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Everything posted by alchemystical

  1. How/why does qigong work?

    That is very interesting. I do believe the energy body aspects are whats at play in a lot of practices at the high level, almost like a refinement of the regular mode of awareness which is very coarse in standard embodied life. This is the true nature of alchemy. Yes, thats all it can be really. Either a long slog to the top of the mountain or an instant flash of insight that reveals all but takes almost as long as climbing the mountain to integrate. The olden days were very different, can you imagine life in a world with far less pollution, distraction and noise? Its like everything conspired to facilitate enlightenment then. Yes, once again its the refinement I spoke of, like a reduction in granularity that self organizes as one rises. A lot of the separations we think we perceive are illusory which is why when things like breath, mind and qi are just aligned, present and in the moment things happen. Its all very much like a muscle or artistic ability, the more you train it and use it the less you are aware of it as it just becomes part of your expanded repertoire, effortless effort.
  2. How/why does qigong work?

    Does your physical prowess match the level of mental gymnastic abilities deftly displayed in your reply? Boy you make me laugh and yes, you definitely are pissy and sound like you could do with a hug. You and I both know your entire spiel in this thread is a post factum rationalization after viewing a load of people seeing your "Intent—qi follows yi" dictum for the BS it is. I'm not here to spar with you, no doubt you know a thing or two about a thing or two but you're acting mighty vaginal about me wishing to keep my lineage quiet so why not just assume I know nothing and take it from there? If you don't want to reply to my threads, don't. Ignore list me and miss out on all the interesting conversation I'll bring to this site but please, stop acting like a [word removed by system] because then you'll make me treat you like one and I don't really want to do that.
  3. How/why does qigong work?

    Listen, I'll only say this once: You've already proven multiple times you haven't got a clue what you're talking about so why no STFU and listen when grown folks are talking because you might actually learn something. *ignore list* Preserve your brain cells, chi and ATP people, add him to your ignore list too.
  4. How/why does qigong work?

    The discovery of these movements and energy itself its absolutely fascinating, thats why I wish there were a real detailed history, theory and practical book about qigong instead of information scattered everywhere because its all so interesting. Granted they had no TVs so they entertained themselves with their selves but it really gets me thinking because you can take someone who knows no gong, get them to hold a few poses and boom, they feel the chi but if you randomly just position your arms, nothing. Its the significance, order, underlying rhythm that intrigues. Same when it comes to forms that have different types of breath control, how the heck did they discover that? That alone is mind boggling because the permutations of doing it randomly are immense and the measurements quite precise so how? Its interesting because in my experience I definitely agree that lifeforce comes in around Ming Men and it spins clockwise as it spirals up but there is also something more about the middle dan tien, I don't know if its like a step up transformer or its midpoint that is just amping the lower energy as it rises (which is what I suspect) but there definitely is something to it. Ming Men region blockages are also the reason for this whole back pain epidemic methinks as they rarely find anything physical and the people you quiz about it always note that the pain moves around. Oddly they don'y logically take it any further because moving pain can't be physical in nature unless you've got multiple issues and one is drowning out the other like the sun prevents us from seeing the stars. Surface level knowledge never has been, nor will be, enough for me. Spoke to a few masters and none of them could answer my questions either because they'd just done what they were told, never questioned therefore never learned and that in my eyes means they short changed themselves.
  5. How/why does qigong work?

    I am another you my friend, the threads appearance is evidence we're headed in the optimal direction and I await your perspective. In one response you've totally changed my perception of you as I actually thought you were a decent guy but this makes you sound more than a bit pissy. I started this topic to discuss, not proclaim and what I said was a well reasoned counterpoint to your statement based on my current understanding. Granted you could've got up on the wrong side of the bed, may still be feeling some kind of way about my previous reticence or I could simply be misinterpreting so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and see how you conduct yourself from here on out before deciding. If what I've said (or not said) offends you in some way feel free to ignore list me as I wouldn't wish to disturb your equanimity in any way with my presence as I will be asking lots of questions here so you will be seeing me around. Hmm. That is an interesting perspective, using the lower to prime the higher so you may become familiar with the new space. I feel that is a very narrow true path beset on either sides by the potential for self deception and so is best walked by one who is already aware of the nature of the lower state/ego and has at least a cursory insight into their mind and how it works in order to separate the wheat from the chaff. Not to piss on anyones parade but as I said in my You Are Deluded thread I've seen so much bullshit and bullshitters in the fields of cultivation on my travels that I attempt to observe, learn and weed out these foibles from my own makeup and practice as they are universal in their nature, given the fact that we all have a similar makeup and wrestle against similar demons as we stroll along the path. To me simplicity is the key.
  6. How/why does qigong work?

    You sure about that? Whilst its a traditional saying that sound catchy doesn't it go against the whole principle of Wu Wei where one should set up the causes and allow the effects to arise of themselves? That in itself being an encapsulation of the principle of the Dao. I once spoke a Sifu who was very against this kind of mental influence as intent or mood making because he said it created a situation for the practitioner to be carried away on the wings of delusion as opposed to true sensing. Taken to an extreme you see this displayed beautifully with so called "Chi masters" who are throwing invisible Hadokens at exceedingly compliant people who are flying around all over the place as they ooh and ahh at their collective delusion. Getting back to my instruction I was told that if you can't feel it yet its because you aren't ready so keep walking along the path until the signs make themselves known and when they do, keep walking. From my perspective this qi follows yi approach creates a wide opening for egoic concepts of cultivation and the resulting foolishness to creep in plus there are a lot of forms that specifically stipulate empty presence is the desired state of practice.
  7. What exactly does that mean and how does one do it? Thank you, you are very generous and I appreciate I'm a bit reticent.
  8. You certainly are persistent, I'll give you that. I'll speak on my path at some point but don't feel like it at the moment but I appreciate you sharing. Would you like to speak on your Zhan Zhuang practice? I'm interested as thats one of the basics and I was once told its the first thing you'll learn and last one you'll master.
  9. Have you always experienced this or is it something that came after practice? Does it look anything like this but a bit more amorphous (and hopefully with a less foreboding soundtrack)
  10. Are you Uncle Junior? Do lazer beams shoot out of your eyes?
  11. Whichever way you slice the cake, most people on earth sure get a crummy deal. I mean most of us are living with far more baubles, trinkets and distractions now that at any other time but beneath the shiny veneer so many people are truly miserable that its mind boggling an entire race could be so well and truly lost. We have those who "disconnect" from the madness of crowds and live quietly in a cave somewhere, wiling away their days doing what they do but for the vast majority of the world - who neither profess nor seek insight into their plight - its simply a case of running the treadmill and playing the game. Looking at it from a broader perspective we're actively destroying the planet as fast as we can on many levels at once in the name of a quick profit and even spiritual topics are full of confusion and contradiction which makes one wonder, why is this world so messed up? You can look at pretty much anything you want and deduce its been "tainted" by various means but to serve what ends? Religion is one great clusterfuck par excellence on so many levels and even Buddhism (which seems to make the most sense/grounded in reality) has its whole laughable deification and worship of Buddha when he specifically requested no such thing! Forums such as these are packed with people who are ostensibly on the way yet time and again you see the same kind of ego conflicts from the real world play out online which makes one question exactly how enlightened they really are as their behavior suggests otherwise. It all just seems so fake when you truly look at it. Getting back to the main topic, is this how its always been? Will always be? Why is it that at this particular time in the globe all we seem to see is chaos in a myriad of forms and people (especially crowds) acting like they have virtually no sense. Is everyone mad? Krishnamurti once said that it is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a society that is profoundly sick and he hit the nail on the head as far as I'm concerned. The question is what is the cause of this sickness and how far has it already spread? What can be done to fix it and are people in general just not aware of crazy the whole deal is? Your inputs on this rather nebulous concept would be appreciated, however you interpret my intent and whatever bells it rings. Make it happen.
  12. Balance test in Zhan Zhuang (站樁)

    Exclusive footage of super special, ultra secret chi powers in full effect:
  13. I feel that meat stimulates the lower chakras in the sense that its fuel is "coarse" and is combusted easier there whilst vegetarian approach is more easily processed by all energy centers due to being more "fine". Hard to explain unless you've felt it but there is a definite difference in the way the scales tip depending on what you've been eating as one accentuates the earth connection and the other allows heavenly energies to pour in. Ultimately though this is a moot point as a true cultivator can modulate his awareness in all scenarios and a genuine adept goes out of his way to leave his comfort zone and its the reason why when training in the Bon tradition they put your through your paces from the bottom of the ladder to the top and then once again but under the influence of hallucinogens and only then can you truly claim to have mastered it.
  14. A lot of you are deluded

    All valid points but its still interesting that from the perspective of an outsider looking in the primary state of play is immaturity across the board. If you look at comment sections on youtube, social media, other forums etc.. you see very similar dynamics at play and whilst its acceptable there due to the nature of the great unwashed that congregate maybe I expected more from people that are on the way and so should have deeper insight into themselves, others and how to facilitate the best style of communication? I've got no doubt that a few of you might know a thing or two about a thing or two and maybe had I signed up at a different time I'd have seen different sides as my first impressions but I'm here now and this is how I see it. Anyway, I'm done with this topic because I don't feel there is anything else to be gained from it so unless someone posts something interesting I'll be reading other things and thanks for your replies.
  15. A lot of you are deluded

    The spate of angry/venting threads that have popped up in the past few really do prove the premise that motivated this one because sooooo many people are all up in their feels about something and generally it seems that no one really likes anyone. Not only that but they can't even tolerate them. For a guy who claims none of the fancy shit you lot roll around in and doesn't have billions of posts it really does make me look sideways at so much of what you say because anyone with even an iota of real spiritual development simply does not act this way which is what I meant about a lot of you being deluded. Genuine cultivation to me is like a ʘ with the dot being your actual and circle being potential with the aim being to make the dot fill the circle, equally. What I see here is some thin slivers shooting off the dot here and there, some reaching the edge, others dwindling and loads of parts just left flat and undeveloped which reflects in the behaviour. Just my metaphor like its just my perspective, you can agree or disagree and it doesn't matter to me because my intent is to help you along the way. By and large I'm not a forum kind of guy, heck I'm not even much of a social kind of guy because most people are cuntmuscles but I must say I really did expect more from this place based on its rep as I thought I might've finally found a place with some wise folks to speak about things that interest. One thing though, I really do appreciate the honesty thats been displayed whether intentionally or not so thank you for that.
  16. What counts as Idolatry to you?

    Religion is a mind virus.
  17. LOL at the level of petty on display on this forum from a self professed bunch of adepts. Tells you all you need to know really.
  18. LOL at the level of petty on display on this forum from a self professed bunch of adepts. Tells you all you need to know really.
  19. Its also very interesting you find lots of dragon lore in the UK as well as south America and the Native Americans also had their share of flying serpent motifs. Velikovsy hypothesized that they all had their common origin in the birth of Venus which was originally a comment that created a very strange and unique show in the skies for our ancestors around 1500BC who recorded it in the various myths that came down to us through time without context.
  20. A lot of you are deluded

    Yes, one of the things about the path is everyone walks at different speeds and those who accompanied us so far on the journey may not be equipped to come along for the rest of the ride. To me everything else in life is pretty much BS because of how inane it all seems now. Twee little socially sanctioned distractions from knowing thyself designed to keep you engaged in chasing a shiny trophy. People are like 2D cutouts and even that is being generous in terms of their depth and the more I've walked the more of them I've left behind simply because we resonate so differently. In terms of what I've done, nothing fancy really. Some meditation. Tried a bit of Tai Chi but that didn't do it for me as much as the warm up Qi Gong did so I started trying out the free stuff on the net but I'm still very much a neophyte and still searching for a good all round powerful form that suits. There aren't many classes or teachers for this kind of stuff anywhere near me and the couple I've seen are aimed squarely at the "housewife waving her arms around so she can buy a calligraphy scroll that says "noodle soup" and gush to her friends how cultured she is" crowd so solo practitioner it is for now. I definitely feel I've got an aptitude for this path though as it just clicks with my style in a phenomenal way. Maybe you could help recommend a Qi Gong? Ideally I want something compact and I don't really gel with those forms that are like Tai Chi with a bunch of slow motion poses flowing one into the other. Tried a few of the Five Element ones on youtube and they were OK but nothing special. 18 Luohan is my day to day for the past few years but I feel the need for something "realer" because it feels diluted now, like something is missing from the teachings that are here in the west. Metaphorically speaking I'd say its like manually cranking an engine because you didn't know there is a starter motor in there which takes it all to another level. Another thing that really does fascinate me that maybe you can shed some light on: Why is it that doing one sequence of moves makes your body feel like it pulsating with energy like some kind of superfluid conduction is occurring but if you just randomly move your arms that effect doesn't occur? Feeling the chi like that is such a visceral experience and its really quite awesome as it gives you first hand proof that there be wisdom in those old scrolls, which may or may not say "noodle soup" when the shopkeeper told you it meant "power" (but then noodle soup does generate energy which is power so technically he wasn't lying).
  21. I think its interesting how a babies initial state of embodiment perceives no "self" in the sense that they are literally existing in a state of oneness with predominant Theta brainwaves that syncronize their mothers to further facilitate the state of "I am the world, I am the children, I am the one who makes a brighter day" and so on. Even observing them from birth onwards you can spot the moment they discover their embodiment as "The matter with me" and the surprise this brings. Crazy to think we then spend decades attempting to get back to this pristine state and the insight it brings. Whilst it may or may not be the "correct" interpretation of this image I always felt that what this says to me: because it starts off very fine and individuated before being homogenized and collecting stuff along the way before (hopefully) getting back to the original point but at a higher vantage point in the spiral (the 2D image doesn't convey that data, you've got to feel it) which in turn makes old the new new... Which leads me to another thing, all babies communicate except most adults don't hear what they are saying but if you listen to the shapes of the sounds they have the uptick of a question, the flat end of a statement, passion, intonation, emotional content etc... that shows whatever they are attempting to convey is super important. Yet socialization kicks in and the internal message is overpowered by the external tuition and they become good little borgs.
  22. A lot of you are deluded

    ^ Yeah, thats a valid point. The issue with cultivation is its truly a solo sport and I'm surrounded by people that have the spiritual insight of a house brick. Part of my reason for signing up here I guess because speaking to them about it and they slap a Scooby Doo look on their face. Its like the more I discover the more questions I have so the more I discover and so on... whilst most folks are oh so content running the wheel, watching reality TV and gossiping like schoolgirls about whatever the internet tells them is hot at the moment and spending what little money they have on things they don't need to impress people they don't forget to like, comment and subscribe! Rinse and repeat. Try and speak on the metaphysics of being, nature of reality, ways of expanding your consciousness and the underlying fabric of stuff or any of the other laser beam shooting iridescent thoughts that run through my awareness in each moment and you can literally watch their brains start to melt as its so far out of their paradigm. Not only that but you can actively see them shutting down, like they're trying to get to the end of their life and be able to advertise parts for sale: 1 Brain. Barely used, never raced, rallied or modified. As new condition. Like I said, I really don't get it. We're all born with innumerable gifts, just as standard equipment and because they're free most choose to ignore them and to even think of developing them is anathema to the "coolness" of collective ignorance whereas my raging curiosity has questions and seeks answers whilst wanting to share my adventures but people don't remember how to play the old fashioned way.
  23. Are we already dead? Is this actually hell?

    Evolution... Interesting word because all I see is devolution, en masse. Everywhere, in everything. People are literally thick as shit and only half as useful and propagating profusely therefore compounding their ignorance as it multiplies which leads me to think the way that I think because it most certainly isn't heavenly when looked at from a global perspective as these antics lower the high water mark for all vessels floating in the seas of humanity. The blind are truly leading the blind in virtually every aspect of reality as morons give themselves standing ovations for their stupidity, time and time again. Sure you can say that sounds harsh but it does accurately describe man and the way he's been moving for quite some time now. Just look at how he acts toward himself, his fellow man, the planet and everything else. Its all a case of "How much of it can I fuck and how quickly? Gimmie gimmie gimmie!" running across the board for absolutely everything. Sometimes I feel like I'm on the wrong planet or everyone else is running a software update that I didn't get because they're all well adjusted to the madness and not only seem to take it in their stride but thrive and for me its absolutely excruciating seeing all of this going on. Sure you could cry that maybe they can't all be wrong and maybe the fault is in me etc.. but remember it was only the child who could actually perceive the truth of the Emperor even though they all could see what was right in front of them... As far as I'm concerned the vast majority of people in this world are nuts. Crazier still is how few realize it. Now tell me my friends, does that not sound like hell?