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Everything posted by noonespecial

  1. I could bring in my 3 year old kid who was in the car at the time as witness, but I don't think that will jive. What is more upsetting is that if the law was so concerned about safety, and since it was a recent addendum to an existing traffic law, he could have easily parked and told the cars to stop, thereby ensuring no one gets hurt, rather than setup a trap down the street out of sight, it's ridiculous.
  2. No worries. To add, yes he was fat, yes he did jump in the middle of the road to stop my car, yes he did have a negative attitude, yes it was hilarious (hardly not worth an $700 traffic violation) but if you want to switch gears, when I see an overweight person, I do form an opinion about their lifestyle choices, discipline or lack there of, etc., especially when it is an officer of the law. So yes it would piss me off if it went to his donut fund rather than community services. So sue me.
  3. Haha, its been a couple of hours and I am content with the fact that they will take my money and increase my insurance premiums, here is to hoping that the money goes to community improvemnet, fix the potholes or something, instead of the fat guys bonus.
  4. This reminds me of an insight i was given, that is the light body is usually 'within' the physical frame, one of the goals is internal work is to transfer the light body so that it overlays the physical body not vice versa, and that this is the pre-fall configuration (in the western mythos); I never paid it much mind until I read this post.
  5. On the bright side, I just chekced my ticket and I had no clue I was a blonde hispanic lmaoooo, seeing of which I am neither. @cop
  6. Did Buddha consider the Kundalini bad?

    Kundalini isnt bad, attachment to it is.
  7. Astral Body in Fourth Way

    If Nachash rules Malkuth and Malkuth is Kether and Kether is Malkuth we are left with the identity of the Nachash as who? Likewise, "So Moses made a bronze snake and put it up on a pole. Then when anyone was bitten by a snake and looked at the bronze snake, they lived." And, "Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up." I guess this is what all the mysteries boil down to.
  8. How can I get past, "...then what?"

    You think too much.
  9. Urge to look into Freemasonry

    The irony of a bunch of old white guys playing pretend Egpytian lol.
  10. Urge to look into Freemasonry

    Agreed, its ultimately about facing the dear of death. I doubt Freemasonry accomplishes this, obviously these guys are not going to kill you, on the other hand, going to Peru for an Ayahuasca trip.
  11. Urge to look into Freemasonry

    A wise man from an eastern country said joining them would be akin to going to the doctor who poisoned you hoping for a cure. I would think that could be applied to the majority of the western tradition, one of the reasons I'm very much over kabalah, tarot, etc.
  12. The first jhana

    im intrigued.
  13. Tingling, dripping, cracking, now just pressure. I got used to it after a year, btw i dont have super powers or anything with all the ignorant youtube hype which abounds in regards to the opening of the ajna, perhaps that will come later, haha.
  14. Did Buddha consider the Kundalini bad?

    It seems like increased awareness in general would do so. Check this out.
  15. Did Buddha consider the Kundalini bad?

    Got it. The only reason I mention it is because it was during Vipassana that I experienced a strong current of energy (through the left foot, almost like being bitten) that is more or less still with me and is clearly related to the hindu energy centers, the notion of ignoring it instead of 'playing' with it opens up some new ideas which actually fall into place for me right now philosophically. Thanks.
  16. Did Buddha consider the Kundalini bad?

    Does not kundalini naturually arise through standard buddhist meditations, such as mindfullness etc.
  17. The Abyss is the Anima Mundi

    First rule of fight club lol, lets just say I know the difference between GD/Jungian active imagination/inner sensory practice, which elicites an 'oh that was interesting,' response as supposed to the 'holy sh!t what just f@cking happened,' reaction elicited via Dee's work.
  18. The Abyss is the Anima Mundi

    Especially after staring in a mirror for 15 minutes.
  19. The Abyss is the Anima Mundi

    Cool, I would be interested to hear more, start a thread maybe?
  20. The Abyss is the Anima Mundi

    I can dig it.
  21. The Abyss is the Anima Mundi

    What you describe is true and part of walking the Path, having to do with the Nachash as UFA mentioned, but is now not what I would assign as being the Abyss in standard Qabalah. It is what I thought the Abyss was when I started a couple years ago, mainly due to spotty readings of questionable popular occult books out there. Are you teachers Qabalists? I saw you mentioned Buddha, thanks. edit: Also I would think the Adversary is much more clever than just trying to scare the wits out of one on the path, although surely that is but one tool in his kit. 8 Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 9 β€œAll this I will give you,” he said, β€œif you will bow down and worship me.”
  22. The Abyss is the Anima Mundi

    I'll check it out.
  23. The Abyss is the Anima Mundi

    Hi Bud, thanks for contributing, Interesting I just came upon this, "The Abyss is the source of all impressions, and the storehouse, so to speak, of phenoomenon." - Israel Regardie, pg. 99 Garden of Pomegranates ~ Almost exactly what you wrote, exploring further I came upon this "This 'Spiritus' or 'Anima Mundi' is, for Yeats, the repository from which all his most powerful symbols and images derive... In the notes to a poem he speaks of it as 'a general storehouse of images which have ceased to be the property of any personality or spirit." WB Yeats a Critical Introduction pg.104 - Interestingly enough, he links the Abysss to the Second Coming similar to manitou's thoughts.
  24. The Abyss is the Anima Mundi

    In my opinion, Da'ath is not the gateway to the Shadow tree, in fact quite the opposite, the gateway to the Qlipphoth, the Kings of Edom, is right here, Malkuth of Assiah, the world wherein the Serpent divides and conquers.