Sorry what do you mean by "bang up" job? My English is not good.
To be specific, about calm, mindless, etc. There are different levels. Just like the development of Chi, which could be categorized into different level.
Happy, delight, such kind of emotion is the first stage. Second stage is your connection with the Universe, or your care about the world, it will turn your Chi into a more refined level. Third level is emptiness, or completely relaxed state. These stages are the foundation of producing real Yang. But it is just approximate classification.
According to text, when the real Yang has reached your Head, it is very easy to create illusion and other problems. And so it is vital to be well trained in maintaining such calm states, so as to prevent dangers.
Also, I am reading the other threads and discovered about Kunlun. There were many problems happened in China when it was popular. So many qigong masters have actually forbid it. But under guidance of experienced it could produce very significant results in short time. However, since it is a "releasing" (yin) qigong, instead of "producing" (yang) qigong, it is NOT suitable for long term practices.
Traditionally, these types of qigong is only a very small part and for first stage release of over-heat energy, or to cure big disease in short period of time. So people will feel very good at the begining. The stimulating principle in such practice only make the Chi lose more and more eventually. Perhaps some people will slowly go into deeper and calmer meditation and therefore become exceptional case. But still, it cannot produce much good.
A very famous and experienced Kunlun-like master in Tai wan got cancer (healed by diet and sports at last) and concluded that qigong can just help with general health, but modern health concept is still essential. I do not agree because if one applies good qigong or neidan it will be very good to health and prevent many diseases. Probably its because of the qigong he is practicing.