blue eyed snake

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Everything posted by blue eyed snake

  1. Christianity

    My eldest sister has been to the Sami when she was a young woman, in the sixties that was. I was a very small kid at the time. She was gone so long, I missed her, many months but she did not winter with them. When she came back she had changed in an intriguing and nice way. She took that change with her through her life which is now nearing the end. I still have a knife that was gifted to me later when i was big enough for it.
  2. Christianity

    like the San (the bushmen from the Kalahari) (and although i know they had beasts of burden and sacrificed them. I am thinking of the Saami too. They did sort of domesticate the reindeer, without the reindeer their environment was unfit to live in I think. But they kept following the migration routes and lived as nomads, so they sort of followed the animals in their natural way of living instead of forcing domestication on farms or the like.)
  3. Christianity

    that's interesting, have wondered about that sudden bloom of islamic science whole post interesting, thanks
  4. Hollow earth

    it sure is
  5. Christianity

    no, i think not. most people who think they are helpful nice people with not much selfishness do not realize that deep down they do those things ( giving money to the poor, helping the old lady reach the other end of the street, et cetera ad nauseam) because it makes them feel good, not because it makes the old lady or the poor feel good. they would not act that way without the little dopamine shot "look how good I am"
  6. Christianity

    nope, as it works with the rising energy of the earth and you gotta do work for it. But when its up and running it works the same as the heart does on the white light. It starts whirring and attracts more chi had I still been a youngster I probably would have dubbed myself nonbinary you're such a good stepping in dad, as a former child psychologist I am glad guys like you exist, they heal kids that others have absentmindedly almost ruined. Whatever your flaws, Petrus will welcome you at the gate for all good deeds you have done to kids one of the most neglected and forgotten forms of care, helping people to get into a good mourning process.
  7. Christianity

    yes, thats a big one 👍 wow, did not know this one, goodie
  8. Christianity

    No shit sherlock, so you found out that the most violent tribes were the most aggressive countering the unwanted invasion of christian soldiers and priests. What a surprise, it took em 3 centuries to "convert" my people ( i am from Frisian descent) also, that lists substantiates my claim that it was fixed policy to convert everybody.
  9. Christianity

    well, i mentioned a host of other things too no comment that is a good intention I have never studied much, although saying this send my son into a fit of laughter as he was helping me to cut down on the amount of books and looking trhough 2 yards of more or less esoteric books. I have never read anything about kabbalah no idea, I go by experience
  10. Paintings you like

    thank you
  11. Christianity

    I think were you're touched by it will have a relationship with the path you'll be following. for you its seeing/knowing for me its compassion I've known a teeneager who was traumatized by severe bullying in primary school, both by kids and teachers. One day he told me a beam of light had struck his heart, all kind of stories he told me then, about what happened ( things he had apparently never told anybody) and about that beam, how he had experienced it. in the end he told me that thanks to the beam he could now forgive his perpetrators and he felt much better, in the weeks after that he regained his balance and to me it looked like that trauma had dissolved. but 3 persons is not enough data also i guess, when that white light has had entry long enough all the paths will open up for you
  12. Christianity

    I really think you misunderstand and misconstrue this and hope someone better versed in daoism will comment on it.
  13. Christianity

    most of this is beside my point and some else addressed that adequately. The point is that "the mother church" did send priests, those who came with the message of peace and turn the other cheek mind you... accompanied by groups of soldiers to convert my people if not peacefully, then by the sword. When we did not want to be converted they crushed us down, repeatedly in the long run, until nothing was left of our religion. All this on direct orders of the church. When we rightfully came back at them and killed some, we were the barbarians, yeah... also I never have taken those christian values for granted, I prefer to use my brain to find out what morality I want to live by. Through my life I've seen society over here change form 80% christians to around 30%, although no one knows how many of those 30% are practicing christian, or too lazy to officially quit, or just want to sit in church with christmas as that is such a nice coming together. i regard that as a good development. When I still used the healing quality that goes through me, often it was to heal former christians from their trauma, the guilt that was burned into them with the ever repeating message of "sin", the enormous fear of people on their deathbed, because they had "sinned." as i said: priests, with a mandate form the church and those religions cannot be 'merged' as the differences are too large, Christians have cut out the female principle. the hacking down of trees, of forests is criminal. Trees and forests are living entities you can communicate with. Also the little folk that used to live in the woodlands have been uprooted when humans cut down their homes. as were now on the brink of collapse of the once balanced systems of our mother earth, the enormity of our misdeeds becomes all too clear. Most of these misdeeds done by the western countries, those countries that are christian. That's not progress, but utter destruction, and still humanity goes on. Well, that may be so but it came in handy for the church to tap into those fears among the simple folks. i my country it was civil authorities that were opposing these things, more than elsewhere. It were these mealymouthed priests that were executing these things. As far as I remember the effects of the witchhunt were somewhat smaller here then elsewhere thanks to the opposition of the secular authorities Read the hammer of witches aka Malleus Maleficarum and see how females are made out to be evil and sinful. IMO this is still the rootcause of a lot of twisted ideas and misogyny nowadays, its a horrid book. and children so called witches were tortured until they screamed names to stop the pain, ah, that peaceful forgiving christian belief... Church had much influence and could just as easily have put an end to to it by prohibiting the killing of so called witches. and they were mostly elderly women living alone, whether you like that or not. there has been some research on that, i know, but it was meager. What is clear though that when the witch-hunts ended herbal/medical knowledge was all in the hands of monks, males. Forcing the citizens to go to the monks for help when they were ill or had troubles with pregnancy or delivery. In my language the translation for the word 'midwife' literally translates as wise woman. And i guess it is not an accident we are about the only western country were midwifes still work, delivery at home is still a common thing although t looks like they are know forced to bend for the male, mechanized look at delivery ( and medicine as a whole) Their numbers are diminishing. So our wisewomen were gone. And that, i am sure, was an outcome that fitted in right with the intention of the church. females were seen as foul creatures, full of sin and should be kept as low as possible. Females are the lifegivers, in my opinion it is the disbalance between males and females that is partly fed by the christian church that is the rootcause of a lot of evil in the world. you made that up, it hardly strengthens your already meager post It fits right in with the idea that females are lowly creatures full sin ------ about your question, I do not believe in a creator, since i first put my thinking mind on it. It does not add up, when you need a creator, the who created the creator? As a kid that whole god thing reminded me of a sort of super santaclaus, sheer nonsense. Of course some more thoughts have come to me since I was 10. To me it's hogwash, I do not do any godding. I do value the archetypical gods from the old religions as they speak to us in language that is close to our experiences and cover all the ground a human meets down here. Daoism comes close to my ideas, the Dao that can be spoken of is not the real dao. but I keep that in the box "ideas" Not in the box "truth" see my footnote The mystery of life is not a problem to solve but a reality to experience.
  14. Christianity

    you did not share this before thank you, goes right to the heart or something like that
  15. Christianity

    ah, so you think its alright to murder people who do not want to convert to christianity
  16. Christianity

    bcame aware of that decades ago it does not matter how much, it matters that the church instigated and fed a witch hunt where mostly women were slaughtered because they did not fit the model the church preferred for women. never looked at those, who wants to see a horror movie, there is too much horror in the physical world already
  17. Christianity

    nothing extraordinary or cool about it, just snippets of my life
  18. Christianity

    Dutch, from Frisian descent. Over here literally everything is gone. You have to get to reading books and websites to find out what happened before christians took over. in my younger years I've been to the south of england, mainly Cornwall some times. There the signs and energies are to be found in the land almost everywhere. I guess in the scandinavian countries its more like in Cornwall in that regard. Over here, nothing except for the most sensitive. there is a place nearby were water wells up from the soil which I am sure once was sacred. And another place a bit further away on top of a small hill, they put a frigging christian graveyard there.
  19. Christianity

    i see this as an initiation ritual
  20. Christianity

    Thank you @stirling I am certainly not a boddhisattva, but this brings us back to my post about the white light from above which I have always experienced as going hand in hand with compassion. No compassion, no white light or at last not in an amount that matters much in the broader sense.
  21. Wim Hof, some less savoury details

    i do not know, bu i do know that a dysregulated stress-system can lead to tinnitus
  22. Christianity

    I like that one of the reasons of my deep distrust of christians is the way they have razed our native religion to the ground, our holy oaks were chopped down ( and then our warrior have chopped of their heads), our holy places were desecrated, our holy days were ' transformed' to their feasts to lure the simple folks to their churches. Everything from the olden time is gone. later they have hunted down our wise women under the name of witch-hunt under the guidance of the witch-hammer deep mistrust and anger bubbles up when I hear those mealy mouthed persons blabbing about their constructed infertile god. Freya
  23. Christianity

    to me it feels like an interaction, I clearly remember how that light from above was always there for me. I have a memory of me as a toddler, sitting in my rocking horse enjoying the white light from above. Being untainted by any talk about god or angels I envisioned it as a hand holding a flashlight. For me a flashlight was a thing of wonder, we had flashlights in the house but as batteries were expensive my chances of playing with it were very slim. When i was grown a bit larger i found that when i empathized with someone's pain, whether that be the cat or a child i played with, something in my breast began whirring and then the light became stronger. I could the lay my hands on and the light went through my body to the injury which then healed. The kids in the street knew it and sometimes came to me for healing. So it was human compassion that opened the body up for more light to come through it or something like that. I never thought much of it, it was just so. I never thought i did the healing either, that was the light, my body was the channel. But when i started talking about the light I quickly closed up as no-one seemed to get what I was talking about and they looked at me like I was a nutter. waxing and waning this has stayed with me through my life until my late forties, then, i dunno why, all of a sudden the gentle beam of light transformed to a much broader and hotter beam that continually burned down on me. Light was pouring out of my hands and my belle. indeed "it grabbed me , shook me". At that time I worked with youngsters with developmental disorders and some miraculous healings occurred. I was glad when, after weeks, this stream of gold became smaller, less burning and in the end trickled down to something I could tap into when needed but not burning and consuming me. over the last years it quality has changed, I do not perceive it as light anymore, but it is still there, always. Someone here once told me that the way you perceive energy has to do with the difference of your own bodymindsystem and the energy entering it. that sounded plausible to me.
  24. Christianity

    thank you, will read those things you added and come back to it. memory and focus have become very slow so that'll take some time
  25. The Downvote Feature!

    I do like the downvote feature for its neutrality, much better then using the When I just want to say, "I do not agree " without writing an essay downvote arrow is better, the smiley adds a denigrating aspect, i laugh at it, which may be perceived as they laugh at me and/or my ideas. so I upvote the downvote feature as an easy and neutral way to say: I do not agree with the content of this post.