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Everything posted by Jonesboy

  1. Life after Awakening

    I have found no issues with Internal fire. I agree 8 times can be a lot which is why you will see my post saying to start off slow . Like 5 minutes before meditation and work from there. I found it to be really grounded and I loved how the energy would flow through my heart.
  2. Realization undermining life force

    Dispassion is a state that is written about in Yoga. It was weird for me as well. Being the Witness is one thing but then to not feel the emotions when you normally would was very disconcerting. I remember having those I loved crying over an event and showing compassion but inside it just floated on by. I wasn't touched by the pain, sorry or states of happiness. It was all the same. It was just a phase and it sounds like it will be for you as well. With everything going on in your life it seems like it may be a blessing. All the best to you, Tom
  3. I am saying that what I share and the effort I put in to researching quotes like many here do should not be so easily deleted. I find it disturbing to have to worry about it being deleted by someone just because they can and that I should have to copy and save my posts. If it is in there personal section I have no issues with that. I find no value in posting something I experienced years ago from a saved file. I could be accused of just making things up. Providing a link to the post that shows ones experience years ago is a whole lot better. What you do is rare saving your posts in a file. I hope it stays that way to be honest.
  4. I think if one has to worry about saving ones writing to a PPD then something is wrong.
  5. With one post in reply to a question you asked? How funny. You banned me for liking a post if you remember.
  6. Well thank you for bringing it up. The personal insults from the same group in every thread needs to stop. Now we do have a group of new mods so a little understanding is in order.
  7. I understand, a small group likes to bring up stuff on a lot of threads even when it has nothing to do with the topic
  8. No they were posts from gatito calling me unsavory and banning me from any threads he may start. Personal attacks really.
  9. The Holy Spirit is not Kundalini - Daskalos

    Any of the eight limbs can activate kundalini. Bhakti, faith and prayer are very powerful. .
  10. The Holy Spirit is not Kundalini - Daskalos

    This topic isn't about light transmission. Nobody has brought up light transmission except you. The topic is about kundalini and the Holy Spirit. You get so caught up making these same crazy off topic posts from thread to thread and you are the only one that constantly brings it up. I mean thank you for acknowledging that it is real but enough already. You posted in the light body thread to defend the historical view of Jesus. Well start defending against Daskalos and his view on things because they sure seem different to me. Oh wait your friend wrote it so that is okay
  11. The Holy Spirit is not Kundalini - Daskalos

    Ramana Maharshi mentioned that Kundalini is nothing but the natural energy of the Self, where Self is the universal consciousness (Paramatma) present in every being, and that the individual mind of thoughts cloaks this natural energy from unadulterated expression. Advaita teaches self-realization, enlightenment, God-consciousness, and nirvana. But, initial Kundalini awakening is just the beginning of actual spiritual experience. Self-inquiry meditation is considered a very natural and simple means of reaching this goal. “D.: How to find the Atman? M.: There is no investigation into the Atman. The investigation can only be into “the non-self. Elimination of the non-self is alone possible. The Self being always self evident will shine forth of itself. The Self is called by different names - Atman, God, Kundalini, mantra, etc. Hold any one of them and the Self becomes manifest. God is no other than the Self. Kundalini is now showing forth as the mind. When the mind is traced to its source it is Kundalini. Excerpt From: Sadhu, Arunachala. “Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi.” Just a couple of things to think about. If THS is all things and kundalini is all things and you believe in non-duality. Maybe they are talking about the same thing? Just different aspects of the same thing?
  12. The Holy Spirit is not Kundalini - Daskalos

    Watch out now Brian. He does have a bunch of letters behind his name. Ph. D., D.D., M. Psy., M. Mcs. .
  13. Is the sutra really talking about introducing new knowledge to a person or removing the obstructions that hide the knowledge that was always there through the use of transmission or abilities?
  14. Safari jumps while editing new post

    Same here and with the newest update for OS X.
  15. Gospel of Thomas

    I think that just about says it all. Thank you for that Brian.
  16. Alright that ends it for me. Take care everyone. All the best, Tom
  17. Just saying that I have had to quote my butt off after sharing my experiences here in this forum. Even within this thread Must be a selective thing. .
  18. I believe this forum prefers experience backed up by accepted teachings from books. It helps to prove your not just making things up and that you know what you are talking about. Especially when you are telling people they are wrong all the time. Norbu is a prolific writer after all.
  19. It would be nice if you would actually quote him instead of telling us he told you so and so back in 1987. A big difference if you know what I mean.
  20. I use a respected guy to show that neither one of you know what you are talking about. I have only quoted him twice ever and both times in this thread. Did you notice he mentioned Mahamudra and Dzogchen?
  21. Fixed. Anything else?
  22. Yes you have said that before. Do you disagree with him?