blue eyed snake

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Everything posted by blue eyed snake

  1. Grateful for Yoshi being nearby he gave up his nap for that I am glad.
  2. Water Tiger Image

    ooh, magic has been done, this is just right the power of the tiger and the softness of the water and how it blends in with the background. thank you @liminal_luke and Jose.
  3. nah, but no energy to write more, thanks for this post, you know so much will reread tomorrow
  4. Water Tiger Image

    The image is real nice and suitable but indeed, it's too much of a good thing. I hope someone can post some things about what the year of the water-tiger will potentially bring us.
  5. It so good to be seated around the campfire again @old3bob although many faces seem to be missing I for one am glad to be back.
  6. taking a bit of waybread out of her cloak the lady looked around at the faces of her companions. Which faces lit up with the the sudden appearance of food, which did look disappointed with the sudden disappearance of those scarcely clad maidens. One learns so much from quiet observation.
  7. ah, sometimes questions just are not seen by the right people, or you get drowned in terminology. From the pov from the poster they have answered, but you just read a message that half of the words and concepts mean about nothing to you. I had a near death experience as a teen, the memory of it is still fresh in me, as if it was yesterday and I have been crying my eyes out for weeks because I was not allowed to go further and dropped back into my body. I agree with Apech here, although I would say that it is not the same light but it sort of comes from the same source. ( plus it's time for me to read the Tibetan book of the dead, thanks for the tip @Apech) I also feel it is sort of connected to the white light that in some people enters in the crown of the head, Christians call it the holy spirit ( I think, not well versed in reading books, probably only the more esoteric Christians ) There is an interview with a monk about that somewhere on the forum, maybe someone knows where to find that. Concerning correlations, causes and consequences, this is not science my dear, this is something else and not the sort of thing you can measure and put into neat columns. This is a field of deep experiences and I learned ( the hard way) that my analyzing mind was hindrance rather then help. However, a landsman of mine has written some things about the near death experience that may interest you. He's a cardiologist and has asked a lot of people who had a cardiac arrest whether they had experienced something unusual during the time they were unconscious. Roughly one in 6 had an near death experience. His little piece of prospective research made it into the Lancet and there's a dutch website about it here on this page you find a link to the lancet article The other pages hold nice bits of information too, this fi may be a good read for you. ( oh, I now see the whole website can be translated to english with a button right upper corner) I am not a Christian, but for me this painting does sort of say what my words cannot. Remove the preconceived notions about Mary you may have and only look at the picture, what the light does to the people, most of them are totally overwhelmed. Their bodies crumble down. The light can be unbearable for the unprepared mind. Once touched by it you never forget.
  8. Somehow reconciling this creepy big brother like character with the guy attracting hippy-girls to his bed ain't easy, bit of a split personality?
  9. you're welcome to step back into the circle of light anytime and ask your questions, inappropriate or not.
  10. oh my, the pit but where did you get that picture of me as a youngster , and posting it without my permission eh ah well, too old now to get into a ruckus about it
  11. Throwing back her hood the fragile lady looks around the campfire, some faces she knows of old, some old and venerable, others less so. New faces, old and young, some of them beardless and shining with new found enthusiasm. A sprinkling of women, both elven and men. Slowly she lowers her hurting body on a spot soft with a cushion of thick moss. Crystal clear water from the mountainspring is her favorite, although she does not say nay to a small beaker of mead. As her time to go to the west has not yet come, she feels joy to be back again. Greetings to you all, it's good to share a bit of the path. Although I find it's good to listen to both banter and wisdom, of late I find I retreat to silence more often, does not mean being uninterested. ( and yes, Lord of the Rings is a favorite of mine too )
  12. Blue aura people

    Seen some blue thingies during meditation, no idea whether that would tinge the aura blue. Sifu taught not to dwell on those sort of things and not give it any importance, at the time that was a tall order. Now the wisdom of that advice is understood much better.
  13. Personal Practice Discussion Thread Request

    glad they were found
  14. Personal Practice Discussion Thread Request

    ough, I am sorry for you and take it as a warning too.
  15. How Many Energy Centers From Nose To Upper Forehead?

    I have the same question more or less, I would like to know more about the point on the hairline. In acupucture it's called ShenTing Du Mai 24, called the courtyard of the spirit
  16. simplify

  17. Depression

    even though a lot of people tend to shy away from medications you would do well to follow up on the thought of going to a doctor/psychiatrist to see what medications can help you get to feel better and have more energy. Reading the combination of diagnoses that might not be antidepressants though. It's a big step to take but give it a try. Maybe someone can help you to find a good doctor and make an appointment. You may be surprised at what it will bring you.
  18. Depression

    seeing this is an old post I hope those feelings have resolved now. Although it is decades ago, depression is wellknown for me and I do remember that tightness in the solar plexus all too well. ------------ Concerning the discussion above, methinks there are several pathways that can lead to depression, thus treatment cannot be a onesize fits all recipe.
  19. Why it's time to say goodbye

    @manitou whatever you do or not do, know I've loved you, always
  20. simplify

  21. Evidnece for the super natural

    I remember reading a study/paper where some healers laid there hands in closed dark boxes. Then they were asked to do whatever they did when healing with their hands. When I remember it well the results showed that there were measurable amount of err...photoelectric or something.... thingies/waves. The amount of thingies/waves was different, all of the participants showed those thingies/waves, one of the healers had a very high score, as in, much higher then the others. ( this was in the time I started doing practice and was skeptical, thus I was looking for 'proof' ) not sure whether I can find it back, 't was a dutch study
  22. Evidnece for the super natural

    sorry, double post need to get the hang of it again
  23. simplify

  24. memory of after-talk in the dojo: someone said it was boring to practice same thing over and over, that other places offered more variety. Sifu: "well, you're welcome to leave and join that other place you're thinking of, but when you stay here you should practice only the basic stance and nothing else." so the bit of variety that is part of the program was taken from him. It was met with silence, then stuttering and a deep blush. The guy stayed and I hope he persevered Although my acquaintance with practice was shortlived, I do remember that after a time doing that boring practice something tended to change in the body and the same practice sort of changed, became deeper or something. After having experienced that several times I am totally okay with it.