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Everything posted by thaddeus

  1. Hmmm.. What Will Happen If...?

    better, who/where is this 'me'?
  2. John Chang Video

    I have that book somewhere..i'll have to dig it up..start a new thread..would like to hear any insights you have.
  3. Do You Consult The Yi Jing (i Ching)?

    Yeah, I can definately understand how when you see the truth in something you want to share it. I think most of us are in the same boat--having friends, acquaintances, co-workers who just don't give a damn. And the precious few times I do meet someone who is interested in something 'more' like these topics, the conversation usually ends up to be talking at each other. Don Miguel Ruiz and Eckart Tolle are very two influential people who are helping me wake up via their books and cds. Cloud, since you have some time coming up, I think it's well worth it instead of *adding* something, spend some time dissolving ego ala similar to these guys teachings. I have some old YiChing books so out of respect to you guys and in the interest of the tao, I'll take another look and digest your ideas... T p.s. cloud, i'll see what i can dig up..i think it was in one of his rants, which he had quite a few, on the state of martial arts
  4. Do You Consult The Yi Jing (i Ching)?

    c'mon are you serious? i understand you have alot invested in it, but you're being way too sensitive. i think i asked some damn good questions if I may say so... anyway, i think we need to get past thinking we are belittling something by asking questions and calling things out there. Otherwise we're just paying alot of lipservice and amen-ing each other. T
  5. John Chang Video

    I think it's all just part of the process..normal conversation goes through this..discussion groups are hard in that the conversation is slow and then it's printed for ever..if we were all around a table yacking away, it wouldn't be much different. I'd really hate for us all to be sipping tea and being dreadfully polite and politcally correct. At least this is somewhat 'real'--whatever that is.. T
  6. c'mon..cut it out and come back..i'm sorry if i offended you with my wording, let's hug it out!
  7. John Chang Video

    Wow! where did this come from? Challenge the information but don't take a wild pot shot out of nowhere at a dream image. You studied 'all' his posts? You do realize you're railing away at dream images don't you? Let's get back to the moment and discuss what is being said. He put some information out there..maybe you don't like it or are uncomfortable with it..what is it that ticked you off about the post. T
  8. Do You Consult The Yi Jing (i Ching)?

    Thanks, I guess I just don't get it. I can understand a situation symbolized by a hexagram, and then I can understand that hexagram can change (much like a cloud dispersing). I understand the hexagram can change in finite ways based on the coin toss. Now whether or not the hexagram appeared by some divine yet unkown source and the changes predict the outcomes of those changes to me is where the BS factor comes in. I'm of the mind that I can make *any* hexagram fit to *any* situation--including the finite outcomes. The only difference I feel is in the idea of limitless possibility. The potentiality we live in is such that *anything* is possible. I don't think studying the hexagrams really helps in that regard, I feel it can only hinder in that is imposes a form on that which is unlimited. Make sense? Because in studying the hexagram potential changes, it *predicts* (and that's where I see the fallacy in this) outcomes. How many people made poor decisions based on random coin and stick tosses and abstract translated commentaries. If I want to understand the nature of change, I can meditate on the wind blowing through leaves, I can watch clouds, I can see a candle flame. I guess after this rant, what i'm saying is that there is nothing magical about the book, and one can't disregard the fact that it is an oracle and is used to predict the change it and imply it's a meditative tool I think is stretching it a bit... Yeah, this is good in that it also refines my understanding as well. Thanks for understanding my questioning and not taking offense at it.. T
  9. Do You Consult The Yi Jing (i Ching)?

    I guess an example would help..if it's not too much trouble..
  10. Do You Consult The Yi Jing (i Ching)?

    what does this mean exactly? how is bagua related to the yi jing...didn't Wang Xian Zhai say relating martial arts to the YiChing, 5 elements, etc. was all a bunch of BS?? or do i have that misquoted..of course, correct movement is spiral and that spiral needs to go full circle, much like the cycle of the hexagrams..but other than that..what is there to it? That's what I'm trying to understand from this.. Thanks, T
  11. Do You Consult The Yi Jing (i Ching)?

    I agree with this...more often than not, I believe reading sticks and believing there is some kind of mysterious magic in it, leads one astray. It reinforces the story of whatever one is looking for. Why do we need to keep looking outside to sticks, coins, cards, etc? T
  12. a machine that sits between the public internet and our private network for security filters alot of the content too so that employees aren't looking at bad probably have a software proxy at home on your computer to protect your pc..
  13. Art Of The Bedchamber

    i have it..long time ago, no instructions or anything..just a translation by a recipes in there however. I don't remember getting any useful instructions from there. T
  14. I have a less lofty reason for keeping the profanity and such out of discussions..internet proxies at work!! already taobums is on the denied list for one of our proxies... T
  15. The Elixir Pellet Is Bought With Gold

    what happened to the law of attraction...
  16. But what exactly is Winn's 'stuff' if by his own admition Chia was not taught high level was just 'described' to him. And chia stopped his training at 19 vs he in turn, turns right around and repackages it. Blind leading blind, no? My impression of all of these guys is that they are floundering around, talking to ghosts in the end, and still have nothing to show but rants on the internet and incomplete training, yet they want to lead people and say the other guy is wrong. T
  17. yeah, been doing breath explorations on my own. try this: sit or lay down, and then just watch your breath..meaning don't force it, just watch what it does on it's own without intervention. Put your mind in your lungs and ribcage and just feel what it's doing. It's a very subtle difference. When you simply feel it look for where it's restricted. Don't do anything, just put your attention on the area, like a flashlight looking, observing, not judging, be all the restrictions melt away.. T
  18. Actual Manifestation Of Chi

    I might..but I have a problem with committing to a schedule. I've seen ads in craigslist for pretty cheap 1:1 training where you meet the teacher at a starbucks. That sounded like a flexible way to get started, the rest I would just force myself to speak it since I work with alot of chinese..i'm also considering investing in an IPOD and downloading lessons on that.. T Very cool..i'm assuming it's mainland china? What city? I'm thinking of my dream itinerary...first stop, Hong Kong..then chen village, shaolin temple (for the coolness factor, i heard it's a tourist trap)..thailand on the way back..damn, maybe that's too much..hmmm i'm thinking a 10 day trip might be doable..what would be some cool places to see? and of course EAT.. T
  19. Do You Consult The Yi Jing (i Ching)?

    Yeah, I could probably use some 'edumacation' on the subject. Jung I believe was studying the synchronicity aspect of things. It will be interesting to see what you come up with. As far as changes and cycles, what's the big deal..things go through change..can you give an example of what you mean specifically with regards to the hexagrams? Thanks Wayfarer!
  20. Pietro, I actually do understand your concerns. I went to get a cavity filled once and the dentist was drilling for a long time. He said, "btw, I started a root canal". I was so upset that he didn't consult with me first before killing the tooth. I was actually quite depressed over the whole thing. I didn't like the idea of a 'dead' tooth, and having chemicals in my mouth, and damage to a nerve that might be connected to an organ (yikes!) etc. etc. But I think you're at the point of no return. Let the dentist do what she has to do to fix your teeth and stop self medicating. I see you have some ideas of cause and effect, but the truth is the stuff you're doing is NOT working and you're getting cavities. Whatever effect dental work has on your overall wellbeing is in reality extremely minor in the whole scheme of things. So just take the plunge and get it over with. T
  21. Do You Consult The Yi Jing (i Ching)?

    The Yi Jing is interesting, but like with tarot cards, if someone is assigning literal meanings to things and looking them up in a book, then they are just a hack--imnho. I see it as just a tool to access a greater awareness. I'm sorry if this flies right into the face of your beliefs about the Yi Jing (I ching), but you can also look at any pattern and derive the same conclusions. One can look at the bottom of a teacup, the way some pebbles are scattered in the path, etc. etc. The real skill, gongfu or whatever is to be able to access that which you already are aware of. Anyway, you asked for opinions...
  22. Actual Manifestation Of Chi

    How can we meet this guy? I would make the trip. Is it possible? Time to seriously learn some mandarin.. T
  23. Actual Manifestation Of Chi

    I know you're speaking figuratively, but isn't it funny we think this stuff is only in the deepest hushed places inside china. There's a metaphor there somewhere, but i'm hungry and i have to eat.
  24. Actual Manifestation Of Chi

    you're talking about the h won stuff? those are conditioned responses..try it behind a curtain..
  25. Actual Manifestation Of Chi

    well one thought i had on this is the following..a big mantra of many internal stylists is that the 'mind leads the chi'..they don't say chi leads the mind. So if you want to move someone, you need to make *their* mind lead their chi. So when someone moves someone without touching them, they are really affecting their mind, which in turn moves their body. a scientist could say hypnosis or suggestion or conditioning. someone less scientifically inclined would say 'chi'. an old trick for fighting is to position yourself in such a way that you have no apparant targets, then open up a part of your body that you want your attacker to attack. then say something to provoke them to attack you, you are already ready for that punch to the face because in reality you are completely controlling the mind of your attacker without him realizing it. to onlookers it appears magical and that you have super reflexes or 'special chi powers'. we can go on and on with this stuff... T He seems to have some cool things to say..i like the link to the body in his articles.. what does he mean by 'in spiritual life form is destiny. any depth of understanding of the human form must lead you to believe that the entire destiny of a human being is to awaken..' T