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Everything posted by thaddeus

  1. taoist practice vs taoist thought

    check this out:
  2. proof of qigong

    edited..will rewrite later..
  3. Is Yin Yoga sustainable?

    This is actually a very interesting question on a lot of levels. On a theoritical level, 'yin' is not sustainable, it must change. But regardless, Yin Yoga is just a term he made up. But I think the practice is a good adjunct to something else. You can't really compare it to Kundalini yoga. I like Kundalini yoga, to me it's Indian Qigong and not really what we normally think of yoga. I might take up Kundalini yoga. Btw, Grilleys Yin Yoga video is so good, if you have just a little background in yoga, you don't really need to take a class. I think it's one of the best instructionals I've seen in a while. I think that people will integrate the yin yoga into their daily routines depending on need. T
  4. New Book Recommendation

    I just received it..will check it out, needed something to read this weekend..
  5. proof of qigong

    If I can speak for exorcist (no pun intended), qigong practice is *supposed* to confer great health, vitality and youthfulness. I understand everyone's rationalizations of growing old, getting sick and dying. What he's saying is that qigong practice is supposed to fix all that. Otherwise, why practice it all. The literature states qigong is supposed to cure all diseases. The oral tradition states it's supposed to keep you young, turn grey hair black, etc. etc. If it doesn't do that, then it's certainly a serious waste of time. The joke is on all the qigong gurus getting old, getting sick and dying. T
  6. That's cool, do you care to divulge the formula? On a sort of related note, and we probably touch on this topic every few months or so, have you found any herbs that will directly replenish the jing lost through sexual activity or stress at work? Thanks.. T
  7. Everyone's weird today

    Ha! how cool is this. Yesterday was so messed up I was going to write on here and ask if it's another Killing day. Because definately something was different yesterday. It was so chaotic I didn't get a chance to write, but I'm glad you did Ian, because I'm convinced now we are all sensitive to something greater than ourselves. T
  8. I agree on the vitamin C if we had to pick a single most important supplement. Next would be fish oil/omega3. After that, make sure to eat lots of vegetables and fruits to get all the substances such as flavonoids etc that science hasn't singled out yet. That's my current take. Herbs are ok but only for temporary correcting of imbalances, i think they all pretty much have side effects. T
  9. Wing Chun?

    I'm considering mixing my training up a bit and studying Wing Chun to see what it's all about. Any comments? T
  10. Wing Chun?

    Is that a class or a DVD? I'm looking into it...amazingly enough, not very many choices in NYC at least on the web. I think because it's so expensive to run a business in nyc, that the only successful martial art schools aren't going to appeal to snobbish elitists like myself T
  11. Wing Chun?

  12. Wing Chun?

    You know, I thought this would be a fun idea but it seems next to freaking impossible to find a school in a chinese internal or external art that a.) has reasonable hours (i.e. after work most evenings) b.) no contracts or other weirdness. I was looking for something that would be fun, not compete too much with taiji principles and help me stay active. Just getting a little slump in my training and need a little booster with something. T
  13. Wing Chun?

    Chen Style Taiji, and various chi gongs.. T
  14. New John Chang Video Very interesting information on how people harness electricity and how dynamo jack could have done these things. T
  15. Serious Offer

    you're really taking this at face value... when you find out that 'Michelle' is really an overweight freckly faced teenage boy who can only fantasize about what women actually say, do you still want to continue this quest? just a thought.. T
  16. Serious Offer

    Pietro, I think you may want to stick with your successes in Ireland.. lol T
  17. Serious Offer

    My take: That's a man, baby! (austin powers) T
  18. New John Chang Video

    Hi Max, where are you learning this? T
  19. Tai Chi and cultivation

    Hi spectrum, you made alot of good points. I wanted to focus in on this one, not that it has anything to do with chigung. But overall, I think basically you're saying that when you're taught to use your breath in the form, that's the begining of cultivation. Which I agree, I just think that Taiji doesn't teach you to go much farther--it's really a fighting system and it's historical use is for fighting..but anyway, your push hands comment is quite true. This observation led Hong Jung Shen to 'change' the form to better reflect it's actual application. He felt the way people do the form and the way they use it are different. But back to your comment, yeah, it's true, so one *should* see people who practice taichi in linear movements or without using the waist, start to move correctly in the form after doing push hands. But they don't. And it's mostly because push hands the way it's practiced by 99.99% of everyone is just BS. Many people are under the delusion that push hands is fighting instead of the principles you're supposed to be practicing in push hands as fighting. And sadly, most people have no real concept of actually using the waist. I know because doing it for many years, it's still difficult, and I haven't met anyone except for a master that can do it. So it should never be underestimated as something simple to do and 'yeah I do that.' In sum, I agree there should be only one way to actually move correctly. The differences we see out there are from incorrect practice..and that's a really tough nut to crack, I'm very jaded now because I followed so many systems that turned out to be nothing. I'm grateful for the lessons learned, but it's an interesting journey. This is an interesting practice. I know you mentioned it before..where did you learn it? T
  20. Happy Birthday Sean!

    hope you had and are having a great day...aries dragons rule!
  21. New John Chang Video

    From: Comments? The other striking feature of fascia is it is highly organized and tightly bundled. It is, in fact, so regular and repeating in the way it is organized that it meets the definition of a liquid crystal. It also functions as a liquid crystal; that is to say that we can generate and transmit piezoelectricity. Don't get put off by the big words if you are new to this. Piezoelectric is what powers your gas grill sparkers, lighters, and watches. The idea is that physical stresses are converted by piezoelectric materials into electricity. What this means for us is that any movement of our bodies will generate an electrical signal that is carried to literally every cell we have. This important insight, that the fascial elements of our bodies can transmit and store information, explains the fundamental importance of exercise and gives us a direct method of understanding "body memory." Any experienced body worker, any good chiropractor, any healer of any type has been fascinated by the links between painful areas and memories. Patients with extensive health histories will, once healing has begun, speak of events and emotions that are associated with the site of injury. This is because fascial tissue stores and transmits information with every single movement. This is a large part of what constitutes consciousness, and it is what we define as the living matrix.
  22. New John Chang Video

    do you happen to know how the brother died? he was young.. I can only guess he felt he took it too far in the restaurant fiasco and felt really bad about the splinter and cutting himself. I remember an old relative chastising a goup of us because we were laughing so much..she insisted this will only lead to crying. There's an old story in the taichi circles ( i forgot the names, but I think it comes from the Yang family) about how this young guy defeated a formidable opponent and he went bragging to his dad..his dad, unimpressed, pointed out his sleeve was torn and that he needed more practice. T
  23. Tai Chi and cultivation

    I should have said I never heard of him, so my bad. Where did he learn the Neigung he is teaching? I highly doubt it came from CMC. Certainly. If there is such a teacher, I'm willing to check it out. Are you learning from Hsu Fun Yuen or do you have a different teacher? T
  24. New John Chang Video

    Wow! Just thinking out you think this spirit world where John Chang's master lives in houses our dead relatives and friends too? T