
Junior Bum
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About digitalox

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    Dao Bum

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  1. Hi All, There's a GoFundMe for a Daoist Sanctuary in the Vermont area. It's being set in motion by the Daoist Foundation in conjunction with Stone Bowl Farm. I've taken some classes from the Daoist Foundation and the owner at Stone Bowl Farm is a daoist sister of mine, all good eggs! If you're so inclined to donate, it's also tax deductible! Cheers!
  2. Sleep paralysis

    I get something similar on occasion. I "wake up" but am still asleep. It's like I'm stuck in darkness with no feelings or sensations. I desperately try to wake up or move but I can't. I usually think I'm dead, dying or something untoward has happened to me and it's just terrifying. Fortunately I don't get them much.
  3. Dr Jwing-Ming Yang

    I studied at the school of a student of his a long time ago. I was just a beginner and never got much personal time with him but there were other students with a lot of previous experience from masters elsewhere in other styles that had great respect for him.
  4. Infinite Dao

    Hi, anyone know if it is it still possible to acquire this book? It's not for sale on the site and I can't find it anywhere. Thank You Scott
  5. Howdy

    Nice forum you have here. Been in and out of martial arts for some time and am currently practicing bagua and taiji. So there's always been an interest in the dao for me. Regards Scott