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Everything posted by thaddeus

  1. He Shou Wu/fo Ti Question

    This is much gray were you getting? and did you see the hairs turn dark at the roots and grow out? or did they fall out grey and grow in black/original color? what is 1005 raw foods? T
  2. I've never seen any book with any real details. Even something like 'bring the Ki up your legs' is not really a detail, it's just some kind of clue that is only corroborated after you're at a level where you don't need a book. T
  3. ----

    I don't want to speak for Lozen, but I think she may be alluding to 'intention'. Pero, have you done research on the origin of reiki--and what are your thoughts on it..and what do you think is going on in the atunement. and, maybe this is for another thread, but why do you say there is no god.. sorry, maybe too many questions too early in the morning... T How about this, my intention is for you to unexpectedly find $100 today..let's see if that works.. But you realize there is no power in the's just paper with ink on it..the changes came from your heart/mind.. T
  4. ----

    Hi Lozen, and this is an area of inquiry for me..the power does come from god..but then i think, am i separate from god? ultimately, no, i'm not..but dare i say I am god? god and i are one? that's amazing..when i think of god as a separate being, is that correct or is that the root of man's problem...i've been pondering this stuff.. T
  5. ----

    Hi planethealer! You probably missed some of my posts..of course i'm not blaming the healing--that would totally disempower me. I did say I believe my work problem was a reflection of my inner state..this much I do understand right now. I can see how my writing would lead one to think I'm criticising the healing circle. I'm not. I think it's a good thing for people until they realize they have their own power all along--there is nothing 'out there'. If you look at all my posts as a whole you would know that's not what i'm all about.. Nice to hear from you! T I'd like to hear more about this sometime.. T
  6. ----

    I think this is a great point. If we put anything next to our palms we will feel reflective energy. There was also a well publicised study of touch healing where the recipient couldn't tell when the healer was sending energy if they were unable to see the healer. This simple study was designed by a young child interested in science. fwiw, T Thanks..No Joke, last night was ok! T
  7. ----

    thanks for that..keeping an open mind..and remembering this all an illusion like somehow a projection of my inner state..although i don't fully understand that.. T
  8. ----

    My experience has been disasterous. My shoulder is still hurt, no change at all there. Second, within an hour or so of signing up, my world at work has completely fallen apart. I have had more problems this one week than I can ever remember and in fact, things seem to be getting worse. If I was more superstitious, I would believe there was some kind of connection and would love to undo my sign up. I'll give an example, Thursday night i was stuck at my desk until 2am and had to be back at work (1.5 hour commute each way) by 7am. It's pretty much almost like this everyday. I'm having a completely opposite experience. My life really really sucks right now, I can't emphasize that any more. So that's my angle here..and I was open minded to this. T
  9. Course In Miracles

    It's a book that is reportedly the true channeled teachings of Jesus. Very strange and very dubious circumstances but has a huge following. I found this book called 'the disappearance of the universe' that features it. The basic premise is not unfamiliar to us..that everything, including our bodies, is an illusion. The problem is that we have separated from god and we need to find our way back (but we never actually left). If you are familiar with the parable of the prodigal son, that's it in a nutshell. T
  10. In all fairness, you're not really saying anything substantial other than it's about the tailbone and the rest just sucks. If you're really interested in saving us money, say something specific, otherwise it's just noise. Yoda seems to think the information is pretty good. I just want to know more.. T
  11. Yoda, from amazon: "prevent over ejaculations. They lead to more than 24 major health problems, incurable by medical doctors, which seriously undermine their sexual life. The list includes premature ejaculation, anxiety, emotional eating, aggressive/depressed behavior, (semi) impotence and related overweight, low back pain, lack of libido and power, dizziness, hot flashes, blurry vision, etc. They are usually caused by deficiencies of little-known substances in your biochemistry and nervous system. The book's content is focused mostly on them. You can solve naturally all of these problems for up to 100% with time by following the advice from the book." What are the 'substances' in the biochemistry that will fix 'over ejaculating'? If this stuff is legit, i'll buy the book to check it all sounds reasonable to me..sykkel, why do you hate it so much? T
  12. Thanks..on the 'exploring the exhale' (which is great work btw) have you thought about exploring the inhale with a reverse breath? T just curious..what's science behind the choline and lecithin recommendations? thanks, T.
  13. can someone post the instructions for the tailbone training?? want to try it out.. T
  14. just because it's simple doesn't mean it's a hoax..can you elaborate? Is it saying to completely isolate the tailbone? what is the relationship to the rest of the pelvic floor and ashwini banda (deer lock).. T
  15. ----

    The truly mystifying aspect is that we are unaware or worse, afraid, of this greatness within ourselves.
  16. Healing For You

    Hi, it's really nice that you took the time to post this and say hi. It says alot about your character. I only hope that you stick around and communicate with us. We are an ecletic and mildly eccentric group of souls. Many of us here are naturally drawn to the healing arts. I think your work keeps your particularly busy but it would be an honor for you to chime in from time to time. I think what you're doing with your life is an inspiration.. T
  17. ----

    well, just think of this logically..if someone can smash a kidney stone (which takes lasers/sound) with psychic fingers, one would think there would be evidence of other manipulations that we would take for granted. The mostly likely explanation is that your belief in her cured you, your brain created a sensation of fingers to make it all fit in the model. I'm sure she would say everyone experiences it in a different way..another sign that it's an individual thing. We certainly wouldn't be debating this, everyone who had a dying relative would have her booked solid to do surgery. I really like this discussion because it's making me think through my ideas about healing. Thanks.. T
  18. ----

    Some of these ideas are discussed in the quantum version of 'what the bleep do we know'. how particles are connected even though they are in different parts of the universe. also studies about how intention can link the brains of two people..for example, stimulating one person makes the brain of the other person linked via intention stimulate also.. hmmmmm T
  19. Christianity and Gnosticism

    I'd like to discuss this stuff with you guys, just can't right now got some work dumped on me..but don't forget me.. T
  20. ----

    I think Pero said it best, but to use your example, suppose you rested against a tree that had a knob protruding, and that knob pressed against your tight shoulder, relaxing you and your state of mind. Did the tree heal you? The tree had no power in itself. You allowed yourself to be healed. You became of aware of the tension and released it. All the stuff going on to get you there is personal and probably unexplainable, but it's you. When you attend to the healing arts practicioner, you are opening yourself up. It's your belief this person can help you. But ultimately you allow it. Believing other people have powers is a trap and disempowers yourself. When someone works on us, we enter a partnership. Hope that makes sense.. T
  21. ----

    i hurt my rotator cuff and it's been taking some time to heal, so i'll join the circle and report back results. In any case, I don't believe people have power to heal other people..even jesus (arguably the best role model for healing) would say 'your faith has healed you'..he didn't claim any specific power by himself. But I am extremely interested in the healing arts, so it's worth investigating and discussing.. T
  22. Seated Meditations

    I'm familiar with Karel, her husband. He was a big proponent of Yiquan for a long time. I find it *extremely* interesting they are studying with chen xiao wang now. Interesting in the sense that, I wonder what they saw in the taichi training they felt was worth pursuing, and also interesting to see people open to new experiences and continue learning. I often wonder about 'teachers' who aren't continuing their studies in some way. So it's refreshing to see them do that. Since you're in the UK have you thought about chasing down Wang Hai Jun? He's a student of Chen Zheng Lei, and is worth taking a workshop with. Wow, Michael Tse also went with CXW. Funny, but you don't see too many people doing that here in the US. At least i'm not aware of any 'big names' that take up a new teacher. Personally I believe in the end, Taichi provides the format to get the most complete training. Every other system seems to have some 'minus'..but it's hard to find a weakness in taichi training--it has it all. T oh, and just an fyi, you are learning yiquan. Traditional taichi training (esp via CXW) doesn't have 'Shi Li' and Mo Ca Bu', and the same time, Yiquan doesn't have Silk reeling. You are probably aware of this, but just saying if you speak to other taichi people, they won't know what you're talking about. And at the same time you aren't learning 'pure' taichi. I don't mean it in a bad way, just something to be aware of. Like if you're buying something and it says 100% pomegranate juice and you find out it also contains grape juice.. anyway, enjoy the's fun..
  23. What is the Most Important Thing?

    Still learning this..but to love god with all your heart, all your mind...then to love my neighbor the same way..cause ultimately it's the same..
  24. Save My Rancid Blood

    are you paraphrasing monty python here? his version was more colorful..and smelly...lmao..
  25. Seated Meditations

    if it's not too personal, can you elaborate on your chen taichi training? with who etc. depending on your particular style nuances, the MCO is in the store/release of movement. If you think about it, you'll see it. Some styles don't have a bow/unbow of the spine, and do more of a twist either in the lumbar spine or the hip joints...curious what your style does.. anyway, regarding your question, makes sense to me. sinking chi is basically the first step and like all first steps, the hardest. T