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Everything posted by Bodhicitta

  1. Theosophy

    Blavatsky - Collected Writings XII:410
  2. In Praise of Virtue

    Russell Kirk
  3. In Praise of Virtue

    Surely, as the rest of chapter 16 points out. But demonic and divine beings, little ones and big ones, are already in the atmosphere of this realm. So when we create good or evil thoughts, words or deeds we attract those of a similar type. Divine forces are added to and enrich our mind's merit or virtue. And contrary effects result from selfish or evil intents and actions.
  4. In Praise of Virtue

    Krishna in Bhagavad Gita 16:1-4
  5. In Praise of Virtue

    Avatamsaka Sutra, ch. 1
  6. In Praise of Virtue

    "Do the three treasures relate to the three poisons of Buddhism?" Not in a one to one sense. For Buddha-dharma-arya sangha, whether considered as a unity within Buddha or thought of as unified, but distinct Guru-Teachings-Disciples - in either case the three poisons of greed, anger & stupidity will end thru their influence.
  7. Theosophy

    Helena Blavatsky writing on intentional action (karma) in 1887.
  8. In Praise of Virtue

    J. De Finod.
  9. Akiane, artistic genius

    This short video gives her life's struggles culminating in her success of putting on canvas her clearest vision of Jesus:
  10. In Praise of Virtue

  11. Geometry Within Brain

    Brain science is still more fond of form & function studies than consciousness, but this 'multi-dimensional' tact might lead beyond the 'skin-bag'. Near the end of the piece is a link to the actual study which uses algebraic topology for their modeling.
  12. In Praise of Virtue

    James Allen
  13. Theosophy

    Dr. J.D. Buck
  14. In Praise of Virtue

    True, but there are motivations deeper than the conscious ones. Vasanas & samskaras are deep-seated habits or tendencies from past lifetimes. So when a conscious intention or attitude (good or bad) keeps reappearing, that suggests it is not superficial. Buddha actually defined karma/action not as a physical, mental or verbal act, but as cetana, which means intention or will.
  15. In Praise of Virtue

    Plato, Republic, 6, 485
  16. In Praise of Virtue

    It may be just the opposite. A base feeling can be ignored or replaced with a contrary one. But the motive or intent driving the feeling is deeper in the mind and will continue to be there suggesting and encouraging.
  17. Solar Eclipse over USA

    In August of 2017 a total solar eclipse will pass over, and only over, the USA from NW to SE. If one wishes to stand in the path of totality and witness midnight in the daytime, here are the many possible sites to watch from - weather permitting of course. Does Taoism have anything to say, pro or con, about solar eclipses?
  18. Solar Eclipse over USA

    Not too far from the New Madrid, MO earthquake fault line. A little history about the 1811-12 quakes:
  19. Solar Eclipse over USA

    If one misses the 2017 event, just wait seven years, another total solar event in 8 April 2024. The shadow runs thru central Mexico, then sweeps NE across Texas, exiting the US in Maine.
  20. Solar Eclipse over USA

    The path of totality is getting booked heavily, so if you wish to witness it in person, get busy. Or watch it via NASA's online coverage:
  21. In Praise of Virtue

    . William Penn
  22. In Praise of Virtue

    Confucius, Analects, XV, 23
  23. In Praise of Virtue

    Cute; but remaining impassive is what is meant, not smiling. Blessing when cursed is done silently, not with words.
  24. In Praise of Virtue

    Laws of Manu, VI, 48
  25. In Praise of Virtue

    The assumption that 'dwelling' means hiding behind gates and walls to avoid contamination from the unwashed lacks 'nuance'. Dwelling can mean where one's mind dwells, not one's body. Even literally, one can go out from the Goodly neighborhood to serve. But not knowing ancient Chinese, I bow to those who do know.