Bruce Qi

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Everything posted by Bruce Qi

  1. I have not heard of him but what a name ! The book is not about making love with a partner , it is a means of solo cultivation
  2. Well this is actually covered but in relation to multi-dimensional beings. Also the book was not meant as a lesson in spirituality or mysticism but as a practical and down to earth method to experience bliss and multi-inner orgasm leading you to have your own experience which can teach you much more than any intellectual discussion.
  3. No good if the partner doesn't cultivate and what if you don't have a partner ?
  4. Thanks for the review Lataif. Yes E.O.M is based on allowing and not forcing so PC-squeezing is not a part of it although kegels are generally thought to be good for health. He included the basic diet chapter as a general guideline to help people as he wanted the majority of the book to be purely practical and to my knowledge there is very little material out there which covers these aspects in such a hands on way, in fact I do not know of any book that covers full body energetic orgasm the way this does.
  5. Hey Lataif , they say that but it should still ship pretty quickly , don't know why they say that to be honest. Let us know what you think when you get it
  6. Now available through Amazon
  7. .

    thanks Seth , much appreciated , gonna take a peep at them now
  8. Hi tumoessence Thanks for the review , I forwarded it to R.J and he wanted me to post this. "Many thanks for purchasing the book and a big thank you for posting the first online review of the book which I am very happy to see is a positive and well written one. I hope the practice of Bliss-Energetics E.O.M brings you a lot of happiness, peace and joy. Best wishes Ron James" The Bliss-Energetics facebook is Oh , I nearly forgot , would you mind if your review was posted on the Bliss-Energetics facebook page ?
  9. .

    Hey Seth , is there any practical books for learning the basics of TW ?
  10. I think he (my teacher) would love to talk with you if you would be interested ?
  11. herbal orgasm . . . (?)

    Hey Zane , great to see you again , you are mentioned in my teachers new book !
  12. herbal orgasm . . . (?)

    Ok , well you go without either my friend personally I like a little bliss in my life
  13. herbal orgasm . . . (?)

    The experience of inner orgasm , full body energetic orgasm, goes a lot deeper than traditional orgasm , it opens channels and helps to open the centers but most of all it is a very powereful tool in shifting depression and anxiety , now for me , something that can and has cleared up my depression where all else has failed has not equaled one single second of misguidance. The fact it is mentioned that only the under 20s would be interested is puzzling ? As far as herbal methods , you have aphrodisiacs and you have testosterone builders , but the main thing would be something that can take you deep into relaxation , much better and safer learning to do this through a natural meditative state.
  14. Hi Lataif , thanks for getting this back on topic ! In Bliss-Energetics we enter into calm seas orgasm , this is a meditative state therefore it does not trigger the sympathetic system but rather remains in the parasympathetic and this allows both receiving and release which is how it workls so good for depression and anxiety. We remain in this state for as long as we need to and experience multiple inner orgasmic shifts through full body energetic orgasm. We also learn how to awaken the sacred spot which still remains open even when we are not in E.O.M creating a nice and warm inner feeling through out the day
  15. where to start ?

    Thanks everyone , so , I am probably totally wrong here but are most western systems based on solomon , jewish quabalah , etc ? is there any say , pagan workings , maybe norse or celtic ? anything non jewish if that doesnt sound too anti-semitic.
  16. I bought a few keeney books way back and from the start something about him just didnt feel right to me so I just put them away where they remain to this day.have no interest in him or what he tries to sell what so ever, far better and cheaper teachers out there.
  17. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hey everyone , so after all the time this thread has been running I am curious what people have gotten from FP ? what has the many hours needed to practice this sytem brought to your everyday and spiritual life ? This is no way aimed as an insult or a derogatory manner , I would just love to hear from people who have put the time and effort in
  18. Just had a quick peep , proceed to secure checkout is at the bottom of the main order box It will be also be on amazon in about 3 to 4 weeks , hopefully sooner,
  19. It should be on amazon in about 3 to 4 weeks so maybe there will be one
  20. Strategic Sorcery Review

    Hi old chi , thanks for the great review , as someone who has never studied magick before could you tell me what type of changes it could make in your life ?
  21. Is there any Taoist monasterys that accept western students for long term stay ? I have looked online and can't seem to find anything .
  22. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    John , haha , no worries mate , just meant I would like to carry on this conversation but maybe best if we carry it over to the SYG thread
  23. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hey john , do you fancy discussing this in the SYG thread ?
  24. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Sounds great John , I have tried level one and the sitting meds aswell , feels like a different energy to that of FP. Feels thicker to me. Do you practice martial arts ? Do you think SYG is a good form even if you do not practice martial arts ? So when people get to level 5 they can become an instructor ? sorry for so many questyions , just really interested