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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. simplify

  2. simplify

  3. simplify

  4. simplify

  5. simplify

  6. Today is my birthday,

    Happy Birthday!
  7. I read somewhere that there is a physiological response to being lied to. I have no idea of what the counterpart to the one attempting to maintain a lie would be, but I suspect there is one. Just something to think about.
  8. simplify

  9. simplify

  10. Miraculous is a descriptor, which you have chosen to compare to a thing. You may view Pegacorns as miraculous if you wish, but you have now stepped firmly away from what I was pointing towards. That is, of course, your right.
  11. I like the 'miraculous'.
  12. My point was simply that I have come across stories regarding twins, the closeness of some of their bonds, and how this in some cases, related to awareness of the 'other' beyond normal experience.
  13. This. To me it looks like a focus on probabilities that closes you have to possibilities, and enables you to deny how others may describe their own experience. I worked with a man whose father died in another country. He did believe he felt it, and I have no reason to either disbelieve or contradict him.
  14. Because you used the word 'impossible' regarding feeling the death of a parent, and that's what came to mind when I read your words.
  15. Nikolai, have you looked at twin studies?
  16. I'm not sure I agree with that conclusion, but the idea of 'psychosomatic' fascinates me. I do.
  17. And yet, thinking it is our place to determine the time and place of another's awakening is a bit of a dream itself, imo. In that regard we are just further reflections in 'the hall of mirrors'.
  18. You've got to...accentuate the negative

    Perhaps, to an extent, this can be useful, but it seems to also create it's own nest of words and ideas, an illusion of safety from the 'influence' of the world one lives in. It seems to be a self perpetuating trap of sorts imo. It is 'self' envisioned as seperate.
  19. You've got to...accentuate the negative

    I've recently been told that this is kind of what happens when you try standing in the river. I still try on occasion though.
  20. I was disagreeing with you.
  21. My comment was a playful reference to the book Wicked, and at a bit deeper level reference to things not always being what they seem and the confining nature of labels.
  22. I lived with a lucky black cat, his name was already Magic when he arrived. He was demanding and insisted that if I was going to read, that I do so aloud for him. And honestly, Glinda did kind of come across as a bit too saccharinely sweet... wickedly so, imo. Hehe You forgot the 'in my opinion' part Karl.
  23. Perhaps it's just a matter of where we choose to look and focus our attention.
  24. You've got to...accentuate the negative

    Would just like to add, go ahead, let it out, but don't forget to flush it away.