Hi there!
I like to learn something new an i need your expertise. At the moment in do Shibasi Set 1 two times a day (4/5 Years).
i learned Shibashi online but in my area is no "qualified" Qi-Gong instructor.
By internet research i found three interesting teachers/forms.
1. Robert Peng - Master Key Videos
2. Spring Forest Qi Gong
3. Lee Holden
(New Online Classes www.holdenqigong.com or the Qi Gong for health and healing Course)
4. Option is to learn Shibashi Set 2 or/and Set 3 Online by Sifu Wing Cheung´s Course
i like to calm my mind, train my body and make provisions for my health.
I always move at the border to a Burn out and have problems with my jobs (less energie, overtaxing, keinen Bock ).
Which of these systems is good, authentic and maybe the best for me?
Does anyone have experience with this four systems?
Is lee holden a valid source and which system he teach exaclty?
I would not waste my time because I have very little free time
Thank you very much and sorry for my bad english!