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Everything posted by Karl

  1. what is the point of existence?

    That's a very circular argument. I cannot know what Lao Tsu or Buddha knew as their philosophies are written by others. Perhaps they weren't Mystics, but certainly most of their followers are. A mystic in the spiritual tradition believes that it is their feelings/intuition/revelation/inner knowing/heart which is their guide to reality. The muscle mystic rejects that man can know reality in any sense, that we are a collection of squirting glands-or in the more modern sense part of some quantum illusion. I don't know if you ascribe to either of these views, or if LT or Buddah did, but their followers do.
  2. I'm unable to look at any videos due to internet speed. This is not a plan by Jews, it is a plan by socialists, and the two cultures amenable to collectivism are Arabs and Jews-they both share a collectivist political philosophy. There are some who wish to grab the reins of power to form a collectivist Europe now they have lost Russia to capitalism and China partly to capitalism. The network of globalists have the sense of a shared destiny. Borders and rival governments prevent easy collusion by bankers and industrialists by putting a force in the way to stop their plans to continue their prestige agenda. These globalists aren't collectivist, it probably hasn't even entered their sordid little minds that there are others within their cabal who have an agenda that isn't purely prestige driven, but which is idealist for the sake of power. I've been warning about the coming dark ages for several years now, but I give Ayn Rand the very highest praise for predicting this in the 1930s-as a result of living through the USSR. Margaret Thatcher warned of the consequences of a united Germany and became aware of the danger posed by back door EU socialism with its senates and councils -no,no,no. I don't really want to get into an Internet scrap over this subject-particularly those that have grasped the danger, if not the direction, I'm just trying to point out where the tanks are and who has been unwittingly purchasing them. The main power players are jumbled in to the global cabal in a way which does not make clear exactly which is which. Certainly George Soros appears to be a potential ring leader, he is clearly left wing-the USA should put this man in prison for treason, but his strength is in the sheer volume of NGO/Thinktanks/Foundations plus all the people he has now managed to worm into top jobs in political, justice, banking, media, industrial and university structures. The West and Europe has been slipping for a long time and the USA has played its part-likely unwittingly-in accelerating its collapse whilst also beaching themselves on the shores of collectivism by degrees. So, we recognise the danger, but we must provide a solution. This is the reason I have campaigned long and hard towards the goal of a Brexit. When I began campaigning 4 years ago I didn't understand exactly why we should split from the EU, but I could see that something was wrong. I could not see what we were gaining from EU membership and the more I looked into it, the more it appeared to be a designed as a club for corporates and failed politicians. It is a great big bed of corruption ruled by men who only know that there pay checks come via other men by which they seek prestige-like a big business club wedded to a county council that are all getting prestige, admiration, fame, money, women through networking. It's a clique of men without moral values who will sell their souls for a contract, a nicer office, more expensive car, a pleasing magazine review, a new position, better perks. These are the mediocre secondhand men who are totally corruptible and easy to buy-those seeking real power aren't interested in petty trappings, they just use the mediocrity as a way of expanding their networks and putting key men into positions of authority- a fifth column.
  3. You are making the same error. You are trying to show ALL Jews, not SOME Jews. We had this discussion when Sionnach brought up the number of Jews participating in the nastiness within the USSR, but in context. Here it was to show that Jews in general have used the holocaust as a way to shut down discussion of SOME Jews being bad actors in order to appear as blameless victims-to use that to advantage to reduce criticism-exactly what the USSR was doing through communist infection in order to shut down objections to socialism. I don't think you see what's at work. If for a moment you drop the generalisations and look at men as individual entities driven by an individual philosophy then something new emerges. If you haven't read it, then read the Fountainhead by Ayn Rand as I think it's helpful to see the entire picture. It is not one tribe, group, country or religion, but individuals seeking power and those underneath seeking prestige ( which may include money, sex, fame) through other men. It's just rotten humanity, but the problem is that few grasp it and are inadvertently supporting it (useful idiots) without knowing they do so-doing nothing at all is support.
  4. Yes you did attack Jews as a race by implying a direct causal link between Jewishness and the German immigration policy. I could point out all kinds of links in regard to Zionism (as opposed to Semites) being a collectivist movement as indeed is Islam. We can get into some quite interesting philosophical discussions, but I digress. Is there a link between Zionists and German immigration policy, well there might be, but then proving that link would be difficult. It's hard to believe that Zionists, or Semites would be up for a huge Muslim population taking over the levers of European political/industrial/armed forces. It wouldn't make any kind of sense knowing the violent contempt that the religious factions have for one another.
  5. Has to do with what ? All Jews are not German chancellors, bankers or globalists. This guy is a born socialist, once a key member of the GDR government, now a part of an alternative left party and once a Stasi collaborator. The word 'rotten' is tattooed through his soul. As only 'some' Jews are socialists and many such as Mises, Rothbard, Ayn Rand are so clearly anti-socialistic I think we can safely conclude it isn't a Jewish conspiracy, but that some Jews are evil people, just as some Americans, Christians, British and Muslim people are evil people. I find your comment to be racist in the true sense of the word.
  6. Do you think you could find a YouTube video of the guy without the 'Sicko Jew sticker' spacester ?? His being Jewish has nothing at all to do with his socialist aims.
  7. what is the point of existence?

    I don't know what I know-it-all is ? I know all that I know, no less, no more.
  8. what is the point of existence?

    Let me edit that somewhat 'does not try' means 'cannot'. An experience which cannot be proven in reality is referred to as........:-) Take your pick....lie, illusion, delusion, hallucination..
  9. what is the point of existence?

    Memories can be fickle in these matters. 'Words to that effect' aren't the exact words-you taught me that :-)
  10. what is the point of existence?

    Of course I can, your reply is proof. The spirit of man is his mind, it is what he thinks. All proof is related to reality and you have typed your thoughts onto a page for me to read. A mystic has no proof because he lives in a world of floating abstractions unrelated to reality. The more you type, the greater the proof of my premise becomes. It's a vast heap of evidence that can't be swept under the carpet.
  11. Hillary and Trump

    One should try and notice such things ;-)
  12. what is the point of existence?

    Yes, I'm a fanatic about it. Spirituality isn't mystic. You are ascribing a supernatural nature to something that is entirely natural. It's the same as reverence for the heart as providing wisdom, when it is the mind and the mind only. Put things in their rightful place and see that mysticism is ignorance, or evasion and that the spiritual is an existent identity which doesn't require supernatural illusion and is harmed by that kind of thinking.
  13. German ethnicity isn't anymore of a good thing than minority ethnicity. Those are both forms of tribalism. The problem, as I have said many times to my Brexit colleagues, is not immigration, but the governments domestic policies. The scapegoat shouldn't be the immigrants, who, nominally, have come to a new country for a better life, but the state which glorifies ethnicity in any form by creating policies of inclusivity, tolerance and diversity. If some shining super race of noble, enlightened, industrious beings should fall from the clouds and inhabit our native soil. If their philosophies increased our freedom, happiness, wealth, productivity and peace, then would we care about preserving aspects of our previous philosophies that have proved a disaster ? I doubt anyone wants to return to slavery, cannibalism and ritual slaughter, so immigration should simply be about taking the good and discarding the bad philosophies. If immigrants have nothing to offer in regard to their previous philosophies then the state should not be encouraging them to retain portions of it by restricting speech against it, neither should it offer other protectionists policies or sweetners to gain votes.
  14. Hillary and Trump

    That's something like qi healing energies isn't it ?
  15. what is the point of existence?

    We have a right to 'defend' our rights. Just as I have a right to stop someone murdering or robbing me. Irrational Mystics hell bent on Jihadism and murder on the order of Allah are not rational people. Peace is not a right. Peace is a result of the protection of rights, the protection of which may well require violence.
  16. what is the point of existence?

    . Happiness, not at the expense of others. Quite correct. This is why we must live as rational selfish. Neither our brothers keeper, nor they ours-in other words happiness not at the expense of others/ life not at the expense of others/ freedom not at the expense of others/ production not at the expense of others, property not at the expense of others. People killing and dying in the name of Allah or any other Gods/state/common cause are all irrational Mystics that have no concept of rights and should be burned to ash. Happiness is the purpose, it is obviously 'a good idea' and everybody understands it whether they live alone on a desert island or a mega city. To obtain our values necessary for our existence by a moral code leads us to happiness. No need to make it over complex, we all relate to it and we all pursue it without anyone needing to explain what it is.
  17. what is the point of existence?

    Well we can't really strive for happiness; happiness is a result of gaining/holding a specific value through a specific set of principles. A striving for happiness is essential plain hedonism. Happiness is a secondary value which, in effect, we already have access to, it is a by-product. People say 'just be happy'-implying there isn't a need for any metaphysical value, but of course that's ridiculous, we need air, water, food and shelter as bare minimums. Yet to be starving as a result of being unable to obtain food, or thirsty through lack of water is not to be happy. To not crave these things is to accept death, if death is the aim then of course one can be happy with that, but then death is not generally an event which is the result of some form of unhappiness with life by the time we welcome it.
  18. what is the point of existence?

    You can't 'produce happiness' but you can produce things of a value to the self which cause happiness.
  19. what is the point of existence?

    I am here, my life was given, but my survival isn't. Silent Thunder understood this when he said we must choose 'to live, or to suicide'. We have volitional consciousnesses. Our bodies experience pleasure or pain, our cognition experiences happiness or suffering. Our purpose is to survive if we choose, our goal is to be happy. Obviously we cannot have one without the other; our highest purpose is therefore our own happiness. A Mans life is an end in itself it needs no other reason. To ask 'why we are here' in order to try and glean another purpose beyond happiness is to add a complexity which still does not change the essentials. To say 'happiness' is inside, as some form of organ is to completely misunderstand yourself. That you are here, that you must choose what to do and how to achieve it for the ultimate aim of achieving happiness by that achievement. You must grasp why suffering is different to physical pain and happiness distinct from physical pleasure. A man may suffer yet live like a king, or he may be deliriously happy right at the point of death. Why does a thief not derive the happiness of a productive man; why does a prostitute not provide the happiness of a valued partner. Why does lying and cheating produce suffering yet may also provide pleasure ? Why is it that failure may produce pain but can reward with happiness ?
  20. what is the point of existence?

    To find happiness.
  21. Hillary and Trump

    The USA was great because the men within the country traded with the best men had to offer from all other countries and not just those of their own countrymen. US businesses and the men who ran them were great because they accepted competition was a necessity for capitalism to thrive, even if many of them sought the help of the political classes in order to prevent it. The US industries thrived because of a policy of open trade and competition with little state intervention, it meant that companies had to invest and innovate to stay ahead and this involved rapid automation by investment in capital equipment which meant greater production, higher quality and lower prices. The US was a bastion of low priced consumer goods which were ahead of their time, this was achieved through rapid advances in productivity driven by an open and competitive environment. The middle classes boomed as a result as more productivity meant better living standards, more capital brought greater security, wealth and investment. Trump talks of protectionism, which is an evil, but his actions are those of a free market libertarian who doesn't care for idiotic protectionist policies, but for the best product he can buy for his money and the best people who will work for his wages. The only fault with Trumps apparent transgression is that he has found it necessary to lie to the population, but, should he actually act in the way he does in his business, then he may well make America(ns) great again. Trump isn't above graft mind you and let's not forget the every president is partial to whatever great riches the entire world will bestow on them, they don't give a sod about the rest of the people.
  22. "This continued to snowball as the human species refined its tools and ability to destroy nature and use those resources to further its race against other humans for power. At first this wasn't noticeable, but today it should be easily noted by everyone. We have covered the earth with fields for growing artificially altered crops, have turned large portions of the earth into desert where qi cannot flow like it does in the forests. We have turned much of the ocean into a giant repository for trash and sewage, have mined much of the earth's precious crystals and minerals responsible for energy refinement, turned trees into sheets to encode countless words to be read by minds that scare away the spiritual energy that likes stillness, have sensationalized violence and sexuality in ways that may be encoded into us over and over again, continuously rebroadcasting these energetic messages that encourage the lustful consumption of resources within and without in the name of winning the battle to get ahead of one's neighbors. It's a dog eat dog world, even though an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. Well blind we are, and our habituated momentum has charted a course for extreme stagnation and separation of energy." Humans don't destroy nature, it cannot be destroyed, humans transform nature and unlike any other animal they must do so. It is irrational to 'race against other humans for power'; This comes from our early savage past in which we could only conceive of looting and conquest, but laissez faire capitalism solved that problem-if we let it, instead of continually resorting to savage barbarism.Humanity is not a collective with a hive nature, every human is capable of individual moral action and has that choice. Our transformation of raw nature requires our minds and production is a creative act not a destructive one-neither are we immune from nature as we must first obey nature in order to transform it. We have sunk to a new low barbarism at this time because of philosophy. A philosophy that denied reason effectively blinded men. It told men they could not know reality, that there was no good and evil, that man was a pragmatist and his only need was pleasure for pleasures sake-hedonism. It stated that man was nothing more than a sacrificial animal with a duty to the state, or to his fellow man, that his aim was to be an altruist, to be selfless and that he should snatch his pleasure wherever he could at any cost. It has denied the value of capitalism and substituted state controlled cronyism, denied people property, freedom and the right to their own lives. It has killed hope and true ambition and replaced it with political graft in which the real producer/businessman has been vilified as 'robber barons' and 'greedy capitalist' intent on nothing but exploitation of men and materials. It is those who produce nothing, who choose who should produce and what their profit should be.
  23. I believe most of the production equipment and workforce had already been moved out to factory 100 (Tankograd) at that point, although the Leningrad factory did remain operational it wasn't key to the production of arms.