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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. "..the equitable distribution of women..." ???
  2. Why do you say "school"?

    Thank you for your response. Do you have recommendations on maintaining a clean vessel?
  3. simplify

  4. simplify

  5. Why do you say "school"?

    I'm wondering what would have transpired if their experience/beliefs/tradition had not been called out, but instead the originator of the thread had focused on their own experience? Without the initial jab(s), would there have been any sparring?
  6. Is it immoral to tell people who they are?

    Better still to see your light reflected in them.
  7. Is it immoral to tell people who they are?

    I'm not sure the idea of morality applies here. More useful perhaps to let them see their light reflected in you.
  8. simplify

  9. Focused use of chatroom

    In the present tense...
  10. This brings up the idea of shielding again. Would you be willing to clarify your position?
  11. Time to Rotate

    I wonder why some things started in pm are left, and others removed?
  12. Time to Rotate

  13. Time to Rotate

    Soo many words...
  14. Deception was my job

    There is much masquerading...
  15. Is rigpa really that simple?

    Post #84
  16. Thank you everyone

    You used an internet meme, and comments to it, to back an ill-informed position that resonates with antiquated ideas of women being some sort of vampire like being that seeks only to drain and dominate men. Yes, multiple times a night every few days would be draining to most men, yet you set that as the standard you've found you can't 'live up to'.. so please stop demonizing women and making noise about your girlfriend not understanding practices you aren't actually following.
  17. Thank you everyone

    In everday life I actually do recommend the practice to women who are having issues with their men acting angry/upset/hostile. And many have given me high fives over their partners calming down afterwards.
  18. What ways do you transmute sexual energy?

    Aetherous, have you worked in manufacturing?
  19. What ways do you transmute sexual energy?

    My response to this has been to dance; sometimes it works better than others.
  20. Hello there

    Name caught my attention.. A True Romance fan?
  21. simplify

    bless you
  22. What if your heart is wrong?

    Is it possible there is something in the movie that you would subconsciously like to remember?