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About vrihlea

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  1. I thought this all is/was part of martial arts. I've given up on trying to learn something from books and/or by googling stuff, if you want to learn something you have to find someone who can teach you. At least that's how I see it take a look at min 42
  2. Thanks everyone for dropping in, I wasn't expecting this to be such a "hot topic". Please don't speculate or talk about things you overheard somewhere, or read about. The only way to get somewhere is to analyze the facts, and in this case this would be personal experience (because there's no way to measure this any other way) I was dismissing all this for years, until people that I respect told me this could be possible, or they have seen stuff like this or something similar. Naturally this got me interested. do you know someone else willing to teach this ? is the offer still up ? Can you expand a little bit on what you mean by: "pushing, pulling and freezing" ? Who is teaching this ? Where ? and how much does it cost ?
  3. Chang - what do you think about all the videos with him doing contactless fighting ? How are his students explaining this ? Do you have any experience with this ?
  4. If I may ask, what is/was the nature of your relation ? I've seen a few videos on youtube with him, and would like to hear what people think about him
  5. has anyone here been on retreats or met one of these guys ? http://www.pathgate.org/index.php/audio-teachings-by-lama-dondrup-dorje http://www.alexanderkrakolinig.com/about-me/ http://www.adlerin.at/kisem.term.php I'd like to try it for myself, also if you know other similar people that live in the EU (and have visited yourself) please drop a link or something. PS the closer it is to Romania, Ukraine the better
  6. Looking for a book or info on this images

    googling around based on the comments above a came by this interesting article https://archive.org/stream/CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8/CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8_djvu.txt what do you guys think ? this is a nicer version of the book: https://archive.org/details/CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8
  7. Does someone here know mandarin ? I found a while ago this interesting images, they might be from a book. Can someone help translate the titles ? Any opinion is welcome thanks
  8. try making a clicking sound with your tongue, as relaxed as possible
  9. vibrations in the LDT

    Quite a bit of info here, thanks
  10. vibrations in the LDT

    you're right, I'm only half year through this, so my full lotus is still rusty. Would you say that one has to be able to do full lotus in order to be called a "serious" practitioner ? and, since you seem to have some experience with this, what would be your recommendations for someone like me ?
  11. vibrations in the LDT

    Thank you for your concern. I am aware of the possible risks involved in all this, but since there's so much misinformation out there, I decided to try and figure out for my self. I think/hope that it'll be enough to "listen" to my body and go with what feels right, also, in my opinion science has evolved enough, it should be possible to explain what's going on without the need of much mysticism. For me this is more an experiment on "self suggestion" then a religious practice, and I'm writing this to leave a trace of some sort in case something "bad" will happen
  12. vibrations in the LDT

    for those interested in this topic, the book - "The Secretes of Chinese Meditation", by Samuel Weiser is touching this subject of vibrations in the belly briefly (page 174)
  13. vibrations in the LDT

    thanks, I'll add these books to my "to read" shelf I've read about so many approaches and paths. The conclusion I came to is that every practice is some kind of "self therapy". Everybody is looking for unity/the light/gods, but all that is within ourselves, in our subconscious so to say, or the soul - whatever term works for you best. My goal is finding something, but since my senses dictate how I perceive the world the first step to my "goal" became - getting a feel for this energy within us. something like baby steps towards the Dao, or whatever you want to call it. I believe that every religion (or even living in itself) leads us in the same direction, so.. everyone's welcome to say everything he feels like saying
  14. vibrations in the LDT

    I'll continue doing a little bit of both and see what works and what doesn't I don't have a teacher or something like that, and I don't think I'm ready to accept someone as my guru, but I feel that I've read enough to understand how it's supposed to work, at least to get me started dwai, could you elaborate some more on those 4 steps, what exactly would I have to do ? MooNiNite - thanks, I will
  15. vibrations in the LDT

    thank you for your response, I'm asking mostly because they occur at my will (in a way or another) if they were to happen involuntary I probably wouldn't have started this thread. It requires focus and a type of very fine/subtle breathing pattern and it it's very easy to "lose it" if I start to lose focus There's no one I can ask, no teacher or anything like that. My practice is a result of lots of reading and my "abundance" of free time. I think I'll focus on my LDT for a while and see if I can spot a difference, between what I was doing until now and my new "discovery", just wanted to hear a few opinions