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Everything posted by vonkrankenhaus

  1. Anyone familiar with this rare Qigong form ?

    Yes. That is good. Real way is body bent forward 90 degrees, flat, head and neck flat on back, all making a straight line. If you look up whole time when doing this as Qigong, static, Qi builds up in the Narrow Gate at the top of the spine, so you keep it flat for best results. The whole time. Keep mouth shut and teeth together, and tongue on up palate. After you done and straighten, then breathe belly and rub down Conception vessel in front a few times, shake off, etc. The whole form itself is a really just a catalog. It is done in many different style by different clubs in the same type of Chinese Gongfu. For the public, it is dynamic. Those who have eyes see. So that posture, it is taken out and combined with a couple of other actions not shown in the form, as a slow and static exercise that is done for about 5-10 minutes. There are many similar exercises "buried" in that one form. Some are very specific. The whole form is done more like Waidan in a public demonstration, and work that way as performed like in the first video. Here is another guy, different school, doing the same whole form, but in a different style: -VonKrankenhaus
  2. Anyone familiar with this rare Qigong form ?

    OK. No, this is isolated. You separate from the form. So look at the "posture" at exact 55 seconds. This posture is held for 10 minutes. This is part of a Qigong called "Mad Cow Drinking". People go to HK used to pay $1000 to learn this in early 70s. A few other actions besides this one posture are in the complete exercise. The whole form shown itself is a catalog of many Qigong exercises of different types. This one posture taken out, with some additional actions added, is very good exercise for MCO beginning, to move into the Governing vessel upwards. I have literally seen students fly up maybe 10 ft into the air and hit stuff. One guy practiced under a balcony and he went up, hit head, and died. Some time I will do a video of it, because it is in a public form. Looking to see it in the whole Tid Sin form may be hard for people not used to seeing this way of learning. -VonKrankenhaus
  3. Anyone familiar with this rare Qigong form ?

    To me, these are exercise for old people. You want to work Thrusting vessel - why? To support movement up the Governing vessel to brain. Flap arms and heels up and down is very wimpy way to get this going. Burping would be more profound effect. In the video I showed first before, look at 55 seconds. This position squeeze Thrusting vessel into the Governing vessel. With back 90 degree horizontal (he is not all the way, but correct way is 90 degree), this changes the polarity to the head, making Qi fast. Arms out makes tension, cutting flow off from arms and focus into the Governing vessel going up to head. If you isolate this action from the form, and form is just a catalog made into a "set", then realize there are other actions that go with it when separated out, taught personally by a teacher. These fold up the system at first to end in the position at 55 seconds, and holding this position. I have seen tense people fly up or shoot forward off their feet doing this. You massage Difficult Gate, sides of head, and down the front Conception vessel and they are okay. Form I showed has many Qigong, all doing stuff you describe, but much more focus and potent, but these are transmission from teachers and you need to know to be able to pick out. I see the Qigong you show in the video, and I see that kind a lot now. It is very generalized. Like official standardized stuff is. I am just showing a different perspective - type of actions many do not see today in the same context. After that action I show, we do one activate the middle of the brain, using Qi brought up. You become "psychic". I know one guy who do this and actually became a professional psychic for years after this. Standing with that guy in back yard - all your life and never go far, but good for health and circulation for sure. Very good for that, and for people who sit in office all day. -VonKrankenhaus
  4. Ultimate Inner Alchemy

    Occam's razor - (Latin: novacula Occami); further known as the law of parsimony (Latin: lex parsimoniae)) is the problem-solving principle that essentially states that "simpler solutions are more likely to be correct than complex ones." When presented with competing hypotheses to solve a problem, one should select the solution with the fewest assumptions. The paper fire thing is a well-known street trick that is done using Yellow Phosphorus and Carbon Disulfide. Nothing need be invented for this explanation of the video to be true. There is nothing in the video to show that this is NOT how it was done. But this is a common SE Asia (and elsewhere) street trick, and many many people have seen it live. It's about as common as those "levitating" people with the bent-pipe rigs they sit on under their robes. The LED is just a low-watt LED. They sell "Human Powered LED" bulbs in toy stores, and have for decades. All of the stuff in the video has been debunked a zillion times. Real Qigong and Gongfu people see that junk right away. People impressed by this video - never done traditional training in anything, so have been reading fairytales and can't tell any difference from fact - and don't even want to it seems. It's embarrassing to witness supposed adults falling for that shit. -VonKrankenhaus
  5. Anyone familiar with this rare Qigong form ?

    No, not exactly on same page! I did read your explanations, and did see Starjumper's video. All is okay, and I'm not being negative. Some time I will just put up a video or two, and explaining. That would show where pages are. Otherwise - too much writing. -VonKrankenhaus
  6. Anyone familiar with this rare Qigong form ?

    You've been bullshitted. Did you study "Psychic Channels" stuff? Do it a whole life and you'll see - it is junk. People bought documents they didn't understand. Now, teaching. Woof! These channels are functional, and alchemy based on them for real goes through Qigong workings first, after establish long time base by activities like Gongfu. Modern "guided meditations" stuff isn't honest NeiGong. It's "New Age" interpretations, and that why you see it everywhere - easy to bullshit modern people and they like thinking about themselves a lot in all kind of ways.. -VonKrankenhaus
  7. Anyone familiar with this rare Qigong form ?

    That's huge, because Ren and Du channels are Extraordinary channels. Not much known about these channels generally (except those two), so people don't see much discussion. But these are connections, reservoirs, and can effect the 12 organ channels in various way. We use the connections in diagnosis of conditions, to make connections not in just the 12 organ channels. These control some lymphatic and hormonal functions, so "feed" the organ channels. There is Qigong for all of this. But I see some people today do not understand the channels so well, and this lead to them called "psychic channels" and behaviors attached to them. So they imagine to do NeiGong meditations with these channels. These are just pointing to the functions above though - so that is a second-hand way of seeing them. And you are incorrect about the form I showed. There is MUCH in that form that effect the 12 organ channels and the Ren and Du, and the lymphatic function, and the connections of "feeding" from the Extraordinary to the organ channels. . But you need to know what you are seeing. There is tons of separate and specific Qigong exercises in it. And much WaiDan, tensions & release, etc. What do you see? -VonKrankenhaus
  8. New Here - Looking for a Teacher

    Working wonders with Carbon Disulfide and Phosphorus and low watt LED bulbs, plus maybe "Electric Man" trick from ordinary joke shop. That is a video of a street performer doing tricks. Professional Magician and debunking videos online show that kind of stage magic - how to do, etc. -VonKrankenhaus
  9. Anyone familiar with this rare Qigong form ?

    Nobody here studies Qigong? Looks like you mean something like 8 Trigrams Boxing - Baguazhang: "The practice of circle walking, or "turning the circle", as it is sometimes called, is Baguazhang's characteristic method of stance and movement training. All forms of Baguazhang utilize circle walking as an integral part of training. Practitioners walk around the edge of the circle in various low stances, facing the center, and periodically change direction as they execute forms". But that's nothing of what we discussing in the videos. It something else. Bagua - This is the arrangement of 8 trigrams. Usually Lo Shu arrangement. 8 Extraordinary Channels are "meridians" that are not the 12 organ channels, and use in both Taoist and Buddhist Qigong. Chinese medicine book can show them. In Qigong, these are generally like reservoirs and interact with the 12 organ channels and other things. But if you want to doing circles, yeah - try Baguazhang. -VonKrankenhaus
  10. Anyone familiar with this rare Qigong form ?

    Yeah - if you can make video, then good if you can post a couple advanced things dealing with 8 Extraordinary Channels, or even anything you see as advanced Qigong. So - not Neigong, meditations or stuff like that. Extraordinary Channels type stuff in Qigong, physical movement or posture or like "yoga", etc. Or - okay if you show Neigong and "say" what Extraordinary Channels connecting what, etc. Or even okay if you post anyone online video of what you see as advanced Qigong dealing with same subject. -VonKrankenhaus
  11. Anyone familiar with this rare Qigong form ?

    This is other guy's teacher Y.C. Wong doing same form. More casual performance, but you can hear the sounds better and see some movements slower, etc. Is anyone here familiar with Y.C. Wong? He studied from Lam Cho, but also study Yi Kuen and many other things. I do not know him, but I did know Tang Kwok Wah who was Lam Cho top student in the same school. -VonKrankenhaus
  12. Anyone familiar with this rare Qigong form ?

    Nobody is. So nobody has one yet. Extraordinary are just reservoirs and connections maintaining various polarities in/of the organ channels. If you take apart the form I have shown, you will see them being filled, and transfers happening, etc. And also "Healing Sounds" is there. By comparison, for example, belt channel stuff in the video first posted is just calisthenics for if you have a big shit in there and need to loosen. Good to do BEFORE actually studying. I think that one form Tid Sin Kuen is advanced compare to what I typically see, and compared to first video is like rocket sciences. But only if you know what to look for. And yes - this is just introduction to Qigong traditionally, we do this first. -VonKrankenhaus
  13. Anyone familiar with this rare Qigong form ?

    Here is video of basic form I learn as a kid and practice many year before exploring further Qigong. This video I do not know this particular guy - but is same family system I learn as a kid from one of Lam Cho student Tang Kwok Wah in mid-70s and going from there. Later I go to about 9 other countries and learn from others too. This is basic. But if you examine each movement - each is a very detailed Qigong exercise in itself, and many applications. But even this is not "advanced". This is still some WaiDan and also has martial arts applications. So I show this to show basic starting place for Qigong in traditional learning. Most people coming to learn a Qigong class haven't been doing for years and years this first. So here is a "starting point" for real Qigong, not the actual advanced studies. -VonKrankenhaus
  14. Anyone familiar with this rare Qigong form ?

    I don't see video of any yet online, but I am looking. If I find some I will post. Stuff in video looks Buddhist to me - heel channel stuff, etc. Lots of Buddhist Qigong online - maybe you can see in the current Sil Lum Temple shows. This is just some basics good for tourists and modern people who look for health. 8 Extraordinary don't need "open up". They are Resevoirs and connections. So what you ending up with are basic "vague" stretching exercises for those areas - OK, but not really developing. People who start in traditional Gongfu already have this, so go from there to better or real material. I cannot give real exercises to people not able to do them. Nobody can - so this is why we seeing all kinds of stalled at basics. That's where consumers are, so make the consumer of today happy mean easy acceptance and money. -VonKrankenhaus
  15. Anyone familiar with this rare Qigong form ?

    To me personally, these video look like part of basics warm up with public students, like in a class. These are not specific or advanced Qigong. Looks like plain health exercises - align frame better, increase flow of lymphatic - good for old people. I see lots online. Advanced Qigong looks like maybe nobody is teaching or making videos. You could do that stuff in the videos a million years and all you get is bit healthier - better than sitting in office or watching TV. But all that is just my personal view. -VonKrankenhaus
  16. Safety and Efficiency of the Daoist Path

    These are things from MOVIES. I have been seeing this kind of thing for the years I am in this forum. And I see people who maybe did study some Qigong, or whatever, trying to help people who saw movies. Helping them to be good consumers in modern market and advertising motivations, to be "cool", get "good product", etc. Which is not human cultivation but human distraction and appropriation. But that is how modern people decide what to "get" for themselves, what to "pursue". It's all "okay", sure. Fun to see a movie and want to be a character in it, etc. Maybe. But reality is also existing. In truth, the thing you would go FROM, that one would become "better than" by learning these misunderstood traditions - THAT is the real secret. Nobody wants it. Nobody will sit with it and learn. All want to run away and be something else, to become "something" they see as having some kind of, I dunno, maybe "power" - or whatever the movies are selling. Whatever it is, it must be the opposite of what people really are. Everyone wants to leave that, deny it, ignore it, and be something else. But that's where the real facts are. The useful facts. -VonKrankenhaus
  17. Safety and Efficiency of the Daoist Path

    Safety and Efficiency? Daoist path? If you have no teachers, where is "Daoist path" coming from? Books? Those are written by teachers. Why would someone want no teacher but want to know? Is that how people are on the Algebra path? The surgeon path? Pilot? $4000 seminars - how do people without any teacher know if they are ripped off? Every day, people are happy, not knowing. There is no real "safety" if you don't really know what you are studying. There is no real "efficiency" either. Any traditional Gongfu school is a decent place to actually start. -VonKrankenhaus
  18. Neiye - Section 1 - The Essential Qi

    Dao is "the Way" of "Nature" and everything. Dao is how, "the way" it works, whatever it is. So this "link" is not a physical linking of objects or places. There is no physical Dao to be linked to any other physical thing. Just like "Reality" isn't any one thing or place. Means the "Way" or "Manner" of reality. -VonKrankenhaus
  19. Neiye - Section 1 - The Essential Qi

    Maybe you can say "according" to Dao. But Dao is not a place, so no "within". Dao is not a mother or father, and so "gives birth" to no thing. Dao just mean "Way" like saying "The Way it Goes" or "As it so happens". It is not a thing or place or force or any other physical entity. So Dao "itself" cannot "do" anything. -VonKrankenhaus
  20. Neiye - Section 1 - The Essential Qi

    Start here: Confucius (/kənˈfjuːʃəs/ kən-FEW-shəs;[1] 551–479 BC) was a Chinese philosopher and politician of the Zhou dynasty. The philosophy of Confucius, also known as Confucianism, emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity. Etc. -VonKrankenhaus
  21. Neiye - Section 1 - The Essential Qi

    Jing, or "Essence" in the human is polarities and potentials, inherited and acquired. Qi is movement (Yang) between the poles of polarities. Blood is substance (Yin). Substance is moved and formed by movement. So we can say "JingQi". No Polarity = no Movement. "Storage" of Qi really means maintaining a polarity or potential and not the physical storage of a physical substance. Yet, realize that some polarities depend on substance being present. Wu Wei here might just mean not making stuff up to try to explain things not yet understand. -VonKrankenhaus
  22. Neiye - Section 1 - The Essential Qi

    Jing is "Essence", yes. Essence is polarities and potentials, inherited and acquired. This is the basis of Qi. Qi is just movement between the poles of polarities. "Essence" in the human is polarities and potentials, inherited and acquired. Polarities and potentials of Heaven and Earth contain the Human, so are beyond full Human comprehension. But inside the Human are functioning the same kind of polarities and potentials. This is the way people know Heaven and Earth ("Sages"). -VonKrankenhaus
  23. Neiye - Section 1 - The Essential Qi

    Not about revealing or doing. Just says: 5. When flowing amid the heavens and the earth 6. We call it ghostly and numinous. 7. When stored within the chests of human beings, 8. We call them sages. It is about Qi. If you look at large polarities, like between Heaven and Earth, those causing weather, etc - hard to see full spectrum of event. Inside people, same phenomena is going on - movement and Qi - and this we can understand. And by understanding in ourselves what we are aware of, we are understanding the larger outside that we are maybe not. This isn't cultivated. Just describe. Not talking about cultivating at this point. It is simply pointed out - "realized", etc. Nothing in text shown so far is about cultivating or you doing anything. Text isn't a cultivation techniques manual to begin with. It is something else. -VonKrankenhaus
  24. Neiye - Section 1 - The Essential Qi

    Nobody stores anything in a moving wheel. "Storage" is Yin. Tantiens are not Yin. "Stored" in the passage just means always happens inside. They are discussing Qi like saying "macrocosm and microcosm" - large in nature and small in human, of same process. -VonKrankenhaus
  25. Neiye - Section 1 - The Essential Qi

    I try to explain: Vital Essence is not "Dao". So no "location" for Dao is stated. Essence is polarities and potentials, inherited and acquired. These are what produce Movement - Living, Qi. Qi is Movement. This is the YinYang of the One, which is producing Wu Xing - Time. Earth. And what sees the 12 Branches. Heaven. So this is the Qi and the movement of and between Heaven and Earth. Qi flowing in polarities bigger than we are, we cannot see directly - we only see their effects. But Qi flowing in us informs our intelligence directly. -VonKrankenhaus