blue eyed snake

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About blue eyed snake

  • Rank
    slithering serpent

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  1. The Cool Picture Thread

    Ice Trees of the Forest. Sonia Lera Preston.
  2. Stranger things

    Those dams were removed or demolished to give the water more space at places were that water has space to spread out without hurting human buildings. Same process is going on here in the Netherlands. Without deliberate interventions/ water management the damage would have been worse
  3. Stranger things

    here, the Netherlands it's too warm for the time of year, should be around freeze point but we have temps around 16 now. All over europe there are floods, Spain has had a lot of it, earlier central europe and now Wales. how about this one, changes in our local 'loop' of the gulfstream AMOC will cause major cooling and extreme weather in Nordic countries. Cold, very cold, thus problems with agriculture aka food. sadly have to agree, do not understand how humanity is soo stupid agree, I had a nice run here but time to leave will be soon now
  4. The Cool Picture Thread

    Boudica, ruler of the Iceni art: Armand Laroche
  5. Transgender Q&A

    That would be naive my little country is now ruled by some fascist idiots who are looking for loopholes in the law to deport immigrants with dutch nationality. I've no doubt about the ways they're gonna treat people who are not heterosexual once they decide it's time to do away with us. remember the fate of the institut fur sexualwissenschaftür_Sexualwissenschaft
  6. The Cool Picture Thread

  7. Transgender Q&A

    dear Maddie, I so hope you can leave and find a safer country
  8. The Cool Picture Thread

  9. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

  10. The Cool Picture Thread

  11. The Book That Changed Your Life - What Was It?

    the DDJ stranger in a strange land by Heinlein The wisdom of insecurity by Alan Watts the secret of the golden flower
  12. What are you listening to?

  13. Haiku Chain

    frothy current flows the winds of change enfold me freedom is calling
  14. Two of the types of Qi in Tai chi

    yes, never had it explained like this but is nice I do have the awareness, but not the ability to manifest it anymore. being the subject of the extracorporeal chi of a master can be quite baffling