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Everything posted by windwalker

  1. US Constitution 101

    Yes, and thank you for an interesting thread I hope to learn a lot in comparing viewpoints. Your recent posting on marriage is very pertinent and explains a lot of the confusion that is going on now.
  2. US Constitution 101

    In your opinion whats happening now that is different from what is outlined.
  3. What are you listening to?

    ya wanna tell me what this is all about
  4. What are you listening to?

    dont go chasing rabbits,,,,
  5. What are you listening to?

    turn it up
  6. What are you listening to?

    the young ones probably wont get vinyl
  7. The Cool Picture Thread

    Not angry, just very aware
  8. Socrates on the Importance of Physical Fitness

    While I don't doubt the premise of the thread "some exercise is better than none" I wonder about some of the conclusions. "National LEB figures reported by statistical national agencies and international organizations are indeed estimates of periodLEB . In the Bronze Age and the Iron Age, LEB was 26 years; the 2010 world LEB was 67.2 " Wow 26 was old back then. When men were men, or died trying. In the modern world the life expectancy continues to rise I believe in 2017 the average LEB in the US is 80. I look at quality of life vs quantity of life. I often see many people very old with low quality of life. On the other hand I've known some people who passed relatively early had a high quality full life.
  9. How does suffering come to be

    is it if one chooses it ? If one seeks and chooses what others may feel is unpleasant, painful or what ever is it still suffering. In some practices there is a need to separate the mind from the body. this can be done in many ways one of which is enduring rituals that are designed to show ones ability over ones body.... In order to do this they have to endure a lot of training that if it was forced on them they probably couldn't do it. They have a different concept then those who live out side their culture....different not better.
  10. How does suffering come to be

    It may be hard to understand but depending on belief system its a choice. One made before birth,,,,one that can be changed after birth....or in some cases its thought by Even in western religions this concept is expressed although in a different way. In this case its not a choice but a state that one is born into.... In answer to your question about why this is so depends on the lens that it is viewed through. I follow and have followed what some might call an eastern approach that does not follow any one line of thought. not something I choose but some thing within that calls....
  11. How does suffering come to be

    dont care much for the tone.... if you did get it, you didnt get it... anyway,,,later yep whats going on now is stupid, and dangerous with the Supreme Court nomination
  12. How does suffering come to be

    A little different question then the title "How does suffering come to be" The answers will tend to reflect on ones life experiences and what ever path they follow... In most cases any living thing is set up so that it seeks the best environment for it, consciously or unconsciously. Some displins try to escape this....some start off by understanding that with out a body to interact with this world there is nothing to feel either way.....getting to understand this point is what a lot of displins are built around... Essential its the fear of death that most have to come to terms with....
  13. How does suffering come to be

    Mmm I can see you didn't get the joke. It was supposed to be analogous to what is going on now with the alleged events against the judge nomination for Supreme Court. What you or anyone remembers or feels they have went through in life is up to themselves. I really don't give a fuck, about what you remember or not.
  14. Can We Know Truth?

    T H E O S O P H Y "But Truth itself exists and is ONE. There is only THE Truth, not “my Truth,” “your Truth,” “his Truth,” or “her Truth.” The most ancient scripture known to man is the Rig Veda of Hinduism, which famously declares that “Truth is One, though the Sages call it by many names .” An interesting take on "my truth is not your truth"
  15. Can We Know Truth?

    Nice...also seen and tested in CMA traditions in a very direct way.... "Paccattaṃ veditabbo viññūhi (Sanskrit: Pratyātmaṃ veditavyo vijñaiḥ "To be meant to perceive directly"). The Dhamma can be perfectly realized only by the noble disciples (Pali: ariya-puggala) who have matured in supreme wisdom. No one can "enlighten" another person. Each intelligent person has to attain and experience for themselves. As an analogy, no one can simply make another know how to swim. Each person individually has to learn how to swim. In the same way, dhamma cannot be transferred or bestowed upon someone. Each one has to know for themselves. Knowing these attributes, Buddhists believe that they will attain the greatest peace and happiness through the practice of the Dhamma. Therefore, each person is fully responsible for his or her self to put it into practice for real." I do not call myself a buddhist, taoist, or anything maybe a seeker might be close enough What I have found seems to follow and echo what I've read about in different teachings.... In my own work in CMA, I've traveled far and wide once stopping for some 10ys of time working something that while experienced I had no inner truth to make it my truth.. It took some 10ys of hard training enduring a lot of "suffering' to make it mine, while I may not be able to explain it I know it... it is true...
  16. Can We Know Truth?

    For those making statements about what it is, is not or how to do it. Are they from experience for example is this said from one who is now the truth.... if so how would this be demonstrated so that others would know its so... On the other hand if one understands what is a subjective and objective truth, this can be demonstrated
  17. How does suffering come to be

    Hahaha,. Maybe you went through it and just don't remember you repressed it. You don't remember the time the place the year or even the event you just know something happened. Ya might need a therapist to help you remember it.
  18. How does suffering come to be

    I don't think so. If one takes the time to study and read about it there is a methodology and science behind it. People can talk about human beings as tripartite beings in an academic way. It takes a lot to understand this as part of one's reality.
  19. How does suffering come to be

    "Flagellation, in religion, the disciplinary or devotional practice of beating with whips. ... In the early Christian church, self-flagellation was apparently imposed as punishment and as a means of penance for disobedient clergy and laity." not my thing. Although in CMA and in the military depending on service we do and did push the body to its extreme limits. Used to do a lot of conditioning against inanimate objects trees bags rocks Etc. In my old age I sometimes wonder about the effects of such practices when I was young.
  20. How does suffering come to be

    Most spiritual disciplines have this idea. Like being nailed to a cross. That's gotta hurt
  21. How does suffering come to be

    No, I've been to some of the temples in beijing. Most of my time there was spent training,,some 6hrs a day...didn't leave much time for traveling We can talk about what is the "hardest training ever" and what it means.... Am I to understand you that you feel hardships vlonentary endured with an end goal in mind are hardships ? Would that same master be able to complete another task that he had never done before with out training for it? I would posit that those choosing these paths do so because it also chooses them they are following something from the inside not something that is being imposed on them from the outside... When I was teaching CMA in the US often those I worked with would asked to be trained like I trained in my younger days and those I trained with in China, Korea, and other places. They couldn't do it....its the same for those feeling they train in a way that makes their MA functional...often they really dont understand the requirements to make it so..