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Everything posted by Taoway

  1. Good points... how would one figure out if they are suppressing it? If one chose to be celibate are they suppressing sexuality if they are also transmuting that energy into positive things
  2. Often times in civilizations around the world when the culture becomes highly sexualized it is just around the corner from its end. Like Germany before the nazi revolution. As for porn.. it's been looked into that looking at Porn is an addiction and alters the brains pathways and dopamine receptors as strongly as cocaine. Ita giving many young men erectile disfunction and ruining their views of the world. And yet porn is so widely accepted. Our culture just sees it as a normal thing that goes along with being a healthy sexual person. It's ridiculous.alot of porn involves abuse rape and sex trafficking. It should be banned in our country and just watch what happens to the men. Some may get angrier but many will transform their ways.
  3. The promiscuous lifestyle is somewhat promoted in western society. Which doesn't help the strength of the family unity. Humans aren't meant to have a culture of having many mates. We aren't fish or rabbits. We have to raise our young for a long time so strong families are important. The only exception for promiscuity would be in a tribal or island culture where people all share eachother. In that way the children are still raised with support. What we have today is a rise in many people wanting to be individuals instead of being apart of a community. It's proven we live longer when we live together with people. And the way we are made to fight against each other male and female young and old black and white. Doesn't help the younger generations grow. (They do cause fights..I saw a time magazine that said young vs old.. showing war between old people and young people.. what kind of bulls hit is that? In any wise indegenious culture they value the elders and value the children.) Western world has some things to work on
  4. Praise sex more? Definitely no problem with the art of sexual connection. But it is a bit sickening how in the west at least how sex became something so surface and superficial . Porn has had to have a big impact on that for the young generation i am apart of.
  5. Yes and hyperssxualization of culture isn't offering any help. The young and old are taught to just fuel every sexual fantasy and desire they have. Sexual desire becomes stronger then a monster
  6. Yes I feel the same. I see directly that what ever interest my mind has in sexual things .. it's out of mere impulse. If it were with someone close that would be a little different but even so I'm much more interested in what I can experience with someone beyond the bedroom.
  7. That must be why I look forward to aging
  8. It's odd because my frustration regarding getting sex is really only because everyone else is getting it. Otherwise I'm able to live my life and not really crave sex. The more insecure one may be the more they crave lust out of an attempt to feel happy about them selves. So as much as some say Sex is 100% human nature and healthy.. I still think there is a lot of confusion in people's hearts with their sexual selves. I live in a society where its all about competition for your own personal ego. And about getting the best of the best. In reality none of that matters. It is very clear though that Sex sells in society so they exploit it beyond belief and that OBVIOUSLY affects people. Some more then others.
  9. I don't follow you. They would be having sex in their relationship in most cases...? In my case I am not with a girl so I don't have the readily option for sex.
  10. It sounds like he isn't talking about pure sexual creative force. He's talking about the uncontrollable lust that is promoted and conditioned in society just as over eating and obsessive shopping are. So his view is important because not everyone has a healthy sexual view. I'm young but I do feel conditioned by this sort of thing. I do feel a pressure to have sex often and if I don't I'm not healthy or a "strong man" where does this mindset come from? And currently I don't have the option of sex. Because I am not in a relationship. So what then?
  11. Greetings

    Hello almost there. I'm also interested in the practice of celibacy. In the past it seemed to come from a place of suppression but now my interest in it involves a space to get to know my self and the world much deeper. Can you tell us more about your experience so far?
  12. Celibacy and sexual energy

    Can I contact you directly somewhere?
  13. Celibacy and sexual energy

    That idea intimidates me. A partner of mine had an emotional attachment to me ejaculating. And if I didn't and when I told her I wanted to conserve it she couldn't accept that idea. It says alot I believe about what sex is to some women. I always imagine it to be a very sensitive and energetic connection that brings two into the deepest moment. But many women and men are just conditioned to think the objective is a climax. This is one major reason why I am decided to remain without sex until I find a women who agrees with me. How do you feel about what that girl said to you?
  14. Celibacy and sexual energy

    I think the idea is to just continually practice qi gong to keep that energy going. It's not all about the energy cultivated and what it will do or feel like. I think more of it like doing this practice all my life will be good for my body.
  15. Celibacy and sexual energy

    What in the world are you even talking about? Everything you are saying seems to be completely made up over time.
  16. The Cool Picture Thread

    Japanese print
  17. Art As A Spiritual Quest.

    Traditional Chinese landscape painting was regarded as a spiritual practice
  18. Stop thinking, and end your problems. What difference between yes and no? What difference between success and failure? Must you value what others value, avoid what others avoid? How ridiculous! Other people are excited, as though they were at a parade. I alone don't care, I alone am expressionless, like an infant before it can smile. Other people have what they need; I alone possess nothing. I alone drift about, like someone without a home. I am like an idiot, my mind is so empty. Other people are bright; I alone am dark. Other people are sharper; I alone am dull. Other people have a purpose; I alone don't know. I drift like a wave on the ocean, I blow as aimless as the wind. I am different from ordinary people. I drink from the Great Mother's breasts.When developing a strong mind and character. A character of the way. Is it best to speak as little as possible? To not at all speak of what you are going to do and just do it? I find my self sometimes engaging in conversation about what I am going to do. What I want to do. What I need to do. Also this chapter of the tao te ching. Although powerful is somewhat confusing me. In another translation the translator uses the word depressed. "I am alone depressed" I dont understand this part. I see the path of not getting involved in the shows the entertainment the lively hood and being content with the simple life. But this single chapter is very dark. Is it an extreme to show the nature of the empty depths of tao? Here is the chapter
  19. Then if we do tell. That is when we may fall into the cycle of blame. And with blame there is no end to such things. Sometimes. But I sometimes have to be careful not to also blame my self. Because this puts me back steps as well
  20. Wow thank you that is a great answer! Wei wu wei
  21. Hey I guess it waa true when people say if you tell them your wish, it wont become true
  22. The Effects of Psychedelics on Cultivation

    Alan watts also used lsd quite a bit in his earlier years I believe. Even did it with his daughter. Terence mckenna is also a very insightful person who dabbled in psychoactive substances. I dont know if hehe'd call him self realized.. but his perspectives about life and the planet are very interesting and helpful. Osho even used nitrous oxide I have read haha. He was in the dental field when he was younger so I could see where he got introduced to it. In the past 6 months I got 8 teeth removed and was under nitrous twice. The other time I wss knocked out.But the first time the experience felt so familiar. Like it had happened millions of times before in my dream. Then the second time it wss with a nother doctor and it felt a little less mystical and was a bit more aware. But both doctors said the exact same thing as they dod the procedure. Theyd say "open turn slightly. Litttle pinch " this made it seem like terrible dejavu. Even the girl assisting the second doctor acted the EXACTA same way as the first girl who helped the first doctor. She would ask how im doing. Say a joke id look up rolling my eyes to the ceiling almost to laugh and shed laugh and move back and forth in a weird motion. It just made me very aware of that moment. And everything seemed so dreamlike. Probably more intense then any other psycho active substance ive used.
  23. The Effects of Psychedelics on Cultivation

    This is a great thread in a great place! Also has anyone ever heard or tried Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds? They contain a similar compound to lsd. Lsa I think. I have heard of some very dmt like experiences from thes seeds at high dosages. But they are very uncomfortable to handle. Causing terrible stomach pains