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Everything posted by seadog

  1. The hollow bone

    Yes and his conculsion was it was not him that healed but the power of spirit.
  2. the most imp thing when you're a kid

    I was very fortunate to have great parents. My childhood was full of laughter. My Dad use to ask me every evening at dinner time. What did you learn today and did you have fun?
  3. Yeah me too. Help remind me what was I use to be in another time.
  4. Goal of Cultivating Qi/Chi?

    I believe that qigong gives us the opportunity to take sometime to go within ourself.To explore our inner workings and focus on maintaing our physical spiritual and mental wellbeing. When we cultivate Qi, are we not simply cultivating the life force that has been granted to us? The means and methods we use to preserve and enhance this gift is a true reflection on how much we value our life and the lives of others. I don't like being sick,I like to be healthy. If I take the time to do some simple Qigong once or twice a day it helps to keep the ledger on the healthy side. And as far as I can tell there is no such thing as an end-goal and enlightment is just a thought in our minds like a cloud in a blue sky.
  5. qi gung books

    Hey Durkhrod Thanks for those great links
  6. Yodisattva Vow

    When I Am in the ocean I can see the mountains.When I Am on top of the mountain I can see the ocean. How wonderful to see the top from the bottom,How wondeful to see the bottom from the top.
  7. The Rainbow of Reality

    WOW that sounded very intense. What will ya do now, that the doors have been flung open?
  8. Negative energy kickback as a nation

    I wonder if Americas reaction and supsequent response would have been different if the tradegy had happened on the west coast as opposed to the east coast? I have always felt that the energy on the Alantic side is some how denser with a tendency to stack up, while on the pacific coast it seems lighter,more fluid, almost comparable to a adolescent who quickly forget those things which hold little interest.
  9. prayers for fire victims in Aust

    Hottest day ever recorded in Victoria yesterday. 47.6C or 118 F 100knot winds Thoughts and prayers for those who have suffered. It is remarkable how quickly the weather has changed in the last ten years.
  10. Winter Blahs

    The winter blues are caused from a lack of natural sunlight in your eyes.Try to get at least an hour of natural light exposure this will boost your melatonin levels which will help you sleep well at night and will also boost your vitamin d3 levels which does a host of things one of which is to make you happy. A wise man once told me if there is something wrong with you always address the basics first. Fresh air exercise good food clean water sunshine relaxation/sleep emotional fullfillment. It has been proven that many chronic auto immune disease and osteoporis are directly related to a lack of natural light exposure. What a pity that some most suffer so much because they didn't spend enough time outside.
  11. How edumacated are you?

    I wonder is there a difference between having a high learning IQ and having an high emotional IQ?
  12. TCM & the Kidneys

    Do you do those things? What is apoor sex life?
  13. What is (romantic) love?

    Great post Neutral. very well articulated. I enjoy hearing from a western or hemetic view and believe the taoist view although coached in a different language would be in agreement.
  14. TCM & the Kidneys

    How so?
  15. TCM & the Kidneys

    Can I ask why specifically you want to build up your kidney energy?
  16. Alchemy and pain, pain, pain

    um hope you don't mind this dumb question Hagar,because I have always valued your input. Do you exprience this pain only when you are partakeing in alchemy practice or is it something you exprience at other times. Say when your lieing in bed or playing with family and friends?
  17. Full moon water

    Great information, thanks
  18. Full moon water

    Thanks for that information. Can I ask you from what source did you hear this from?
  19. How many Bless their food?

    Thats true. If you have been truly hungry in your life,its humbling on lot of levels. And you can't help but feel thankful any time you eat again. No hocus pocus just down right respect and thankfulness.
  20. "GIRI" article

    Great article Santi. First I read it from top down then I read from bottom up. Thanks for sharing Thanks for sharing.
  21. question about inner power

    Be of service to others and realise that any power that you have is a gift,so that you can help others and in doing so help yourself.
  22. Is Hope a Distraction?

    Sometimes when you are faced with circumstances that are overwhelming, hope is all you have.
  23. Killing an animal is a real hard thing to do. Skinning it, takeing out its bowels,takeing out the various organs still warm with blood in your bare hands is a hard task. Makeing an effort not to be wasteful or disrespectful is a real challenge. I really think that if people had to kill and slaughter their own meat,the world would have a lot more vegeterians.
  24. What happens if you die?

    Wow that sounds like a real heavy job. I reckon nurses are some of the strongest people I have ever met. When my brother got injured in a car accident it was the nurses more then anything that kept him alive. I have always admired how they remain calm in the thick of things and remain empathetic, despite being ridiculously underpaid and over worked.