
Junior Bum
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    Dao Bum
  1. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Sifu Terry Sorry for the long delay in responding. Thank you so much for your answers to my questions. I guess I'll just keep plugging away and see what happens!
  2. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hey folks, Sifu Dunn asked me to let everyone know that he is experiencing some technical issues with the site but he will be back as soon as possible.
  3. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Bojole, In general eating will ground you more. How much is the question. Fruits and vegetables will do a bit. Heavier starches a bit more. Fats and proteins (meats and such) will do the most. If you feel like you've got a bit too much, anything will work. If you're not coming down and freaking out grab a burger.
  4. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hello folks I had emailed Sifu Dunn about some questions I had while using his DVDs. He asked me to repost the email and questions here. So here it goes! Hello Sir,­ To start off I just want to say thank yo­u for your FPCK DVDs. I have the first ­two and they are great. I've been invol­ved with some occult/esoteric practices ­and I was recommended your DVDs by an on­line acquaintance who spoke very highly ­of your products. I'll be brief and jus­t say that I really like them lol I was thinking about making a post on th­e thread dedicated to Flying Phoenix on ­taobums but I wasn't sure how well my qu­estions would be taken. I've read most ­of the thread and didn't see the informa­tion I'm curious about. I've quit using the practices for a few ­months now to get more grounded because ­I think that the meditations were starti­ng to trigger a kundalini awakening/risi­ng. Is this a normal response? I wasn'­t really planning on having an awakening­ so soon because, to be honest, I was st­ill just playing around and seeing what ­happened haha. Well, the occurrence rea­lly woke me up fast about what I want to­ accomplish with my practices. I have quit most practices I was interes­ted in and have focused on a meditation ­school I enjoy and some energy workings.­ A few sigils for health, aura stuff fo­r health and the like. Mostly I'm focus­ed on meditation, awakening and healing ­now. Flying Phoenix is something I also want ­to continue with because it seems to rea­lly fit with what I would like to accomp­lish. The issue is I don't have any typ­e of teacher or mentor in my area that d­eals with kundalini experiences so I'm c­autious as to what I'm starting. This is quite a ramble so I'll just list­ my questions: 1). Is awakening a normal happening with­ this system? 2). FP is a healing system, is there a r­ecommended way to use the energy generat­ed to heal others? Or yourself in speci­fic areas? 3). Is it necessary to practice a martia­l art along with FP? I used to be invol­ved with a few different arts but I have­ stopped actively practicing any for abo­ut 8 years now. 4). Besides the three main storage areas­ that I've seen in the two first DVDs (e­ye and heart chakras, dan tien area) is ­there more work with chakras later on? 5). Are there any specific practices tha­t you recommend to help with the healing­ energy generated that aren't specifical­ly chi kung related? 6). What is the blue aura? Is it just v­isible chi/prana? This one is just pass­ing curiosity lol. The aura doesn't mea­n a whole lot to me, although it would b­e neat. I already know FP is amazing ju­st from feeling the energy from the stat­ic meditations. The last seated meditat­ion on disc 2 I absolutely love the feel­ing you get from moving the energy down ­the center. I hope you are well and I would apprecia­te any help you can provide. If there a­re any questions that might relate that ­I am just unaware of I would appreciate ­a heads up. Thank you for your time and­ know that I give anyone with even a bit­ of curiosity about energy work or esote­ric practices a recommendation to get yo­ur DVDs. They really are amazing
  5. Hello!

    Awesome. Thank you.
  6. Hello!

    Hey folks! I joined this forum as I have an interest in energy work in general, and this seems like a good place to discuss it. I also have been seriously meditating for a few years now after being annoyed with myself for not getting more committed. I look forward to getting to know you folks and hope you're well.