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Everything posted by Karl
I've said several times that I wouldn't have voted for either of those candidates. However, no matter how many stupid things he might have said, I'm afraid people happily voted for it. People are going to have to shut up and accept this new paradigm and not keep re-running the election as if it didn't happen, or can simply be re-run until the Clinton supporters get the right result. The people have spoken. They at fed up of liberalism, multiculturalism, globalism, TG toilets and safe spaces, they are sick of seeing their jobs go abroad and their living standards going down the pan whilst they are forced to sweat out an existence paying for a Government pushing policies they don't agree with. The stupid things Trump has said are mirrored by the stupid things Obama and Clinton have done. In a world of the stupid and irrational then one type of irrational is no worse than any other kind of irrational. I suggest Americans start educating themselves so they can avoid these situations in future.
Isn't it just asking the question about the facts of what Trump actually said in the context in which he said it and not whether those comments are good or bad ? Isn't what is being asked is the discussion of the factual statements that have been made rather than the out of context media skewing of those comments. Personally everything I have heard seems more neo Keynesian protectionist and new deal. He hasn't even suggested he will remove any greater quantity of illegal aliens than is already carried out under Obama. He will cut taxes, increase infrastructure spending, keep welfare spending the same, expand military spending, use tarrifs to prevent free trade. That sounds to me exactly like our 1970s Labour Government which was of course left wing. None of that is encouraging.
Never heard of him.
Who is insisting ?
It's important to head back to reality here. All parties create internal narratives and then those are fed to the public. It's as if they created a dream world in which things function in certain approximate ways that mirror some parts of reality but counterfeit others. Eventually these dreams get punctured and the stronger the dream is, the more disorienting reality is. Parties that are looking for why they failed, or won are recreating the narrative dream world. They think they can just alter things a bit and dream normality will be restored. So, when they lose they can remain in this self contained bubble. It's only when it is broken on the rocks of reality that they are faced with two options: recreate the dream from scratch, or accept they were dreaming and face reality. This is human day dreaming and it only works to the point the dream ends and then rationalisation begins. People want to avoid the truth, they always have, they live in a mystic dream from which they refuse to escape as long as it works for them. The problem is that it doesn't work for everyone and that's reality coming home. Our Labour Party is over and done. It no longer stands a chance at achieving election and that truth is beginning to dawn on it. At present we have a Conservative party riding high on the back of having no competition. The Conservatives are believing their own hype, but reality is waiting. The truth is that rulers don't actually do anything for anyone, it's an illusion, they create nothing, the more interventionist they are, the worse the people suffer. These politicians create dream bubbles amongst groups who buy into the dream narrative, but these groups are deluding themselves, as are the politicians that minister to them. There are certain facts of life. One is that no one can avoid reality, they can evade, but they cannot avoid the consequences of that evasion. The second is that to survive man must produce. The third is that it is mans mind, his faculty of reason that is his only tool of survival. Forth is that reason needs total freedom, complete Liberty to function at maximum effectiveness-that a gun to the head is not an argument. Fifth, that the right to ones own life, to the freedom to live it, to enjoy the fruits of that life and any happiness as a result of that life must be sanctified under a common law. Any attempt to apply force to any individual or group will cost everybody eventually.
I get that you think of it is a perceptual fractal so far, but this would require consciousness to be present in every thing. This would be a consciousness unconscious of anything, which is clearly a conflicting statement. A chair, or rock is not perceptual conscious, it is not alive, so however the monads assembled, they did not produce consciousness on those two occasions. I have no issue with there being something at the base of matter. I don't know what that is, but I do know that whatever it might be will have an identity, it will be something and it will have a nature of some kind. It will be an existent. The problem I see today is an over reliance on conceptual modelling and an under reliance on experimentation and direct observation. It's seems as like if we can think it, then we can do it. So that we mindfully divide something with existent identity until it can't be divided and therefore it is said to have no identity nor existence. A something that is nothing becomes the basis of everything and we can immediately see what is represented here-consciousness as nothing, when it is clearly something. Consciousness has identity even if it has no solid form, it's not a material thing in itself, but it is an integral part of a specific living entity.
This is the danger of collectivist philosophy. It destroys the perception of reality. In a nutshell 'you can choose to evade reality, but you can't choose to evade the consequences of doing so'. Yuri Bezmehov showed how soviet mind control could be used to demoralise a country, to kill its ability for the people to protect themselves and turn generations into zombies that have been evading reality and living in a self reinforcing conceptual bubble of wishes and whims. The press have been an echo chamber creating an illusion and it's perpetuated in every aspect of Government. It has failed to give the people a correct view of existent reality, now their world has broken, reality has hit them smack in the face and they are unable to understand what has occured. I expect the democrats are shortly to become like our own Labour Party, lots of soul searching and navel gazing in the wilderness of a reality outside of the one they have been living in. Nursery school day dreaming is over for the snowflake people, politicians and press. A big wet Trump shaped towel just got smacked across their delicate little skins.
Is it possible you could define what you mean by monad ?
Except you fall into the same hole that you are supposed to be avoiding. You state an absolute when stating 'there is no black and white' which is exactly a black and white absolutist view point. Perception is perception, the universe experienced directly as it is. However, reality is what we are trying to figure out conceptually. We are making integrations and differentiations within our minds as we spin out beyond the direct perception. Reality is the confirmation that our conception accurately matches our perception.
I've read a bit of continental rationalism, but this isn't a subject I'm very familiar with so it gives me a chance to go away and study a bit more.
I would need a bit more information to understand how you were using that term. Are you saying existence is a product of consciousness ? That's usually how monad is used.
Monads ? In Liebinitzian terminology ? I'm assuming this is another attempt to prove reality is illogical and therefore it is a product of consciousness.
I don't want to go there. I've never been voyuristic in the sense of accidental violent death, murder other kinds of sordid behaviours, it makes me feel very uncomfortable. People become detectives to handle this sort of sick perversion and I'm glad they do it because I couldn't. I don't even watch thrillers/horror if they contain any elements of sadistc violence so the real thing is something to be avoided. I hope none of it is true.
Time is an abstract relationship between events as compiled by human consciousness through the process of differentiating (the objects which are observed from those that are ignored) and integrating with respect of all other parts in our conceptual hierachy. Time has no meaning to a cat, which has only perceptual intellect. Humans are a prime mover, a volitional consciousness which is as part of human nature as the density of a rock. Causality isn't random and humans are part of that universe, but we are volitional and hence our interactions are causal and not deterministic. If we cut down a tree to make something then we are acting volitionally to convert a present condition into a new condition. Therefore, we must first obey nature before we can transform it. Causality is an abundance of the benevolent universe that we are part of and we utilise it in order to survive- we cannot grow in the ground like a tree, or sit like a rock, we are forced to use our minds and then act to survive, this is our volitional nature and it is added to all natures within the universe.
It's the intelligence community and not the grunts. It is the NSA, DHS and parts of the pentagon. The US already has hundreds of thousands of trigger happy, low intelligence ex military operating in the police force. They have gone from peace officers to 'law enforcement' and come equipped with all the military hardware and dress of an occupying force. They have been re-employed as an army on home turf. The people need to be educated to think. That's not going to be easy, but then nothing worthwhile is ever easy. So, begin, take the first step, don't look back. I would encourage everyone to think, that's all.
The enemies have become the US population, the backlash in all empires is that the collapse brings the military back onto the population. Like everywhere, some people are happy. Many will say 'nothing to hide, no need to be afraid' but that's because they lack the intelligence to see the broad picture. It's only when things start going wrong-as we have seen with the Trump vote-that they begin to stir.
Always was, I knew that from the beginning. If it hasn't been, then we couldn't have achieved Brexit. I made several posts, not sure about here, but on other platforms warning about the story of two wolves fighting over a lamb. The way to achieve freedom is serpentine and circuitous. It's not possible to achieve things by wishing it so. A large mass can be moved in a direction only by starting it moving. The work is slow and full of snags, shifts and unintended consequences, but that's the nature of all change, sometimes it can run over your toes.
The worst war is being waged against your own people. It is like the decay of a tooth from the inside. Eventually the enamel will be breached and the decay will become evident. There will be no way to save the tooth, it will need extraction. In the UK Chairman May has recently enacted the 'snoopers charter' under the radar during Brexit. As I have said previously, Brexit is really the plan of the British James Bond types (MI5, MI6) who are seeing their powers eroded by the EU as it seeks a common intelligence network. The snoopers charter is the most far reaching piece of Orwellian statist legislation ever conceived. It destroys privacy, it effectively destroys the right of minorities to free speech and hence free thought. All human progress is by radical elements which are inevitably minorities. I fear we have just destroyed our means of survival.
If Soros purple revolution doesn't break Trump in the first few months. See what was done in Ukraine, Libya, Syria and Egypt. America has the beginnings of a new civil war.
The universe isn't a mindless machine. It is composed of matter, of things of a specific nature that act and react according to that nature. It is causality that is the creator of an ever evolving set of transformed matter from which consciousness evolved as an axiomatic corollary. As a scientist you can peer into the nature of the specific things of a specific nature and discover things about them, but you should grasp that you are are part of a moving river for which no first cause is necessary. Both determinism and reductionism fall apart because there is no first cause, there is no battery external to the universe. It is a universe of causality that is operating without first cause and so, we are simply the current result of all that activity.
How can Clinton be pardoned if she isn't under investigation for anything.....ah penny drops. Comeys revenge.
Sort of like Ralis. ;-) joking, joking
They were a bit more fun.
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