blue eyed snake

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Everything posted by blue eyed snake

  1. Boaz and Jachin

    thank you, the way you formulate this hits the centre
  2. Boaz and Jachin

    Even the easy stuff is far beyond me and as usual your answer is perfect for what I was wondering. I thank you for being a pillar of wisdom Lately my awareness sometimes resides in the surrounding energy-field instead of in the flesh, that is a bit disorientating. But also interesting, It feels like there are three pillars of light ( or something, jeez, this stuff is so weird to talk about) one going straight through the fleshbody and 2 right behind me, one golden, the other dark blue. sort of like the image on that book which answers my question, namely, there seem to be more people who perceive this as such. ( oh, and many years ago I awareness of those 2 pillars on the back arose, but as a set of 2, only now it becomes clear that it is a threesome) beautifully said and painfully true _/|\_
  3. Boaz and Jachin

    thank you _/|\_
  4. Transgender Q&A

    well, people just want to be accepted for what they are. I do never like to talk about tings spiritual, all to son it s hollow words. But during my life I've sort of seen that to get your feet on the spiritual path you first need to have a healthy ego. A personality that fits, working on trauma's, ( and there are more ways to skin that fish the psychotherapist) ego gets formed by all the things we encounter combined with karmic stuff, only after we've worked through a nice fat bunch of layers and are totally comfortable with our life stories, our ego, only then we can set foot on the path. when still vehemently defending that may look, from the outside, as unstable. But one has to realize the enormous amount of backlash some like Maddie gets, in those circumstances it can be a healthy way of getting positioning yourself, she strikes me as an activist. I would never have reached a balanced me, a stable ego, a good healthy sense of "me" without putting my gender in the package. Try to think up the following, I guess you are a male, now you have had to dress up as a girl as a kid, you had to do sewing instead of woodwork at school, you were totally treated like a girl and had to conform to the female role. would you have developed a stable and happy sense of self? I guess not only after the ego has developed to a stable and happy baseline is it possible to let go of it, very slowly
  5. Transgender Q&A

    well, I guess that people who are belligerently antitrans ( here I am thinking of some people on (former ) twitter, not bums, these guys regularly go an ranting ) maybe is that for them it sounds like identifying as Taylor Swifts guitar 🤔
  6. Transgender Q&A

    well, the Buddha is much more an authority then poor ol BES is, so that's case closed
  7. Transgender Q&A

    yup, but this after all, is the Daobums
  8. Transgender Q&A

    as a small kid I identified as a boy, whole society told me I am weird, nice start in life. Now that I am grown people still call transpeople weirdo's then you ask whether it would make more sense to identify with pure awareness.. well... I do not identify as a boy or as a girl, i identify as a human, that took me about half a century. further you cannot identify with pure awareness, the moment "you" "Identify" there is "a you" doing something ie "identifying" so mostly I identify as human, on rare moments "I" am gone and there is only pure awareness.
  9. Transgender Q&A

    I almost never talk about trans-people on the internet. But being chronically ill I am part of a large group of chronically ill people, most of them, bedbound or housebound, like I am. I habitually block every troll to keep my timeline reasonably clean of them. Never really analyzed it but I guess the most obvious characteristic is that they gloss over lived experience, talk ( condescendingly) to us instead of with us and generally behave as if we are children that have not tried the most obvious remedies. Now having 2 spirits in your body-mind-system is not an illness, but underlying is that your body-mind works so much different from the mean that they cannot handle the idea that that is true fact. So in the minds of the outliers, whether trans-people or people with badly understood illnesses there must be a psychological faultiness to explain their weirdness. kitchen sink psychology
  10. Transgender Q&A

    the surprise was that it was only one
  11. Transgender Q&A

    fake it till you make it
  12. Transgender Q&A

    yes, seen one troll seen them all. But mostly it was a good thread I think, i learned some things and that was nice.
  13. Transgender Q&A

    i think there's a nice piece in the golden flower too, but for today I am finished sleepytime
  14. Transgender Q&A

    i think it came along in a dutch newspaper or something, but this looks like somthing
  15. Transgender Q&A

    now that i call interesting
  16. Transgender Q&A

    that was after you transitioned? or before?
  17. Transgender Q&A

    it's a mess and all kinds of people have jumped on the bandwagon, to the detriment of us all. some years ago i was contemplating to come out of the closet, but now I won't. I do not like the term trans-people either. For myself it feels like two spirit people fits me, in modern terms I guess that would be nonbinary You've your own set of troubles and we all have. We also all like to have some recognition, especially friends who sort understand how we feel. There's totally no need to compare, loneliness and alienations seem to be part of the human condition. you're doing very well not being an asshole mister meerkat, you being the opposite of that. when saying that earns you moral scorn there's something wrong, not with you i mean. No, of course not. I know someone who sees himself as a misfit, self esteem so low you have to stoop to see it. Lovely guy, not much wrong with him that I can see, smart, lots of booklearning, Someone I can strike of real conversations with. It would feel very bad to see him as he sees him self and i would not do him justice. Or that person with a size 10 ego walking in a pair size 6 shoes, I will not see them as they see themselves, au contraire. ---- morals... once after I had struggled with something as a kid, that something being morals and no god or bible as a guideline I told my mom how I had solved it and she said: the important thing is that when you go to bed at night you can look into the mirror and not feel shame about your behavior. Even when a lot of people were angry at you today, you made a perfectly thought out decision from the kindness of your heart. They just did not understand you. That line still serves me
  18. Transgender Q&A

    it's not, it's also not a personal choice for people to be lefthanded, or colorblind. when you still think being trans is a personal choice maybe take some lessons in reading comprehension, or on empathy, or being less judgmental.
  19. Transgender Q&A

    interesting questions when you super oversimplify Neigong you could say that getting the lower dantien up and running is hard for guys as they tend to run after their dicks. For women it's a lot easier to get the LDT in working order. But for women it's hard to get the middle dantien "working' ( for want of a better word) as they tend to run after their feelings. So when you're cultivating in a group you'll see the ladies outperforming the men at first and then when the guys have picked up they see the ladies struggling with something that's easy for them, more or less. I've always suspected that these things are strongly correlated to hormones
  20. Transgender Q&A

    I seem to remember that the Torah or adjacent scripture mentions 6 or maybe 8 genders 🤔
  21. Transgender Q&A

    yeah well, it is like that, sometimes. but listen: I have a brother that identifies as lefthanded, do we accept that he identifies that way? or did he choose to be different. I get fed up with people who feel the need to identify different then the rest of us. ( I still hear him saying, after he got his first lefthanded pair of scissors: oh wow... cutting is not hard at all, being left handed used to come with a lot of pain and low selfesteem.) Trans people have a deep feeling of not being home in their body, I am one of them but I do have a problem. Not with trans people as I perceive them as kin. Whether they want or do surgery is up to them, once they are grownup, just like Brazilian butt lifts, mommy-makeovers and nosejobs and abdominal etching for the guys. It's not my thing but when people are allowed to get extra big tits surgically, why not allow them to have them removed. ( and I am happy that in my time surgery and such was impossible, glad the temptation was not there when I was young) What worries me is that nowadays they teach in schools that you can become whatever gender you like. That is wrong, I never chose my gender, it chose me and it was no party, it was a goddam struggle. Always to be the weird one, not to fit in, for teens that is the important thing. Not knowing why you feel that way, never even knowing that you're not alone, that there are more people out there like you. I was happy when the current generation changed that ----- Teaching like that will inevitably lead to youngsters " choosing" to be trans and getting hurt in the process. It's not "you can choose whatever you like", its: people are male or female, a very small proportion of people are born a little different, something went awry during pregnancy, those we call intersex people and there are also people who are sure that their body does not correspond with how they feel, that's called trans. On average there's one of those in every school. that's enough for education, just mentioning it exists is enough, those who recognize themselves will pick it up, for the rest it's just a detail easily forgotten. I do not know how the current line of teaching happened to land in the curriculum, but it's wrong, factually wrong and morally wrong and in the long run its bad for the well being of people like Maddie and me too, as people are right to not want that and they will take it out on transpeople.
  22. Transgender Q&A

    I remember that in the seventies my mom talked about being female/femininity being for a large part a social construct. so that's sometime ago but I am sorry to say names or background elude me. my memory is failing me lately. but that the roles of men and women are for a large part constructed form the outside/by society is easily seen, So much has changed since that time.
  23. Transgender Q&A

    I am a woman, born a woman, all of society regards me as woman but Maddie is more woman then I will ever be. Woman is mostly a societal construct whether you like that or not. I would like a good quality source for that, meaning some research. I know several trans people and as far as I am aware they're doing fine, a lot better then before transitioning.
  24. Transgender Q&A

    you're a dear, I am at that stage of life were one says no to lifesaving surgery because the quality of life is more important then the quantity.
  25. Transgender Q&A

    earlier in the thread there were mentions of indigenous people who accepted people with not normative gender and sexuality in their tribes. regarding the spiritual part of it, although I hate that word. It's the outer layer of the bubble, usually called the causal body that holds information about karma and former incarnations, a long line of male incarnations followed by a female incarnation could cause feeling male although the gross body is female.( and vice versa) So nothing has to be denied least of all the fact that some people are born like that and have to deal with it, that's not being helped by centuries of denial of our existence, man and woman he created them, and in the name of that god everybody that is different is still doomed. It's a deep groove in society.