Golden Dragon Shining

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Everything posted by Golden Dragon Shining

  1. Why do some progress faster than others?

    Equality doesn't exist, people are born with different potentials, personalities etc Buddha has teachings on avoiding fools/ less intelligent Other is diet, and purity of the body. How can people see light when they consume darkness/ suffering etc, like animal flesh, or glutenous food that glue the insides. How can a river sparkle when it is stagnant?
  2. Hostility towards Russian members?

  3. .

    growing an offshoot aloe vera plant in a tea cup in front of the generator, see how it goes, it's in no soil or water at present
  4. Hillary and Trump

    A society is individuals A team is individuals working together to achieve success.
  5. Hillary and Trump

    HA! Well I don't drink, I value sobriety and health. ha Society needs more clear thinking
  6. Hillary and Trump

    If you don't accept her you are just a patriarchal authoritarian misogynist nazi! Can the moderators remove this person who doesn't agree with me? thank you I am really tired of 90% of the board not agreeing with me.
  7. Hillary and Trump

    Maybe the 45 million+ Americans on food stamps? I did laboring and hospitality work during my studies. All of my friends similar.
  8. Hillary and Trump

    At least half the country is no longer paying attention to mainstream media.
  9. Hillary and Trump

    France will have the chance to elect female leadership in 2017
  10. Hillary and Trump

    "President-elect Donald Trump’s campaign manager is now the first woman to lead a winning presidential campaign in the United States."
  11. WikiLeaks

  12. WikiLeaks

    I think Wikileaks has even said Anonymous = CIA ha
  13. Hillary and Trump

    A great victory friends, the power of informed individuals and alternative media! against a hideously corrupt system, mainstream media with billions of $ at it's disposal, here is to prosperity, truth and justice.
  14. Hillary and Trump

  15. Hillary and Trump

    I don't think he is going to fix everything, I am 50/50. HC is devilish though, see the above Syrian Muslim video. America has no obligation to Mexico or Mexicans. America has no obligation to Muslims America has no obligation to China The American governments obligation is to the American people. America should withdraw all international military presence. These conflicts were created by the likes of HC.
  16. Hillary and Trump

  17. Hillary and Trump

    Democratic insider & Hill columnist Brent Budowsky on the "fixed game" in DC ~ Arianna Huffington, co-founder of Huffinton Post, prefers covert influence #PodestaEmails
  18. Hillary and Trump

  19. Hillary and Trump

    "You might think Hillary has flaws, or is merely a cog in the machine etc., but she is *not* INSANE. She actually HAS knowledge and experience in both domestic and foreign issues." This is satire?
  20. Hillary and Trump

  21. Hillary and Trump

    United States drops 142 places to 158th most corrupt country in 2016 Global Transparency Index
  22. Hillary and Trump

  23. Hillary and Trump

  24. Hillary and Trump

    I could have posted different texts, I figured Alex Jones did a good overview on this though. This type of stuff has been going on for a long time, very happy knowledge of it is starting to get into the mainstream.
  25. Hillary and Trump