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Everything posted by Kubba

  1. Yes I meant, that it would be helpfull to have a guide. Even if one thinks that it is not necessary.. Just someone skilled, who you can tell these stories to and you can trust him or her and have some connection. You will also receive transmission of consciousness - it works like that and saves your time Think of it as a person who allready went through it, and can point you pitfails, hindrances that you are not aware of yet. Intuitive stuff is good and necessary, but proper cultivation too. THere are many doors that you can enter, and someone can show you where you are actually so your doubts will wanish, and such person can prevent you from damaging your energetical ballance. Your storry sounds like symptoms of awakening, but can't say if it is partial or full. If its full and when another stages wil come, and you won't be preparred (just informations what is possible and how to behave) strange things can happend (I myself ended up in a psychiatric hospital). NEver do anything that harms yourself. Have you ever seen durring all this the world in front of your eyes becoming flat like a paper, and loosing its dimmenssions? These shamanic stuff is normal - you can even start making your own cigaretes, with mixture of herbs.. and start to perform rituals with smoke and ashes.. Can hear voices or seing entities comunicating with you. Animalistic stuff also normal. You can even go through stage of minerals and plants formation, being in the womb of your mother if it did not happend already. Intuition can highly evolve and become your primal refference point about "what to do next". The resistance to these things is also normal part, that you sometimes dont like this stuff and even are afraid. All emotions and tendences are intensified in it. If you will be afraid it can change into panick attack, if you will be in love you will feel like wanting to hug everyone and almost like having orgasm in your whole body. The sense of superiority also rises... That's why a propper cultivation is highly required - one can get instructions from the guide about how to do it, and the transmission will follow. Otherwise efforts can be simply wasted, or instead of 3 - 5 years, all will last for 15.
  2. All is normal, but my advice for you is to go and find a teacher (go visit some temple near to your place...). If you already have uleashed these energies at ease, it can repeat with increased intensity that you can't even imagine etc. Nothing wrong with it, but you kind of need to understand now whats going on with you, and here on the forum noone will help you too much to be onest. Besides, these things can't be preceived through words, the teacher need to see you, not your words on the internet.
  3. Real taoist semen retention practices

    Generally it is all about getting the Prana Uḍāna stable. I made a post about it here, I don't know the daoist terminology, but body is one for all men so it is adjustable: http://thedaobums.com/topic/39102-seminal-retention-pc-muscle-the-dangers/?p=640508 Other practice that could look as if not related is simply exercising your voice emmission, simply chanting etc. I know that in many traditions chanting is desighned for utilising this prana, so I guess daoists chants are good as weel. Durring the sex, often time we uncosciously use our throath and mouth area contractions to stai in control of erotic senssations. With time your whole body becomes senible and erotic, it won't matter to much to ejaculate or no, cause orgasm will happen in the whole body. Actually you will have multiple orgasms, one after another, sometimes 20 -30.... At least thats my experience, and that's the practice I've been following. But also from my experience, learning to contractt pc muscles and front tissues of the body isn't a good thing to do, cause it builds a lot of tenssions. Then different kinds of aggression might arose from it. But I reccomend to find a teacher first, and be honest about you motivation - why you actually want to do it? The teacher will intuitevely know what is the right practice for you. Usually this kind of practice will backfire when done wrong way, and repercussions can last long time. But ultimatelley thats also a good entrane portal...
  4. ...is often misuse. Usually there is this conversation with a teacher putted into a book or you find it in the internet, then it is taken as his/her ultimate teaching. THen the assumptions are made, using this quote are more usefull than another. But actually almost noone notice, that particullar words were said to particullar person, and cause of that they often depands of someones evolution, so one person will receive this, other wil receive oher teaching, that is required on such and such level of absorption. So you can hear that Ramana Maharishi said that there is nothing to be done, you are already yourself, and people take it as a statement and they refuse to practice... Then You hear that he also has said that this practice is better than that, and assumptions follow. It really isn't good practice to follow books etc. Education is okay, nothing wrong in it, but negleckting meeting real people, or visiting real sangha cause of "Great X said..." and istead of that following some scriptures cause you think that this is it its just wasting your time. You might even have some experiences and live with them until the end of your life being almost sure that it was this great IT, and actually being far far away, further than you can imagine, reading great books.
  5. The first jhana

    I don't think that they can jump into any jhana they wish. They can jump immedietely into the highest that they are able too reach.... By the way, this sensation above the upper lip is one of the first sensation human being preceive continously since birth, you always breath so you always stimulate this place with air through your nostrils. Then the primarry sense of smell follows with is straight doorway to the searching, wandering mind. But first you smell yourself, your mother, you search for objects that are needed through this sense and the first mind is created....
  6. An account from the journey

    What do you mean?
  7. A Working Theory About Beliefs and Reality

    I meant "setups". Okay I understand you, thanks.
  8. Fear is the root of All suffering

    Good quote, seems that particular patterns of contracting the self are being untied through experiencing these fears and feelings deeply. As if taking of your cloths in a public place - you think that you will be naked in a moment, but then there is another t-shirt underneeth that you were not aware of, you might think that this os the last one but then other shows up, more collorful and sometimes almost invisible like wearing coths made of air or sound
  9. A Working Theory About Beliefs and Reality

    There is no absolute truth? Maybe there is the truth and individual serups?
  10. What is the Ego?

    From my understanding The second is more like a description of how yogis are practicing, and seems they do it after piercing all granthis. It is not the description of what to do before it takes place, and it shouldent be forced.
  11. I also have the Oracle. He is my friend, and can read the future so I call him sometimes. We are capable of havving some degree of intuition about the close future, it shows sometimes, and we tend to not believe it, or we react with fear that this can be our "wrong believe" and that we see the future with dark colours, but actually it is different thing - just pure intuition that we can trust to learn. This human being and all the existence is much greater that we can even imagine. Yesterday I went with the wife of my brother to have a beer with her friends. She drove there with the car, but then someone picked us back home. She is attached to her car so before we left the city she went back to the parking in order to check if everything is okay. Unfortunately there was an information, that tomorrow there will be some event, and that all cars from this ara need to be removed. She decided to move the car to another parking lot 10 meters further. I imeediately felt that this isnt a good idea and I moved away from the car on the sidewalk, and I had the image of a police car. She just drove 5 meters, crossed the double straight line on the street and the police arrived exactly in the moment when she was crossing the line. She lost her car licence cause we were after 2 beers. Then, the next day I went to the city to bring her car back but I felt something uncomfortable about this car. I approched it, focused on it with closed eyes and I did a kind of a ritual with my hands that moves the bad aura out of the car. Then I sat into it and I had different images of the past of this car, some were not cool. But now the car was comfortable. We are intuitevely equiped in performing powerfull rituals. Siple prayers work like that. This whole thing that we are made of is very inteligent.
  12. What is the Ego?

    Ego (in the meaning of the cause of delusion) is just the grip on the body and it is limitted to its own boundries, which are simply desires that causes all suffering..., thats all that has usefull meaning for the beginning
  13. Sometimes I feel/think that...

    Just great!
  14. A Working Theory About Beliefs and Reality

    It seems to be as you said. Really. The world around you is exactly the way as you see it. Primary there is this ocean of things sounds and whatsoever, and you assume that this and that is cause of this and that, and this and that means this and that, youre kind of merged into these beliefes and aare not even aware, cause they are subconcious. Tracking them back can bring you to their roots and dissolve them. Youre interpretation of facts happends before you think about it, and our thinking process arise out of your precognitions about the world, and thats your whole paradigm. THere are as they call it carmic seeds imprinted in your psyche, and your life will goes according to what you are looking for, and you will get the answer to all questions sooner or later. They call it the weel of samsara. SO in this interpretation the world you see and the way you interprete it is totally psychological and made up as Adi Da said:). You will be putted in places and enviroments that you deeply believe you need to, there is no other choice. What triggers your fears are only the things that you were conditioned to be afraid of, but it triggers your whole body to function according to that reactions, including hormonal responces and God knows whats more, and your mind serves the best as it can to keep yor paradigm as real for you , you have your tendencies, you organise your life the way to look for things and objects that you find important for you. It is a kind of mechanic, and there is no single movement or thought that are out of this law, you preceive things in your field of seing, and the choices are made before you think about what to choose. But also something brought you here so it is a good part, hehe. Experiences are as they are, but when the relative agent rises from the mind it gives the power to interpreattions, assumptions, fears, emotional reactions, suffer, cause things arise acording to what it desires or no, but alwas it is exactly what your are looking for.... even if it is not pretty. Budda said that there are 3 reassons of suffer - the desire of becoming, the desire of destroying yourself, and the desire for sensory-pleasure. Underneeth all this psychological structures lies the pure knowledge how to exist in this word and it is given and accesible if you dare to know. objects are born and dies to its own laws of metamorphosis and it can be understood and does not come out of our beliefs but out of the primal inteligence that we all are equiped with.
  15. Are there such meridians in our body ?

    Isnt it that, that they are there only as the energy flows there? Otherwise you cant experience them. So when they open you kind of preceive the energy accumulated on different "height" in your pelvis, in the place where hands connect in the back, in the neck and in the heads different regions, but after the energy went upwards you dont experience it anymore. And it is felt along the spine but as if more to the front of the spine. Or at least thats my experience but cant tell if it is sushumna or other thing. Then there are movements to the right, left in the back and then more to the front of the body, as if 4 or 6 main channels around the spine in total, and then seems there are more subtle too but donnt know the nomenclature. Downward movement is experienced in front of the body, I never felt it along the spine, but maybe it is that the downward channel is also along the spine and it triggers the sensations in tissues and organs along the way up to the sacral chakra, bui tit isnt felt as if the movement that goes the straight line. Kryias are the same as meridians or is it different thing? But I can be wrong
  16. Are there such meridians in our body ?

    Maybe he talked about nadis - sushumna, ida, pingala ?
  17. What is the Ego?

    Too bad, but thank you
  18. What is the Ego?

    Do you already know all answers or still looking or just having pleassure with discussing on different matters?
  19. What is the Ego?

    You seem smart enougt
  20. What is the Ego?

    Good answers are always better than dybagations and proving sth , I think that you understand
  21. What is the Ego?

    Ok, I will forget.A good anwer would be good for the befinning .