Hello all, This forum pop when I tried searching for a basic answer to a question based on Mantak Chias Awaken the Healing Light. I've been practicing Mantak Chia's methods since the last quarter of 14' and have experienced a rapid progression rate in healing.. The power of not giving up is a virtue and how the information was found is a great blessing and fortune. It is my opinion that we all show up to this thing called Earth with certain proclivities and interest towards certain paths.. whether we realize it or not, some of us have been here before and are here now to help, serve and upgrade humanity, while at the same time heal any issue we my personally have.. I say this because, I have been really trying to know, work on and heal myself, so that I can heal and help others. It is my calling..
Furthermore, I'm excited to find a community of others who share this interest as it can get lonely at times with practicing by myself and not having anyone to share experiences with, without the expectation of "feeling or looking crazy" based on those who are not conscious ..
or spiritually awaken.
Lastly, Mr. Chia talks about how your right hand is suppose to unblock energy/guide it and the left his is where it is suppose to end up, for example right hand on mideye point, left hand on heart to guide the energy down to the heart, but when transforming Ching into Chi, he says cover your navel with your right hand and place your left hand over your sexual center. So there is bit of conflict, right? Any clarification is greatly appreciated..
Again, happy that I found you guys and I look forward to sharing and building with all.