very gentle and friendly people.
  12. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "I drank what?" - Socrates.
  13. Egyptian healing rods

    Good for what ales you?
  14. Watching The Birds

    Reference tau - the rate of change of the apparent angle to the apparent size being a constant that describes the distance from you. More to the point - an amusing coincidence that something with this phonology so correctly describes the relations in the world... Perhaps dogs are "tau-ist" after all.
  15. Can you help this 12 year old boy?

    Nah, taking responsibility for our actions has its merits - but trying to be responsible for everyone else is much less fun than you think. I did try that on for size once upon a time.... Obviously people giving to a charity mean well and do hope for a good outcome. Full stop. Thinking that you control the outcome of anything in life is just bound for unhappiness. ("if you want to hear god laugh, just tell her your plans"). If I were you I would wait ever so patiently until everything goes as well as it possibly could. Wu wei and all that! Cheers.