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Everything posted by thaddeus
What did you find awful about it? Can you elaborate? Thanks, T
Well, now you're getting into some really theoretical/hypothetical stuff. I'm sure mathemeticians would have some issues with your argument. Unless you are a mathmetician and you are into some heavy mathemetical theory, which I just don't have the energy to debate or even equipped to. Then there are the quantum physics crowd who claim there is only a reality when there is an observer...that's a whole 'nuther chapter too. Yeah, the shop keeper and the homeless kid have their own interpretatoin of what happened. But something devoid of human interpretation did happen and that my friend is the truth. We may never *know* the truth, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Perhaps that's what God or 'the great spirit' is there for...to 'witness' the truth, perhaps god is the safeguard of truth, because we humans are always twisting it to suit our own aims and purposes. Good thoughts, T
Funny you mention that because I was wondering what was going on..just started it and getting lots of positive attention from women..is it from increased testosterone? T Thanks trunk, I knew you would respond! I have been working the spine and intuitively I know not to go past 5 lbs..i guess you could increase the weight by playing with the swing. On another note, the practice is a good way to release bound up fascia in the lower abdomen. Tell me more about the massage part.. T
If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? Have you ruled out hormonal changes? Really like your quote about love. I keep telling people a good relationship is when two people come together and create something bigger than themselves. Unfortunately, alot of relationships are just two people coming together and worse, becoming something less. Nice thought. T
Good thoughts. However, alot of your examples are about opinions. Everyone's got opinions (you know the old saying). Of course there is truth...'did you steal that apple?" yes or no..Not to quote Miguel Ruiz again, but if you realize everyone is involved in their own drama and illusion, you won't put too much stock into what anyone says. I think that's what you're getting it..it's all an illusion. If I say you are fat, you may or may not be, it's more about my issues--that comes from me. That's why I'm slowly but surely not taking anything personally anymore. When most people talk, they are railing against their own illusions. I think realizing that is one step towards more freedom. T
Agree.. On Barry Long, I have to read this guy's stuff, but a preliminary perusal smacks of..."Most men forgot how to make divine love, but ladies, not me, I know how to do it..sleep with me...let me spread my seed" I may sound jaded, but jeez, some of these guy's game is just sooo obvious. T
I think you summed it up in the last paragraph. Everyone around us is wounded (except for a few awakened beings), and extremely sensitve and protecting our wounds...re: Mastery of Love, by Ruiz. Someone joked 'you can't handle the truth'..there's alot of wisdom in that. Basically we can't. The reality is that people are scared and hurt. We can't stomp around telling the truth because it makes US feel better because it hurts people. We manipulate the truth in order to survive. People who are brutally honest will end up alone or worse, dead. That's not good for survival. People who think being brutally honest is the best for everyone force themselves to be hypocrites. T
I couldn't read his stuff. The guy curses so much it detracts from his message. Red Flag...Obviously the people around him aren't being radically honest with him to tell him that he can't write or communicate worth a dime. Big turnoff. T
Any thoughts on what is jing stagnation? In what context did Ken say this? Another reason why I'm asking is that we often throw terms around, and I'm guilty of that too, without thinking about what it means. Jing Stagnation is along those lines. My friend went to the doctor because of blood in his urine from too agressive pressing. Interestingly enough, his doctor knew about the practice and knew exactly what he was talking about. I've since lost touch with him, so I don't know how he's doing (that was over 10 years ago). T
sit on a sock...interesting..because traditionally some of the yogic postures to learn mula bandha require you to sit on your heel. I'm thinking the sock must encourage a gentle 'sucking up' sensation at the same time providing a rolfing type pressure to loosen up the fascia so energy can flow better. It probably also 'shapes' the area into the required position. I'll definately check that site out. I've been spending quite a bit of time working this area to loosen, strengthen and gain control. I would like to hear more on this topic.. T
I was thinking about what you said, why do the HT instructors say it's dangerous if it's in the book. Do they think you can damage the tissue or is it something else?
I hear ya. I'm just wondering if anyone 'grew a tooth' or turned their hair back to the original color or became young again.. For me, I'm not formally practicing a 'technique' for transmutation of the 'generative energy'...still waiting for that master to show up. I've gained great control and watch the frequency of letting go. Basically I noticed I only catch a cold around the times I let go and my knees do feel weaker for a day or too (based on martial arts practice). But I'm still waiting for the teacher to show me how to steam those sperm into vapor and become 20 years old again. I'm playing around with stuff, but definately need a some direction. All the text say 'must be taught by a master'...so..where is that master??? Was wondering if anyone here has done it. T
Has anyone made any significant progress in this area and would like to share the steps they did personally?
I'm about to abandon the dantian model of movement in favor of moving using the perineum. Anyone 'get' what i'm talking about and understand it? I think it helps integrate breathing better into whole body movement. Think of chi weightlifting as you turn your torso to get an idea. thaddeus
Hey Trunk, using the diagram above, where does one press for the million dollar point..(i know this was discussed before) and where do you think the hui yin point is? Seems like you have to press alot closer to the scrotum than I thought (plus I never did get it right anyway). I did press pretty close to my scrotum and had a dry orgasm once, but I wasn't sure it was the correct technique as I've been able to have dry ones with a kegel. If I press closer to the anus, I can go it deep but how hard do you have to press to stop the fluids from coming out, I felt I was pressing pretty damn hard. Thanks, T
Another angle on this is that technically, the tan tien just directs the power that is coming from the ground (via the legs). It's like a switch station...actually, now I don't know why I just said that..just throwing it into the discussion.. T
Sure..i guess it can be the 'bottom' of the dantian, like the mingmen is the 'back' of the dantian. In yoga, you are taught to manipulate the perineum in the poses and through the transitions. It provides stability. So, it is also an integral part of movement. In that sense, I think learning to move from the perineum would be a better model that moving from the dantian. I think moving from the dantian, one can still freeze the perineum or lose awareness of the subtle pumps and lifts going on in there. Anyway, it was just an observation from my experimenting with these ideas. T
Hey, just looking at some anatomy charts..i did a quick google but couldn't find an answer...which muscle is the hyu yin located on. Is it the bulbocavernous muscle (on a male)..These muscles are different on a woman..for example, I read an interesting discussion on kegels..for males, the PC muscle is really the bulbocavernous muscle..for women, it's something else..but because it's such an awkward, unknown area, the term PC muscle is just thrown about.. thaddeus
Turning the torso seems to activate one side of the perineum. I noticed if your greater dantian area is tight and locked up, there is little movement in the perineum area. It's pretty cool exploration for me and gives me good feedback on the amount of abdominal tension I'm feeling.
Maybe it's the sexual energy gurus that are on the wrong trackor dangerous track? T
Didn't really want this to be a chia bashing thread, but I attended an open center workshop for him recently --paid damn good money too...only to realize it was just a freaking infomercial for a series of workshops he had that weekend and the next week...i got really turned off to him and his tactics there. That was a big scam. But I got a good laugh at him trying to operate the remote for the projector and clicking at the screen instead of the projector and replacing the battery several times..priceless. thaddeus
Very cool..interesting to run into more heart related material...