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Everything posted by noonespecial

  1. True Zen Zings from a master

    i got a book from him. its cool.
  2. The Karate Kid

    tough crowd yo.
  3. The Karate Kid

    Perhaps American humor is lost on the Swiss, video around 4:00, I damn near spit my drink on the keyboard
  4. The Karate Kid

    Mr Miyagi is a sorcerer. lmaooo
  5. Black holes are Gods

    Black holes recylce energy.
  6. Methods to turn sleep into cultivation?

    I agree 100% - 1) It happens anyway (cultivation) when we sleep whether we remember or not, 2) If there is some sort of breaktrhough that we should take note of, we will wake up and take note.
  7. Anyone want to discuss sacred geometry? thanks karl, never heard of this before.
  8. Anyone want to discuss sacred geometry?

    The intervals of motion upon a surface.
  9. Anyone want to discuss sacred geometry?

    One of my best friends and fellow artists is a huge Tool fan, never got into them that much however, I believe they also used some Enochian in their work. edit -
  10. Anyone want to discuss sacred geometry?

    Thanks for the link, I've read through it three times so far, intersting seeing the unicursal hexagram there.
  11. The law is absolutely reasonable, my problem is where were the kids, oh...there were none, just a bus with blinking lights? Why was the cop hiding, if there was a real safety concern, children crossing the street, he should be parked in the middle of the street as a preventitive measure not waiting in the bushes, as the great American sage P. Diddy once said, "Its all about the benjamins baby."
  12. Introducing pain into meditation

    I became insta-frineds with this fellow at my old job, I said this guy is into either kabalah, tantra or is an achieved daoist, just had that vibe, turns out he was just deep into the S&M scene, but he was a profound observer, funny as hell, would push people by saying off oclor things, and would say some profound things as well, like everything is an exchange of energy, be gentle. A true adept of S&M I guess lol.
  13. Yes, I chekced the laws and I did mess up. Most everyone I spoke too was unaware of this, so at least i warned some other people. The law is tricky, if it is a four lane 'highway' you can pass on the other side but not two lanes.
  14. I wasnt driving fast, I passed a parked school bus on the other side of the street and apparently it had its lights on (which is a joke, they were not even noticeable), they changed the law so that cars going both directions have to stop for a parked bus not just the car in the same lane as the parked bus. In fact I was driving so slow the officer was able to jump in front of my car. This is in California, Bay Area.
  15. Is september 2015 the end ?

    I've watched a couple of these videos on asteroids and how to deal with a possible collision, all the proposals seem to focus around 'big ass extreme explosions' I would hope there is some real research being done that is being kept under wraps in regards to altering gravitional fields and magnetism via the solar winds, I'm not a scientist (obviously) but these seem to be the only viable options. These huge rocks hurling millions of miles per hour through void will indeed make our nukes look like firecrackers. But like you said any option ultimately depends on early detection.
  16. Is september 2015 the end ?

    I blame CERN for this:
  17. yup, albeit everything is a bit more nuanced now.
  18. yes but my suffering is so much greater lol.
  19. Ironically exactly how i feel right now. haha. Im going to show up and beg the judge for a reduction anyway. Admit my guilt, my ignorance of the law, my financial situation and hope for the best.
  20. Ajahn Chah

    Thats awesome.