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Everything posted by Karl

  1. It's 1 o clock in the afternoon here. A bright, warm, sunny Sunday. Had a migraine yesterday which has left be a touch debilitated or I would be outside sanding down the windows. Instead I'm sat inside writing bullshit whilst I watch my beautiful wife working on the windows instead.
  2. Then how are you writing these words ? How are you putting forward an assertion if the mind clarifies nothing ? That just another version of the same old 'everything is subjective and nothing exists independently' argument.
  3. I don't like the word 'attract', but most definitely you end up 'attracted to' situations and people that align with your beliefs. If the beliefs are in contradiction/conflict then they cause suffering.
  4. Pain is the way to know there is a problem with the physical body, suffering is a way to know there is a contradiction within our conscious awareness. In effect the mind is seeking to point out the contradiction and resolve it, just as the body needs to resolve the physical contradiction.
  5. You could believe that because you took out an umbrella that it rained, or that your consciousness was manifesting objective reality, or you always have bad luck, or the Sun is dragged about the Sky by invisible serpents, or that you are a bad person that should be punished etc etc. It isn't so much a creation of reality but a misunderstanding of it.
  6. Everyone Worships Saturn

    I don't know about the mythology but it is considered to be a failed star. However, regardless, it's a beautiful thing when seen directly through a telescope. No amount of pictures can really compete with a live viewing. It's a spectacular object.
  7. You have it distorted. Man is the animal that reasons. You have become enmeshed in falsehoods that have bypassed your reasoning faculty and become embedded directly in the subconscious. You are eschewing identity and subordinating yourself to rulers. It's a process by which the individual is reduced to a slave with the function of serving 'the greater good' or whatever thing the word weavers have conjured up this time. You are something, you are an individual with defined identity don't let that go.
  8. Russian colony of the United States

    Beyond my pay grade. I suggest you might know the causal link a bit like a musician has a deeper knowledge of music composition. Relying on rational logic is a problem, that's why is necessary to probe the grammar first. This is what I said earlier. The church and many offshoots put logic before grammar and that causes a logic loop, circular reasoning, petitito ( question begging ). That is an abuse of logical order. Again, that's important in its way, but more importantly is the war which is being fought and not necessarily the weaponry being employed. This is real and present.
  9. Russian colony of the United States

    Yes, energy, and prior to that something else which can be known-although knowing it doesn't really add to the store of knowledge. Matter is a harmonic in a universe comprised of standing waves and nodes. Consciousness/reasoning words are all a form of that expression. You can't work with the harmonic directly as it is a differential-one level removed. Some of this you will probably know if you have some basic maths. The integral is the word. I'm not great at maths and waveform analysis but I get the basic understanding. The words then vanish into the cortex and are differentiated again. All that is fascinating stuff, but we are stuck with words and so we must know what is what. You can see it as accepting distorted energy if that works for you.
  10. I would be careful dipping into the subconscious storehouse. It depends on the level of conscious stability in the present. If there has been trauma-even imaginary trauma-the release into the arena of conscious awareness can be a trickle followed by a flood pulse. It's best to take each emotion as it comes up and work with it. These negative aspects manifest during odd times when least expected. As each gets resolution it will clear a log jam of repressed emotions. If you can find a could therapist they can help disconnect events from the emotions and resolve issues painlessly by allowing the event to be seen in context. The emotion attached will leach away harmlessly.
  11. Yes, the distinction is subtle but all things are connected to the same thing. Everything is causality. So you notice certain...symptoms I suppose you might say. You wouldn't know suffering if you didn't have the concept 'to suffer'. Yet, have you ever defined the concept ? Look at every bit of assumed information that you carelessly impinge on your conscious awareness. Is suffering the same as pain ? Do you really 'suffer' pain, or is it just pain? Make that distinction.
  12. Russian colony of the United States

    I'm not going to, and neither can I illuminate it all for you. It would be self defeating anyway.
  13. Certainly your beliefs create 'your reality', but reality exists regardless of your illusiory reality, because existence exists. Ego, pain body, consciousness and sub consciousness are all you, existent as realities, regardless of what you believe. Reality will knock down the walls of your belief system and then perhaps you will try and rationalise that reality event with more beliefs in an attempt to prop up the structure.
  14. Everyone Worships Saturn

    People do believe weird stuff.
  15. Do you suffer ? Or do you simply, intensely dislike of feeling too warm, unpleasant, uncomfortable, suffocated ? It is possible then to fear something but not suffer.
  16. Russian colony of the United States

    Let me tell you a story: One day a group of men sat around a table and dreamed of a world in which God was whatever they told the people it was. There would be no right and wrong anymore except as it was decreed. It would free the people of the need for moral responsibility. Now, these men understood the power of words-because words convey every concept that ever was and ever will be. That Words are the control program for the human mind. To hatch their plan successfully they would have to control the definitions. They would need to control which definitions were right and wrong in the minds of the people. How could it be done ? This trick must convince everybody-even themselves-that this was the way the world worked. They realised that the world people believed could be built on fallacies and confusion, but only if the people themselves could be made to create their own double binds. First they must believe the world of logic was flawed. It had to be discredited and must disappear as a tool of understanding. If it was used, it must be used in the wrong order to disguise the lie. Logic would come before grammar. That way around and people would ask the 'why' of a thing first instead of the the what, where and when of a thing. It would seal up the door to their ability to control definitions for themselves and mean that they would be their own prison guards. They would Police themselves so effectively-it was thought-there would no longer be wars or crime. It was a noble enough ideology, but the problem was that this power to control definitions would not stay in the hands of the good men, it was already fraudulent and so, naturally, as with all things that are dishonest in nature it attracted the interest of the men who would manipulate it for their own advantage. This is how it is now. The story hasn't ended because the people always have the option of rediscovering logic/reasoning and placing it back in its proper place-before grammar. They can take the power back from those who control the definitions. However, the conditioning is so deeply ingrained that it is very hard to do. Those that suspect something isn't right tend to drop out in some sense. They may head for the woods, shamanism, autarky, the Indian way, or they look for esoteric knowledge in Tao, Buddhism, Christianity and the ways of the East. Unfortunately these attractive narratives were designed in a similar way to the more modern control mechanism. They also seek to control definitions and so the dont aid and in some ways perhaps they can even hinder the search. Take rights and privileges as an example. You cannot tell one from the other and that's deliberate. It's not that you can't discover the definition, it's that you will effectively police yourself in order never to discover it. Then you add that the entire world is an illusion. That A and not A exist. Bizarrely this is actually true, but only of the world you have been taught is true. People like Orwell have been trying to reach us, they left a breadcrumb trail but we couldn't decipher it. We laughed at the idea of double speak and thought we were not capable of such a simple deception. Yet Orwell knew a deeper truth-that we were already deceived and had been for several hundred years-before we were literate this same trick had been played but by keeping the people ignorant. Now, with the need for mass literacy to run the factories, bureaucracies and armies that ignorance was no longer possible, but a new possibility dawned. The control through words could be deeper, the spell more powerful and mass state schooling would deliver it. From the East, to the West the first thing any invading country does is to make sure that state schooling is in place. Anywhere where it isn't the authorities will eventually force it in the people through taxation, violence or manipulation of regulation. Of course this is only a story, so there is no need for any concern. It couldn't possibly ever happen. You have the power of Buddhism and the Tao to cling to in any case.
  17. Russian colony of the United States

    More straw men. Only humans have reasoning, only humans have free will and therefore the choice of morality. You can choose to murder Friday, or realise that two people producing and trading will provide greater wealth than individual effort. The movie you see is not real, so It really doesn't really matter what you think about it you started with a false perception anyway. Thinking it's any less or more real is a game for the mind, but reality doesn't care what you think.
  18. Russian colony of the United States

    Apologies Stoosh I just skipped over your post. The rights are there on the Island. It is the right of ownership of your body/mind and to keep the fruits of your own, honest productive effort. Anything that interferes with that is a trespass and aggression. You make no mention of it, but we require no government to advance forward. Indeed I firmly believe that if we didn't have Government we would be a long way further on than we currently are (and I mean in the sense of modern centralised government/ states as it is pretty obvious we would need some form of governance and these things do exist naturally ). We haven't got freedom, we have the illusion of freedom. However, this is somewhat like the trying to explain the Matrix. No one can tell you what it is, you have to see it for yourself. The will must be there. I thought/think that this forum has seekers-just as I once was-but you don't know what it is you are seeking. Maybe there are sometimes the reveal of a small corner that you pull at, but something immensely heavy stops anything more being pulled free. The full picture cannot be seen until you are ready to see it. The reality of it will be in the order of the shock of waking up in one of the Matrix pods and realising you have actually been under a kind of hypnotic spell. If you begin to ask what you are actually seeking and what it is that has brought you to this point then perhaps some of the answers will begin to tumble out. I'm not implying anything about enlightenment or self realisation, just a breaking of the spell. That's probably more than I should have said, but I think we haven't got too much time left to waste.
  19. Russian colony of the United States

    Just because we live in comparative wealth is not an excuse to except the status quo. I don't live in Russia and it would have been worse had I lived there, or Iraq or Syria. I can think of hundreds of places that are worse, what of it ? I don't think of the past. I don't have any rights, I have privileges. It's not a matter of which rights I have, because that number is clearly zero. Rights are all negatively implied as opposed to privileges that are all positive. I find that most people just haven't considered it. No one ever does until they find themselves on the wrong side of the state. Try not paying your taxes. Just tell the state you have decided you don't need their services and you will fend for yourself-see if they will accept your proposal. Neither am I belly aching, I'm simply telling it as it is. As the oncoming collapse comes closer and the sabre rattling continues against towards the East maybe it will begin to dawn on you. It's like insurance policies-you never need them until you do. You are really trotting out the old statist line that you should be glad of what you have. Frankly that makes me disappointed.
  20. Russian colony of the United States

    Only if you cannot think of another possibility. If you always think that this is the only way it can be, then you will approach everything from that perspective.
  21. Many creatures sadly die to provide our food.

    Encourage the adoption of critical thinking and they will hear. Forget arguing facts and leading by example because they will remain deaf. I'm not uncomfortable around you. I like free thinking original people. At one time everyone was like that.