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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. You've got to...accentuate the negative

    So last night I had a dream about people living in a place full of poop and vomit (which is how I sometimes categorize too many words, word vomit - heck too many words can also be diarrhea of the mouth to me). They thought it was good and normal, and the longer I stayed the more I wretched out. It was not what I would call pleasant experience, but it was still experience - which I prefer not to confuse with who I am. (just a happy song)
  2. Colors blind the eye / Sounds deafen the ear

    I do think you were onto something, and finding the mystery within the manifest can be pretty exciting. No need to choose one over the other as, in my understanding, it is both.
  3. The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

    And the sage is still - even in movement. And in the movement, stillness. And silent - even in speech. And in speech, silence. Not interplay, not one or other - inseperably interwoven. IMO, of course.
  4. simplify

    pure energy
  5. books of rainbow body Dzogchen masters

    Can you tell me which terms are being misused, and by whose definition? And does it actually matter to you if people see lights as opposed to a rotting corpse? Why?
  6. simplify

  7. Merry meet

    Hi firefly. Your 'merry meet' caught my eye, and brought a smile to my face. It also brought fond memories of an amazing woman with long auburn hair and hazel eyes that appeared to change color in the sunlight. She had wolves as pets. She was one powerful woman, but I digress. Nice to 'see' you. Welcome, and enjoy. There are many 'treasures' to be found in this place.
  8. simplify

  9. The twilight language of the charyagiti

    Thanks. There are a lot of words here I don't know.
  10. The twilight language of the charyagiti

    So in this context could this be referring to something similar to the state of someone in a dark retreat?
  11. The twilight language of the charyagiti

    To me this speaks of the senses, and the concept(s) of self we create through them - no matter what we touch, smell, see etc, that is not us. Kill any such thought that arises.. Remain in the clear understanding shared above, or as was later said, 'sit at the edge of consciousness'. When one first awakes this 'state' is natural, as the day goes on the five people are given 'life', and the state is one of darkness (in regard to true nature). Or more plainly the more interaction with the world, the easier it is to fall into it. That's it for me on this one guys. I had other thoughts, but they would require too much thought on my part.
  12. The twilight language of the charyagiti

    Yes, but I don't have time at the moment.
  13. Is tao moral?

  14. Is tao moral?

    I like this.
  15. simplify

  16. Jonesboy, please consider just providing links, and allowing people to decide for themselves if they want all the words.
  17. simplify

  18. The twilight language of the charyagiti

    Nungali, I'm curious about your idea of using the mind - in the right way, as you said. What is this right way to you?
  19. The twilight language of the charyagiti

    I'm enjoying this thread, and readily acknowledge that everyone posting here has more knowledge than myself. For the sake of my own clarity I'd like to present some of my own thoughts. The first thought is that the Guru is the author of these words, and all that is needed to pierce through Nirvana has been presented. So we start with the mountains, the lofty realm of the goddess. Sabara is a bit mad with thoughts of attainment - desire. The Guru seems to say quiet your reaching mind. It is your naturalness that is your bride. Embrace your naturalness. (Thank you Michael, for your research.) "The tree blossomed into flowers" seems to indicate 'ripeness'. Perhaps the branches reaching the sky are indicative of openness. Here is where I'm differing (and perhaps not as much as it may seem to me), the goddess (as underlying unity - another nod to Michael) is wandering the forest in his mind (as was the mountain) alone. She is there, but has yet to be found, embraced, recognized - what have you.
  20. "The path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom..."
  21. simplify

  22. reification and negation

    To me there is little difference between reification and negation of experience. I'm curious about other's thoughts.
  23. reification and negation

    :meow: Once I had a cat who was actually friendly with a gerbil. He never hurt him, but when the gerbil was in the little plastic ball that he loved running around in sometimes the cat would bat the ball with his paw.
  24. reification and negation

    Karl, I did not call YOU foolish (that would be reification of you in my mind that would negate me seeing something other than foolishness in words you share). I did call SOME of your POSTS foolish. There is a distinction. That is not beating around the bush. It was an attempt at politeness and civility. How much blunt would you like? Are you feeling masochistic today?