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Everything posted by windwalker

  1. Human destruction of nature

    Talks about the models used to predict climate change.
  2. Democracy

  3. Democracy

    try again...its a question to understand those posting here cant have discussion with a book.
  4. Democracy

    what freedoms, compared to other countries is the US losing out on?
  5. Democracy

    Could it be because the US is not a Democracy. This is what is happening now...but maybe not due to the safeguards of the constitution. Although it would seem they did not forsee what would happen when 2 of the 3 branches acted in concert against the other branch.
  6. What are you listening to?

    Guy has women problems
  7. What are you listening to?

    Ruby, you going to town, again.
  8. Human destruction of nature

    Are not humans part of nature. Does not nature act independently of "humans" acting through humans ...a wave part of the ocean. only seemly to be a wave for a little while
  9. The Dao Trumps

    Actually I feel that some of thoughts expressed on this thread are very limiting in nature. To limit what is and is not daoist seems antithetical to the core ideology expressed by what has been written about it. to every thing
  10. The Dao Trumps

    Good awaiting your next thread doing so.... Nothing is preventing you..... would it not be better to manifest it. "He who knows (the Dao) does not (care to) speak (about it); he who is (ever ready to) speak about it does not know it. ."
  11. The Dao Trumps

    haha... MU
  12. The Dao Trumps

    what happened to the idea that " Supreme good is like water. Water greatly benefits all things, without conflict. It flows through places that people loathe. Thereby it is close to the Way." all who come to this site, are manifestations of the dao being expressed in and through any thread commented on. Like water keeping its true nature where ever it flows not avoiding not seeking..
  13. The Dao Trumps

  14. The Dao Trumps

    I could but see no point to doing so,, does it matter...
  15. The Dao Trumps

    its up to you, how you view it, your interpretation. If you feel its a political thread then it is...for me its not... with my rationale for how I feel about given .
  16. The Dao Trumps

    Actually I don't view the trunk thread as a political thread. I think it reflects ideologies and viewpoints, contrasted with one's own view of reality.
  17. The Dao Trumps

    When do you think China will let Taiwan know its time is up, time to come home.
  18. The Dao Trumps

    Its a clear example of people who share an interest nothing more. I do find it odd that those who choose not to participate comment on those who do suggesting that they can not or do not know when to stop....what it achieves is self evident. odd isn't it, complaining about a thread that is active over those that are inactive....instead of making a thread themselves that might start to become more active....and maybe shift the focus that some feel has changed.
  19. US Constitution 101

    Care to comment on the movement to do away with this process and what would happen if done.
  20. General theory of relativity a pseudoscience?

    context is everything. ya might try reading the book or quoting the full text....
  21. General theory of relativity a pseudoscience? Capra - The Tao of Physics.pdf an old read that seems relevant to the topic at hand