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“Sri Ramana never advised his devotees to practise kundalini since he regarded it as being both potentially dangerous and unnecessary. He accepted the existence of the kundalini power and the chakras but he said that even if the kundalini reached sahasrara, it would not result in realisation.” Here.
Ken Wilber doesn’t believe the granthis exist - “final liberation, being the timeless and therefore eternal condition of all worlds and selves, is not so much the result of the action of untying these knots, but rather the tacit acknowledgment that these knots do not, and cannot, obstruct ultimate consciousness. Liberation, in short, is not the actual untying of these knots, but the silent admission that they are already untied. Herein lies the key to the paradox of the chakras: they are ultimately dissolved in the realization that they need not be dissolved.“ I‘m just saying I do believe the granthi’s exist, and and that siddhis are developed when they are loosened, pretty much in line with standard yoga beliefs.
No matter how much he has read, and how much he has practised, if he is not aware of the subtle energy body including the chakras and granthis, then to me he is naive. He has studied with Tibetan Buddhists, yet he doesn’t believe in chakras? “In Tantric Buddhism, the understanding of the subtle body is essential: chakras and channels.“ All sorts of people have all sorts of beliefs about the nature of the chakras, and I have heard this view, that they don’t exist, from a number of recent teachers, but not everyone who sets themselves up as a teacher automatically actually knows about the subtle body. My personal experience with the granthis attests to the healing powers granted when the heart knot is untied, it’s a process, it allows healing qi to flow out through the hands where it didn’t before. It’s a proof if you like, I get what they are saying, and as I asked earlier, do you gain healing powers by merely disbelieving in granthis?
“At several places along the spinal column the Nādīs form a type of knot (GRANTHI), each of which constitutes a key point in our spiritual development. When these knots are “untied” the energy located within them is activated and the hidden powers (SIDDHIS) are given to us as healing powers, the seeing of past and future, the seeing of auras, and other supernatural abilities.“ https://www.chakras.net/yoga-principles/nadis These knots do obstruct consciousness, and untying them is more complicated than just believing that they are already untied. Further, Chakras are actually real energy centres, not just “mental pictures ... meant for beginners in yoga.” It sounds to me as though this author has no direct experience or knowledge of chakras, and in his naivety has sweepingly assumed that it’s all just fantasy. Here’s a question, does not believing in granthis give access to healing powers and other siddhis?
What is in my control is the ability to create the right conditions for kundalini. I am happy to spend decades in clearing and establishing the channels, as directed by some higher wisdom within me, a voice that at the same time has always loudly and firmly directed me to leave the root chakra well alone. In the Yoga system, the three main channels need to be flowing, and the central channels has its own further layers that also need to be opened before kundalini is activated. Theoretically, kundalini flowing through the finest and most subtle central channel layer will have a different affect than if it travels through one of the side channels or a denser layer of the central channel. He who shall not be named did briefly tamper with my kundalini, but so far it remains locked away where it should be, until it shouldn’t be.
A closer fit to describe the spiritual self for me would be chakras, by analogy if each one is seen as a piece of wood, when reassembled end to end and aligned they will form the trunk of a tree, which will eventually develop and grow a canopy of leaves, and this then is the functioning spiritual body. So I would say our experiences lead to fragmentation, but it is each chakras functioning and their system potential that becomes fragmented and lifeless. I am identifying with the chakras, and the channels that join them, and this is identifying with objects of consciousness I suppose, but why not? If that is my spiritual self, what would I gain from disassociating from it? If it’s just another stage, then this too would be ok by me anyway. I think tummo is an end practice? From what I have read tummo creates a temporary state of bliss and heat, but is the mind liberated permanently? I just don’t know enough about it really.
If we can agree that we are not our mental or emotional selves, then we are either ultimately no self, or some other ‘spiritual’ self. I have come to the conclusion that beyond my mental and emotional selves I am the latter. To me the spiritual self Is an insubstantial underlying form that we were disassociated from at some early stage of life, evident mainly in the search that some people then conduct throughout their lives to find God or enlightenment, which I see as simply a search for the disassociated spiritual self. I see it as needing development because not only are we disassociated from the spiritual self, but it is in lifeless pieces that need to be reassembled and re-enlivened, so that ultimately the spiritual self as a whole can flourish. Overwhelmingly the stories of kundalini are of some force that desperately seeks the crown, but it’s not a measured progress, it’s wild and uncontrolled, a force stronger than the mind or emotions can control. People have to allow kundalini to do what it likes. I propose a higher self, suited to the task of directing and controlling kundalini. What if kundalini has to exit out through the forehead, like the Tibetans believe. Kundalini would have no ability to make that decision, only a stronger, higher view would be able to impose its will on kundalinis direction. Beyond which, kundalini progress in itself doesn’t grant higher knowledge, or lasting Siddhis, so I conclude kundalini is part of the process, but on its own not sufficient. I see it as the ‘earth’ component, more instinctive than intelligent.
The Supreme Superior’s Jade Canon on the External view of the Yellow Court
Bindi replied to Bindi's topic in Daoist Textual Studies
中池有士衣赤衣, Zhong Chi You Shi Fu Chi Zu, 田下三寸神所居。 Heng Xia San Cun Shen Suo Ju. 中外相距 重閉之,. Zhong Wai Xiang Ju Zhong Bi Zhi, 神廬之中當修理。 Shen Lu Zhi Zhong Dang Xiu Zhi. 玄膺黑管受精符, Xuan Ying Qi Guan Shou Jing Fu, 急固子精以自持。 Ji Gu Jing Yi Zi Chi. Within the pool exists a scholar clothed in red vermilion. This spirit dwells in the three inches horizontally beneath. The internal and the external severely obstruct one another. The spirit within the Thatched Hut cultivates the cure. The Mysterious Receptor is the tube that receives the Qi from the Essence Storehouse. Naturally restrain the anxious and obstinate Child’s Essence. - Stuart Alve Olson In Chung Ch'ih, the Middle Pond, there is a scholar wearing red clothes. Three inches beneath the Field is where the spirit resides. What are inside and outside mutually resist against each other, hence the doors should be shut tightly. Inside Shen Lu, the Divine Hut, good maintenance should be kept. Hsuan Ying, the Dark Breast, and the bronchial tubes receive the tally of the essence. One should urgently strengthen one's essence to maintain oneself. - Huang In the middle pool, seats a high spirit in red clothes. At a horizontal and deep place of the three inches in each direction, Between the centre and the circumference of the circle, revolves to keep the residence impregnable. The centre of the spirit residence synchronizes the cultivation. The mysterious opening of wind channel receives essence of the essence. Very carefully but resolutely strengthen fresh essence to sustain yourself. - Archangelis and Lanying -
To me the return is to a whole state, after being torn apart, somewhat like this: For me the return in a Daoist sense is a return to the full natural functioning of our body and spirit via a return to functioning of the channels and Dan Tians, which if achieved would seem extraordinary.
The Supreme Superior’s Jade Canon on the External view of the Yellow Court
Bindi replied to Bindi's topic in Daoist Textual Studies
黃庭中人衣朱衣, 關門壯籥合兩扉, 幽闕俠之高巍巍, 丹田之中精黑微。 玉池清水上生肥, 靈根堅固老不衰。 Within the Yellow Court are persons dressed in vermillion robes. In the Pass of Origination behind the two closed doors [is a person] with a beautiful flute. In the Secret Watchtower are very imposing and lofty heroes. The subtle Jing and Qi are within the Elixir field. The pure water of the Jade Pool is the foremost fertility of life. The Spiritual Root is strong. In old age it does not deteriorate. - Olson The person in the yellow Court wears vermillion clothes. Shut the gates, strengthen the lock, and close the two doors. The Dark Mysterious Gate Towers stand up high and majestically on both sides. In the elixir Field, the vital energy is subtle and fine. The clean and clear water of the Jade Pond is above it, and produces rich and beneficial nutrients so that the Mysterious Root is strong and firm and will always be free from deteriorating. - Huang Yellow Court people wear red clothes. The radiance of the Original Pass is tightly sealed. Imperial palace knight comes from the elevated space within space. Essence and Qi in the middle of Dan Tian are profound. The clear dew from the Jade pool enables pure potency from above. Spirit root will be firm, never weakening by time. - Archangelis and Lanying -
True, there is Vajrayana Buddhism which values the left and the right channels equally, which is brilliant.
My current thinking is that the male side channel has been well developed, like in the dawning of wisdom in humanity, but the female side channel has been neglected, and this neglect is evident in the various patriarchal attitudes that have developed over the last few Millenia, and in the spiritual arena this has been expressed as a denigration of the value of emotion and it’s spiritual counterpart. Recalibrating the value of the female in spirituality turns Buddhism on its head, in that it requires valuing emotions, and this is not possible in Buddhism I think, actually it’s not really possible in any current spiritual system that I know of.
The Exalted One’s External Illumination of the Yellow Court Scripture
Bindi replied to Bindi's topic in Daoist Discussion
Yes, everything’s helpful thanks ZYD. I read the relevant section from Louis Komjathy, and now I’m Going over the jade writings offering slowly, comparing the direct translation with the author’s translation. I might try and get hold of Jane Huang’s version as well. It’s quite an interesting text. Do you think the external yellow court text came first? -
The Exalted One’s External Illumination of the Yellow Court Scripture
Bindi replied to Bindi's topic in Daoist Discussion
Thanks SirPalomides, I did some googling Including Saso in my search, and I fortuitously stumbled upon this site https://books.google.com.au/books?id=dmtgAQxWh5cC&pg=PA55&lpg=PA55&dq=yellow+court+external&source=bl&ots=WP7r0PvDkn&sig=ACfU3U36YwH48D6R0sLdsP5QtZy3oORkbg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj3sNbJiJzqAhVC7HMBHeB3Cw4Q6AEwEnoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=yellow court external&f=false which seems like an excellent online resource (though not by Saso). -
The Exalted One’s External Illumination of the Yellow Court Scripture
Bindi replied to Bindi's topic in Daoist Discussion
Thanks ZYD, I found quite a few copies of the internal text online, but I’m really keen on finding a copy of the external text, I’ve read the wiki article and tried to research more online but there’s very little available, at least where I’ve been searching. There is a book available by Stuart Olsen but it is quite expensive and I don’t know if it’s worth buying, really until I’ve read the actual text. Edit: even a copy of the Chinese text would be valuable, I’d be happy to painstakingly translate it 🙂 -
Emotions in Health Preservation and Internal Training
Bindi replied to senseless virtue's topic in Daoist Discussion
How to genuinely repair the damage from past over-excitement of emotions is a primary issue as far as I’m concerned. Normal emotions cannot be maintained by body, breath or mind regulation if the excess from over-excitement of emotions and the damage this has caused has not first been resolved. -
Yes agreed, and no damage was done in my short time with him, I saw him trying to prise my kundalini open, not managing. I was aware of more energy in my system briefly, before it exited harmlessly out through my arms. Working with him for longer people report increased energy in their system alongside a drugged mental affect.
I will trust what I saw, an astral body acting in a sexual manner, and a manipulative energy prising open my kundalini, which may be termed Shaktipat. These ‘powers’ can be quite real, is it really so surprising that people with these particular siddhis exist, and that Jeff might have them? The danger though in my mind, is that he hasn’t been straightforward with what he is doing, even to himself, and in this way has therefore missed his own personal dysfunction that crept in, for instance finding justification for the Busty Blonde and manipulative astral affairs in tantra and KS and the DDJ, while messing with vulnerable people.
Is this opinion derived from personal experience with HWMNBN? Not that I disagree with your assessment entirely, I think this is partly true, but I was aware of more than psychological manipulation.
Is Everything Consciousness for a Taoist?
Bindi replied to forestofclarity's topic in Daoist Discussion
What I’ve come to after many decades of working at it is that IME there is a part of me that is split off, I’m happy to call it my ‘spirit’ for now, and I want to bring that part back down into me. It seems to me that the Indian gurus and the Buddhists want to project their consciousness out into that split off ‘spirit’ part, and they meditate to effect that. I like the Neiye’s approach - “If one empties one's desires, the spirit will enter and dwell.“ I don’t know if my perspective is Taoist though. -
There is another maxim - “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing” or as John Stuart Mill originally said in 1867 - “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.” The only time I’ve ever seen a “light body“ is in relation to Jeff’s energies. I believe to this day that his “light” is indeed astral light, which he is so dismissive of and takes such pains to distance himself from, because he knows from reading the literature that ‘Astral’ is meaningless spiritually. Let’s not forget that his original ‘group merges’ were called “astral parties”. I have it on good authority that entities are indeed part of Jeff’s system, and that once you have welcomed them in they don’t leave, but continue to visit at their whim. People can read a post from Emerald Head and not believe his insistence that entities still harass him, but this is an underlying belief of at least some of the people involved with Jeff, and most certainly not just his detractors. No harm in warning the unwary. If you are made aware of the various Jeff facets - kundalini excitation, entities, astral capability, and belief that you are a god, then good luck to you, go in fully informed and enjoy becoming one of the elect, but don’t expect daobum members to believe you are one of the chosen few.
I’m trying to understand all these different qi emissions, what are they for apart from demonstrating some sort of energy is being emitted? Does it have healing capacity, or is it just proof of energy and shock value?