blue eyed snake

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Everything posted by blue eyed snake

  1. Transgender Q&A

    Deep in your heart you're the sweetest little kitten
  2. Transgender Q&A

    I did not mind, i know you mean well. but it shows how easily people can misunderstand what is said and spread what they think they heard.
  3. Transgender Q&A

    she's still young, lets forgive her
  4. Transgender Q&A

    yeah...i saw that happening, i should-have quoted all your posts
  5. Transgender Q&A

    change is hard eh, and for most people physical reality is all there is. You are talking about different identities and bodies, I hardly identify with my body anymore, but will not tell anybody in real life, would only make life harder for me. apart from the physical reality as objective reality, the approvement by nature, at least were I live, a lot of things are changing and people do not react well to that, they loose their accustomed structures. tbh i see societal structures collapsing and i do not think that bodes well. I guess part of the backlash transpeople get is overflow from other changes. being scapegoated. But i still cannot get feminine dick energy I get people feel not at home in body I get people wanting boobs or mastectomy I have trouble getting bottom surgery but know a transwoman my age who did that and she was radiantly happy, at last she was who she want meant to be. Although she had some nasty complications. I can understand how one tries to tie together body features and feelings. But I do not get feminine dickenergy, i can understand it as a way of tying together several layers of being. as something very personal for your body/emotional stuff But looking at that transman I posted some posts before, i do guess that the changing of the physical reality plays a big part for trans-people and I have always wondered whether that is because they then feel better in their body or they are better accepted in their new genderrole or both.
  6. Transgender Q&A

    well, just as I did not like the majority opinion pushed on my life the opposite is true, most people are content with their existence as guy or gal plus the physical adornments that come with it. Trying to change that is one of the reasons the opposition against trans people is growing, which in its wake has caused me not to get out of the closet. imho you youngsters are pushing too hard. Further I wonder, when dick is not symbol for masculinity, why do transmen get surgery to get themselves a dick ( of sorts), and vice versa why do trans woman get bottomsurgery.
  7. Transgender Q&A

    Oh, i do not feel excluded Luke, on the contrary. I've met many a man with the same sort of relation ( for want of a better word,) with their genitalia. just like women who feel their boobs are an important part of their being female ( which was one of the reasons I have been so insecure about who am I btw. I've regarded those boobs as unwanted as first, because they got in the way playing, later they got in the way of feeling myself as suddenly the whole world was adamantly treating me as girl. And now they get in the way, quite literally when i look down. I never had any emotional relationship with em, the only reason I would like to not have em is they get in the way, useless pieces of flesh) so thats the same sort of reason I am not happy with the weight I gained, the wrinkles that appeared and I won't anybody touch a knife to my body. But regarding the question whether a dick is a distinct marker of masculinity, i do agree. For almost all males it is. and i guess this person agrees too. ( warning, sensitive content )
  8. Transgender Q&A

    well....try to climb a tree, puddlejump, crouch through mud, catch toads dressed like this, while staying clean to top it off. As nice girls keep their clothing and shoes clean and neat. I just never aspired to be a nice girl I guess. I preferred wellies, pants and a sweater or shirt, at the end of the street nature began and I could play there all I wanted, as long as was at home in time for dinner everything was fine.
  9. Transgender Q&A

    yeah but ... ehm, when we were young people were neatly classified in male and female ( as god ordained ) Babies have no idea about male and female, 3 year olds in general have observed this classification. Brothers, fathers and boys are male, sisters, moms and girls are classed as female. But from the time they are babies they are approached according to their sexe. That is outcome of research but I've observed that rearing my son. I got clothing from a sister who had a girl about a year older then my boy. so as a baby he had a nice warm pink babysuit. "oooh, what a lovely little girl, and your momma dressed you warmly to protect you from the cold, what a sweet girl you are" Next week, same bakery, blue jacket and babyjeans, " now you're a sturdy little boy, you can handle the cold eh. You make your momma proud. See those different messages? shaping the expectations our society has from boys and girls, those expectations partly shape our personalities. I found it also interesting that (perceived) babygirls got higher voices cooing over them then babyboys so there's the biological aspect plus the societal aspects that tries to mold us into gender-specific behavior and identification. But also, as a kid I was thus taught there are 2 categories, boy or girl. Nothing else to choose from. Well i was very sure I was not a girl so I had to be a boy. It was not that I wanted a dick @Apech, but i had classified myself as a boy "because i was not a girl" so there was no other choice. I expected to grow a dick as it was needed to fulfill the role of "boy" just as my big sister in those days was growing boobs. During my younger years I have so often wondered what was wrong with me, after a time I sort of decided I was a lesbian, but that was not right to as there were also guys I liked to share my bed with, so then I was biseksual. But why did I lean to be a cetera. For young people it is important to be clear about who they are, where they belong and what their place in a group is. How they identify as it is currently called. But the dichotomy male - female is not true, it is manmade, as there are people who are neither, That's both the intersex people and the trans/nonbinary people. Now that may not be a large group, but many people belong to it. My life would have been a lot easier when i had been aware there exists a third category for those that do not fit in the large dichotomy. The way I lean to when doing nothing ( Thanks @surrogate corpse ) is mostly male, but I can lean female too. The current generation would probably label me nonbinary, for me, after all those decades, I am human and that's okay.
  10. Boaz and Jachin

    i wonder about Boaz and Jachin, I mean, I know about the story of the temple pillars, the easy to find stuff. But sometimes I wonder about it, what do these symbolize, is there any relation with all the energetic stuff that is surrounding the fleshbody? not looking for "truth" but for some insights and associations from better educated bums then me. Maybe @Nungali has something for me
  11. Boaz and Jachin

    i thought you're the guy trying to balance these are dead, not happily sleeping after consuming to much apples or something
  12. Transgender Q&A

  13. Transgender Q&A

    totally normal behavior for young beautiful women, although i do not have any active intentions anymore, I still like looking at female beauty. Just like I like looking at butterflies and the new flowers now bursting.
  14. Boaz and Jachin

    seem to remember they were described as such
  15. Boaz and Jachin

    thanks for elucidating my brain is fuzzy
  16. Boaz and Jachin

    scared cow
  17. Transgender Q&A

    I sort of wonder why you think people here on the forums want to get enlightened 🤔 I for one come here to socialize with some guys and gals I like and share some information-like things.
  18. Transgender Q&A

    and the approval to be won from parents is small compared to the approval we want from peers, at least in our younger years.
  19. Transgender Q&A

    yup, also in general societal approving comes from behaving as you should according to your gender. where transitioning or, in my case, behaving like a boy got you a lot of disapprovement.
  20. Transgender Q&A

    I've seen that more yes. at last the way you look fits with how you feel and that's reason for joy and pictures. like the happiness I felt as a preschooler having told my mom that I did not want dresses anymore. After a slight hesitation she told me "yes, that's okay for me" I was so happy
  21. Indigenous Ingenuity

  22. Boaz and Jachin

    ehm, I took it as a veiled message that everything we can talk about is just symbols, trying but failing to convey underlaying reality. or just a joke of course
  23. Boaz and Jachin

    nice, how both of you, coming from different directions say the same, its about ( the balance) of mercy and justice. One can also toy with language, in my language the word for mercy translates ( back and forth) as grace. Having been subjected to grace, as a stream of golden light descending into my fleshbody, yes, this is sunlike. The word Justice hold the word straight in my language, straight to assessing what is absolutely necessary to complete the task. that all fits nicely to my uneducated eyes. further i was thinking of the high-priestess from the tarot, Boaz and Jachin are part of the picture (at least in the riderwaite version that i played with as a youngster) She holds the Torah Justice holds 2 pillars too, but not named as such, he holds the traditinal symbols of judgment, the scales and the sword. ( @Nungali is more fond of the Toth cards when I remember it well, but this set is what lives in my subconsciousness, the play as a youngster seems to have made quite an impression) apart from other symbolic things, I see female for mercy and male for justice the new vision cards give a look at the backside of things, i do like this version, it literally gives a new perspective. the curtain falls also nice to see he interpretation of finding balance between justice and mercy.
  24. Boaz and Jachin

    oh dear, I'd rather be old-fashioned.....
  25. Transgender Q&A

    His luminous blobness is in hiding, hiding or not, but you cannot hide you luminosity.