blue eyed snake

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Everything posted by blue eyed snake

  1. Stretching for mobility, flexibility, wellbeing

    for elderly ladies this one works nicely too
  2. Stretching for mobility, flexibility, wellbeing

    that's in accordance with what i'm taught. One of the reasons of this faulty alignment is the feet pointing to the outside, when you teach yourself to walk with your feet straight forward, it also changes the position of the pelvis etc.
  3. Bump, I miss this threads wisdom coming up regularly I miss CT There are five things which no one is able to accomplish in this world: first, to cease growing old when he is growing old; second, to cease being sick; third, to cease dying; fourth, to deny dissolution when there is dissolution; fifth, to deny non-being.
  4. Weird Science

    well...I think to say that something is either a particle or a wave...doesn't sound right. It's two theoretical models to describe what we ( seem) to perceive happening. So my tentative conclusion is that whatever we perceive, it's neither particle nor wave.... here is Schrodinger's cat for dummy's I need to look at it at least twice to more or less get it, but maybe I'm just dumb in that department further I'll leave this topic to our brainy Brian
  5. Watching The Birds

    hundreds, maybe more than thousand of them on the meadow... farmer is not happy, they eat the grass so there's less for the cows and cows do not like geese-shit in their meadow either. She's not allowed to shoot some of them, which would be very effective ( and give some meat for the pot). When you shoot two or three, the rest will not come back for about six weeks. But there is a heavy fine on that.. but she always has creative solutions, she sends the dog in the meadow , this is a very well educated watchdog, barks only when there is something that he needs to warn the farmer for. but then this doggie hears: go in the meadow and chase those geese and then he runs, barking happily, and the whole flock takes wing, like this dog then sits on its haunches, looking in amazement at what he has done. beauty!
  6. Watching The Birds

    never seen a creature that looks half bumblebee, half hummingbird, could you post a picture? i do see ( and hear) large flocks of geese though, autumn indeed
  7. may i add on that... go to bed on time don't do drugs or alcohol take nice long walks in nature love yourself, your'e allright, try to feel that every day...I'm all right!
  8. Hillary and Trump

    did not read in this thread until now, but anyone saying that most european countries are lefty... should take another look......
  9. Don't feel happy being skinny

    er...I think it likely that your skinniness is a result of this feeling insecure. This makes for being constantly 'on the alert', not having enough relaxation in your body to want and digest food. to get rid of anxiety in whatever form is definitely not easy, but there are many ways that can be tried, the several options have one thing in common, take that first step and keep on walking. in general I never advise taking meds only after all the other routes are exhausted, wish you all the best BES
  10. Watching The Birds

    well, even though the seasons here are not what they used to be, the( this?) robin still arrives in my garden when autumn starts. as far as I know they live in the small woodland nearby and migrate to the village when it gets colder. Even though they look different from the variety you see, they are indeed comfortable around people
  11. Damo Mitchell - Internal Arts Academy
  12. Watching The Birds

    autumn has arrived, a robin in my backyard
  13. Limited space for taiji form

    I practice in my living space too, through necessity. The removal of one chair and a little re-positioning of the rest was enough, and it's not a big livingroom's also a matter of trusting yourself, I remember when i had just started taiji, ( three lessons or so...) I decided that i would try it outdoors, in a small woodland/ big parc nearby. So I was doing that and then some people came along, i was sort of...oh shit...and then i heard the woman say, O look, taiji, isn't it beautiful sometimes the hurdle of practicing outdoors is in our mind only
  14. simplify

    philosophers stone
  15. Stretching for mobility, flexibility, wellbeing

    hm... some years ago, in the time I was looking for a teacher, had not found him/her and decided to do some yoga in a nearby group. thinking some is better than nothing. When the teacher was ill or something for a while we got a Pakistani teacher, teaching spirit and yoga in very broken english . Now something started moving , but he told me that even though he liked me this was not my place/destiny. Relatively soon after I met my chigung teacher and were sure of him the moment i looked into his eyes. But i'm pretty sure this Pakistani guy would have been able to guide one onto the path Dwai is describing here. My teacher btw, when i asked him if i would get back the limberness that I had when young if I would follow his instructions diligently, he said, if you want that you'd better start with a real yoga too. maybe whether this is needed also depends on the form (and age) you're in when starting. i was a stiff lady nearing fifty at the time...very stiff
  16. the question that haunts me

    thanks Nungali, I was hoping you'd bring that up, living there you can put it much better than i can
  17. the question that haunts me

    thank you, I'dd like to add some. both the Inuit and the Sanpeople were, of old, known as the happiest people of the world. I'm well aware that that is not so anymore, but that happened after the invasion of western people. happiness does not consist only of material wealth, yes, just as all animals we need food , drink and a safe house to live in. Without romanticizing, there were probably a lot of less nice things too the big difference i see is in the way they were able to have enduring attachments to each other, deep friendships, real connections, both with the people of their tribe and with the nature that was their home. It's this ability to connect that we have lost in the west, it's this ability that my teacher tries to wake up in his students. to be truly human means to be able to connect, to have friends, to love, to laugh and to cry bitterly, together. In our material wealth we have lost that ability to really connect --- And these tribes of old were in general careful with their environment, It was not the Inuit that killed of such large amounts of seal and whales, it were (in part) my kinsman the Dutch think of the bison, it was not the redmen that killed off those enormous herds of bison, it was the white man who killed them off, for sport.... there are many examples like this, it was the western men that corrupted tribes that had lived in balance in their habitat, it was western man that destroyed those habitats, that brought illnesses and bad food. In their arrogance, deeming those people primitive, without being able to recognize the strength of their ways of living.
  18. the question that haunts me

    he cannot backup his claims Dusty, don't let him get your smile away. take a look at these San people, feel their peace of mind haver you ever seen the movie : " the gods must be crazy", I recommend it warmly
  19. Neurotransmitters & the Five Elements

    Thanks, nice overview
  20. Neurotransmitters & the Five Elements

    Not denying you anything free choice always. But, if you'd start taking gaba you should stop all intake of alcoholics ( and also weed, sleepingpills and opiate-like substances) just saying...
  21. UK tech: gender and skills gap

    worthy of repeating
  22. for Karl- the evidence

    well. death is something surrounded by un-clearities. hart stopped pumping, brain-dead, western doctors do not seem to have a very clear definition of when one is dead. I've had several experiences of dead people communicating things to me after they were 'dead'. things that I did not have any knowledge of beforehand, or just saying goodbye at a moment that I was unaware that they had died. for me, a near death experience is exactly that, being near death. As a sort of portal where one can go on, or go back, and the decision is not always ours. Regarding energy/chi/lifeforce , in the time when my analyzing mind still needed confirmation about this energetic healing idea, I've have been reading some interesting thingies. Among those publications ( scientific, meaning real measurements etc.) I remember one that clearly showed that the EMfield around the hands of energetic healers is about 1000 times as high as the usual at the moment that they are 'sending chi' . There was more but it does not interest me much anymore, I do not need scientific confirmation anymore to what i can so clearly feel .